
My New Lover Is A President

"You are alive!?!" She asked with a shocked expression. Chasina was forced to come to this blind date with her family. But she didn't expect to meet her ex, who was a known terrorist. She was the one who killed him for betraying her and her country. She didn't feel any remorse for doing that. She is a civil servant and loyal to her country. She will do anything to protect her motherland and her citizens. But she didn't expect to see him here on the blind date. She decided to annoy him and make him leave. Now things are different. She turned her heels and left without looking back. But will he let her leave just like that? Nope. He lost her once but he won't let it happen twice. He explained himself to her but that only made her feel betrayed for the second time. But a few months later, he made her fall for him for the second time. He melted her icy heart again. **** On their wedding day…. Chasina Rosella stood in the aisle as she started at his disappearing back. He left her without marrying because of his so-called duties with a bunch of people.  She wiped away the tears that threatened to fall. She is not weak, she will not let them fall. Instead, she smiled. Her smile blinded the people who are present at the wedding.  She smiled and turned her wedding into a party.  The bride turned herself into a host.  She stepped onto the stage and took the microphone from the emcee.  "Since the wedding is canceled, I would like to announce that we will turn this wedding into a party. Let's enjoy, " she said with a smile. Everyone dumbfounded at her announcement. If it was another woman, she would cry until her lungs gave way. She was the only woman, capable of smiling until her jaw hurt.  Some pitied her. Others admired her.  But she didn't care.  Because her heart turned numb from his betrayal for the third time.  She will never believe in love ever again! ____ Some years later… Chasina Rosella has become the most respected woman in the country. Wherever Chasina goes, everyone bows to her.  She is a woman, who is considered a  role model for every woman in the country.  She is respected by every citizen of the country.  But is loved by the first citizen of the country.  Can she accept his love? _________ For advance chapters please join the discord. You can read chapters for free. _________________________________________ The cover photo doesn't belong to me. All the credits and appreciation goes to the original artist. The editing and changes to the cover photo are done by me. If anybody doesn't want me to use the cover, please let me know. I will remove it.  __________ Other works: 1. EMPRESS OF BUSINESS WORLD 2. MY NEW LOVER IS A PRESIDENT. 3. CEO DADDY, LET'S GET MOMMY 4. TEMPTING MY RENTED BOYFRIEND 5. THE WEREWOLF SEEKING THE SUN 6. HER TRUE SOULMATE. 7. VAMPIRE KING'S WEREWOLF BRIDE [Coming on this platform soon!] _______ join Discord: https://discord.gg/SYeZEmq Facebook: Ms_Anonymous Twitter: Ms_Anonymous012 Instagram: priyabolagani Happy reading o(〃^▽^〃)o

Ms_Anonymous · Urban
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270 Chs

Stabilize the country.

Everything in the country is in chaos.

Hospitals near the meeting stadium are filled with injured people, dead bodies, and their guardians.

Media, police, doctors, nurses, patients, and the guardian of the patients are running here and there.

Among all this chaos the question which is fiddling in the citizen's mind is " How is our President?"

The president is hospitalized after the bomb blast, creating chaos and agony in the people. The situation inside the country started changing like a bloody storm. A storm that changed the lives of hundreds, millions... no billions of people. The economy collapsed, hidden tigers showed their fangs. The death toll of the blast rapidly spread waves of agony and helplessness throughout the country.

Children became orphans and homeless.

A huge crisis of hunger aroused in the country.

Basic needs like food, clothing, water, and, and electricity are cut. People began to get panicked. Black market kings aroused from the darkness and showed their colors by emptying the citizen's pockets.

Riots started occurring.

Fights, group fights, and gang wars ignited taking the lives of innocents.

Taking this as the chance the opposition party which is against the government started using the present situation to their advantage and demanding for power exchange. They started pressuring the government for re-elections.

Citizens started getting confused as they got panicked.

A wave of true crises hit the country brutally.

The Alvonia country is one of the top five countries in the organization called Leona, is now in crisis.

The organization Leona, is an organization created by the alliance of all the countries in the world. But this organization is ruled by five top countries. In them, Alvonia holds the first place.

Alvonia Country started to fall down. Alvonia is replaced by another country in terms of power, economy, food, and in all aspects. All these changes pushed Alvonia into a puddle of darkness.



In the presidential hospital of the country Alvonia.

The doctors are trying to wake the person who is lying dead, through the process of AED (Automated external defibrillator).

But the person is not waking up how hard they tried.

After a few more attempts they stopped.

"Stop" the doctor he is holding the equipment in his two hands said. He wore a green mask and gloves along with a green gown on his dress.

"Doctor....." his assistant said who is wearing the same clothes as his doctor.

"I said stop" the main doctor hissed

" yes, doctor" he nodded his head reluctantly and turned off the equipment unwillingly.

The doctor heaved a heavy sigh. He removed his face mask and gives as he walked out. He shook his head at the people who are waiting outside to know the president's condition.

Their eyes are filled with hope when they saw the doctor coming out as he removed his mask and gloves. But when he nodded his head in denial they are all shocked. And at the same time, they are scared.

Now, their President is dead what are they going to say to the public.

The people of Alvonia country are very patriotic. It's hard to pacify them.

After the present President Charles Severance took over the ruling of the country. he did his very best for the country's development. He ruled the Alvonia for twenty years. In these twenty years, he managed to develop the country in every possible way.

He never promised that he will do this thing and that thing for the country like other politicians, he just asked them to invest some trust in him. Even though the citizens didn't believe him at that time they just gave a try by giving power to him but they never expected he will do so much for the country.

He came from a very poor family. He used to sell books on the roadside. He is a self-made man. He became the President of his nation with only one motive that is to not let the youth suffer the same fate that he had faced.

Now he is dead. The higher officials wanted to conceal the fact that the President is dead.

All the higher officials made their way to an empty room.

"We shouldn't let this news out," a person said. He is the prime minister of the country.

"I agree with you, Mr. Prime Minister. If this news goes out our country will be in Chaos. People will start to go against us." President PA voiced out.

He rarely talks. But once he spoke there is no way to refute. He is known as the Country's loyalist.

He came from the freedom fighters family and he is a great patriot of the country.

Rumors said that the President would hold a meeting with him alone before he decides to make a decision for the country well being.

And the rumors also carried another thing that the proposals which are passed are accepted by him only.

These rumors confused many people. About who is the backbone of the country.

No one knew who is working hard for the country's wellbeing.

Well, it doesn't matter who is taking care of. All that matters is whether the country is prosperous or not.

"But what is our next move?" Another official said.

"Stabilize the country. Our Prime Minister will take our president position and will stabilize the situation in my lead" The Former President PA said in an imposing manner.

He broke his arm in the blast but it didn't oppress his imposing attitude.

Everyone wanted to ask the PA to become the president but they knew he will not agree to it.

But whatever he said is good to.


The government released a statement about the President Condition.

"The president condition is still critical"

The whole country, media, and citizens went crazy.

Hi guys.

Your author is cruel right?

She ran away after releasing one chapter.

I was locked in this chapter. I wrote this chapter in four ways. But I felt this one is better but still. I'm not satisfied with this chap.

Please let me know your thoughts by commenting.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!!

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Happy Reading.

Stay Safe.

Much Love


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