
My New life in an other World

Hello everyone; my name is Asad I am new here trying to write about some ideas that come to mind while reading other novels so it would be fun if you help me get inspiration to write stories I usually don't like to write much as their is saying short and easy but since novels need long paragraph I am using apps so if you find something difficult remember this you have google to use.

DaoistI92wPz · Video Games
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New home

Inside the bustling administration office, Chara approached a janitor who was diligently cleaning the main hall. The janitor, initially brusque, softened after Chara's polite inquiries and begrudgingly provided directions to the registrar's office. Navigating through the maze of corridors, they eventually arrived at the registrar's door. Chara rapped on it, and they were promptly ushered in.

Once inside, Chara conveyed their plight to the registrar, who listened attentively. With a furrowed brow, the registrar explained the bureaucratic process. While they couldn't attain immediate citizenship, they could be registered as freemen, affording them certain rights and privileges within the city. However, as freemen, they wouldn't be beholden to any lord's authority, granting them a measure of autonomy but also placing them in a precarious position legally.

After completing the registration process at the registrar's office, Chara wasted no time in seeking suitable housing for us. Following the registrar's instructions, we made our way to the property sector, where a realtor would assist us in finding a residence. A peon was summoned to guide us to the realtor's office, and with a generous tip from Chara, we embarked on the next leg of our journey.

Upon entering the bustling realtor's office, it was evident that this sector of the city was abuzz with activity. People streamed in and out, eager to secure lands and residences of their own. Despite the chaos, Chara approached one of the realtors, explaining our need for a suitable dwelling. With a practiced efficiency, the realtor began to assess our requirements, ready to assist us in our quest for a new home in this bustling city.

After our arrival at the realtor's office, he assigned one of his apprentices to guide us through the houses available in the lower-class citizen sector. We toured numerous properties, each with its own set of pros and cons. However, after much deliberation, we stumbled upon an ideal house—a two-story building with ample space for gardening, animal keeping, and even a stable for a horse. Intrigued by its potential, we inquired about its price.

The realtor hesitated before disclosing the price, explaining that most freemen found the house too expensive. However, Eric, displaying a rare confidence, boldly asked about the rate. With a nervous gulp, the realtor quoted 30 gold coins. After a brief exchange of glances, Eric and I agreed to the price, but not before seeking Chara's opinion.

Chara, seasoned in such matters, stepped in to negotiate. With his expertise, he skillfully bargained the price down to 25 gold coins. Satisfied with the deal, we proceeded with the purchase. Chara and his guard friend were kind enough to serve as witnesses, ensuring that the transaction was official and documented. Finally, we had a place to call home in this unfamiliar world, a sanctuary amidst the uncertainties that lay ahead.

i am right now busy in projects so i dont have time for main thing but i really want to make mc world building i know it sounds boring even took breaking writing this disgustingly long part and also

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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