
My New Life As A Zoldyck In HxH

*Reborn in HxH as Maha's sister with basically immortality.** In my first life, I was a CEO. I had experience with negotiations, remaining calm in frightening situations, and being completely emotionally detached. Yes, I know. Typical cliche backstory. But for me, that was my life. I had the average childhood - books, movies, anime, school, and studying. I spent middle school waisting my life away, reading manga, watching anime, reading romance, watching sitcoms... and then I realized how my life wouldn't get anywhere like this. I had always despised couch potatoes, and I was slowly turning into one. So I finished reading and watching my current favorite manga and anime, Hunter X Hunter, and started studying. It turned out, I was a prodigy. I had astonishingly accurate memory - I could remember things just by looking and hearing them once. I expanded my knowledge by a LOT, and after graduating, I started my company. Alas, after my company reached #1 in the world, my family died in a car crash, and my closest friends betrayed me... (yes, I know. My life story is so common that if this were a book, no one would feel an ounce of pity.) I grew detached from the world. There was no entertainment, just work, boredom, sleep, work, sleep, boredom, work.... An endless cycle. Hearing an assassin would come, I wrote a will giving away everything to my business partner. After writing the will, I willingly drank the most lethal poison (since the assassin apparently knew I had become immune to most poisons after taking a class from the weapons master) and died peacefully, hoping my next life would be a little more exciting... and that I would have more people to rely on. I opened my eyes, unsure if I would be met with Heaven or Hell's gates, and found myself... facing a white wall, with noise and energy surrounding me. I looked around cautiously before realizing I could barely move my head. The last thing I heard was the word "Zoldyck..." before I passed out.

Maple_Tree_9863 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

My Newfound Talent


I blinked, looking around.

Now what? I ask myself. I was in the middle of a large forest.

I had searched for a place with no humans but still lots of noise.

I found this place, and I could hear all the sounds animals we're making for as far as I could see (and I had amazing vision in this body).

I couldn't even tell if I was hearing clearer or father since all the noise was made by animals.

I crossed my legs together with a sigh.

I'll just try listening to the animal noises. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to speak animal...

A jolt ran through me as I realized I might actually be able to speak animal. I had never thought this would be possible, but then again, I hadn't tried to utilize it.

I focused intently on the squirrel in front of me. I listened to the vibrations it was making, the exact pauses and pitch of the squeaks. I memorized it, and repeated it.

The squirrel turned my way curiously, then turned back and continued on its way.

Of course.

Why was I so stupid? I couldn't exactly understand what animals say- I could just repeat it.

If only I had a book to translate it, like how I learned all the other languages.... Come to think of it, can't nen do anything?

Maybe it can make me able to understand what animals are saying - I'll know the meaning of their chirps, squeaks, etc. - and then I'll be able to learn all the animals' languages!

That made sense - I could see myself doing that.

The only problem was... I had no idea how to utilize my nen to do that.

I could do the same thing Kurapika did, but I don't have the same emotion and will to be able to make the ability strong. Plus, I wasn't sure how he made the conditions.

Honestly, I had no idea where to start. I might be good at creating out-of-the-box ideas, if these could even be called that and not just plain stupidity, but I wasn't an expert at nen - I only knew what the books and websites taught me.

So, I'll have to ask the Zoldycks... oh well...

I'm not looking forward to it. I'll have to ask as innocently as possible, like,

"Mom? What's nen? Can I use it to understand animals?"

And no one will take me seriously....

Actually, maybe Hanako would. I could show her my true potential, and maybe she could teach me... she seems smart; she should at least know enough about nen to teach me, right?

Or I could ask the entire family if I become a Floor Master.

And so, I had one more thing to add to my list of what to do when I get home.

For now, I'll just focus on making my every move so quiet I can't even hear myself.

Since I have super-hearing, I should be really quiet by the time that happens. Then I could be more discreet in the Zoldyck mansion....

I smiled at the thought of finding books with important knowledge in a hidden library in the mansion.

I still haven't explored every nook and cranny... I'll have to do that when I get home, too.

For now, I'll speed up my fights and become a floor master since I don't think I can learn much more on my own.

Author's Note:

I just wanted to remind everyone that I haven't read the manga. Please don't come at me for future or past chapters if I wrote something that isn't factually correct. I will try my best to stick to the facts and actual knowledge of nen and history, but I may sometimes make something up (like characters' history and backstories), or add something to nen in general. Please understand that this is a universe I've created so not everything will be the same as in the original, canon Hunter X Hunter world. Thank you for understanding!