
My new girlfriend is most beautiful vampire

Ray Whitehart who was dumped by his girlfriend recently, went to his favourite place to clear his mind but next day he woke up in his room where he felt changes in his body but then he heard the voice in his mind who told him the reason of these changes in his body " Ray you are not human anymore, now you are a vampire" which made him question the sanity of the voice but then the voice asked him to meet it in the cafe in front of his college. When Ray got there , he saw the person he didn't want to see , his ex girlfriend ,Anna He tried to walk away but she had different plan as asked him loudly from far when she saw him while walking toward him with her friends " Ray what are doing here ? Are you still following me in hope that I will patch up with you? " " No , I came here to meet someone else" Ray said to Clarify as he tried to ignore her But - " How can a poor loser like afford to meet someone here in the most expensive cafe in the city?" Anna asked in sarcasm to humiliate him and as if this was not enough , she even called the cafe manager to get him out of cafe who believed her as he saw the cheap clothes of Ray but then- " He came here to meet me " they heard someone say this. Ray who heard the voice , knew that this was the person who called him here. " And Who are you?" Anna asked in frustration while they were turning toward the voice . But she didn't expect to get the answer " I am his new girlfriend" They saw a beautiful girl coming toward them who grabbed the hand of stunned Ray .

Harsh_Harsh_8100 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


But he hadn't expected that his day which was already bad enough , would become even more miserable enough that his life would be in danger

Ray hadn't expected that even though he made his full effort in a relationship with Anna , not only was he betrayed but also accused for taking advantage of Anna

And as if that was not enough Anna even made request to Steve to teach him a lesson and beat him enough to make him spend a long time on hospital bed

So when Ray got out of his apartment to go on his job , he felt something strange as he was walking through the street which was shortcut to reach his part time job place

" Why is it so quie- " Ray couldn't complete his sentence as he felt immense pain in the back of his head and his vision went dark as he went unconscious.


Ray who was thinking that he was just imagining things when he felt the pain in his head , after seeing that the unconscious young person in the middle of the pack of wild wolves was none other than him , connected the dots and knew that someone had attacked him and took to this place

" So it was not imagination and I was kidnapped . But why would someone do this to me?" Ray thought to himself as he never tried to antiguish anyone whether intentionally or unintentionally . He even went as far as to suppress his real personality and anger as he knew that he couldn't do anything with his pitiful background

While Ray was thinking this , he saw how carefully and gently , Bella reached the unconscious body of injured Ray

Bella placed the head of injured Ray as she checked his condition

But the result was not in her favour as the condition of Ray was very bad due to heavy blood loss and serious injury in the head

Even his breathing and heartbeat was very faint which extremely worried her as she could tell that if Ray was not treated immediately , he could even loss his life

She didn't even have time to take him to hospital

So there was only one method to save the life of Ray that came to her mind

" Sorry Ray , I am doing this to you without your permission , but please forgive me as I didn't have any other option to save you"

Bella said this to the unconscious Ray with immense guilt in her eyes and then bite on the neck of Ray as she injected all of her venom to Ray which made her appear sickly pale as if she lost all of her blood

And from her heavy breathing, anyone can tell that her condition was not good

Then Bella muttered some strange and incomprehensible word in low voice . And with her every word , a big magical circle with many bright red small stange words moving in it started forming on the forest floor below them which started shining after Bella stopped muttering the words as the circle was completed

The magical circle which was shining very brightly , started hovering around them and started shrinking until it was of the size of a small tennis ball and went inside the body of Ray

After which it started doing its magic on the unconscious and injured body of Ray .....