
my new era

So what are you going to do about it? sit wait for help as a good girl? you're weak, you're nothing without me and you're going to do whatever I tell you... All these statements rang in her head, she inhaled deeply and pulled the trigger against the door, she stretched her other hand and released the trigger on the armed me who were coming from the door, not caring about her life, all she was thinking about at the moment was a sweet revenge. if I can't do it my way, I'll still do it my way, this is my reign! my new era! she shouted as she wasted the last man standing. with blood dropping flowing down her arm she dropped down almost unconscious as she waited for death to envelope her in her red dress as victory was no longer of any use to her. what would a princess be doing here, lying cold and still like death bride? she heard the familiar voice and thought she was hallucinating before death. let me take you home good girl, Mr fine eyes need you alive. Almira the FL of the story gets involved in a life she thought she wasn't supposed to be, only to become immune to the system and taste for power with many mysteries that would be unfolded, death, love, betrayal, longing, sorrow, heart throbbing eye openers. as she's set to get her revenge she gives in again to love which she had banned out her heart. "everyone gets hurt at the end" she always say....but love and friendship is a beautiful thing readers

chinonso_ossai · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Coming Out Of The Shell

Are you sure about this Almira? Evita asked from the phone.

I'll be fine, besides I can't be at home all alone, Grace and Jeana will be there to watch me too.

Alright, be careful please and don't forget your drugs.

Alright mum, she said and hung the call.

Ok...ummm Almira I'm not too feeling good about this... You know we can go somewhere else and maybe attend the show another time you came out of the hospital just yesterday.

Can you come and join me at home alone? Almira asked her.

Well....you can come to my home.

Stop it please, Grace said laughing with a apple on her hand, it's not like if she goes there she will be crushed, we reserved vip seats remember, we are not going to stand with all that crowd.

Ta-da! Almira said, now can we go? She said pointing at the door.

Alright... Jeana said.

Jeana, you should not stop her from moving out, she's just trying to move on, Grace whispered to Jeana.

What is the gossip about, Almira said with a smile, she had let her dark hair fall to her shoulders to suit the off shoulder top she was wearing.

We were gossiping about you big girl, Jeana said

You have such a big mouth, Grace spat.

As long as it doesn't put me in trouble.

They all laughed and got into Grace's car.

Grace was from a top class family but she believed in getting things done herself, she had her own money and was self employed, the rehabilitation center was where she had decided to go after getting addicted to drugs due to family pressure, they wanted her to be the perfect picture and she was a direct heir to her father's wealth. After meeting with Jeana and Almira in the rehabilitation center they had decided to live a whole different life, becoming the sisters they never had, she turned out to be the eldest of them but age was just a number as they were the only ones to match her energy.

Jeana how's your daughter? Almira asked from the back seat.

Cleo is fine, she said with a smile, she's getting smarter and wiser everyday, she rather stays with her step grandma than follow me around.

Because you scold her too much, Grace chimed in.

Come on a two year old child almost made me lost my mental state why shouldn't I be strict?

She's just a kid, Jeana if you continue scolding her all the time she might not want to connect with you as a daughter, Almira said.

I'm doing it for the best, I've not even heard from her father since the last time we talked. Her mood went another way.

Ok ok that's enough, I told you girls that men are a bunch of scum, my dad is a big example and I warned you all.

But my dad wasn't, Almira said laughing.

Whatever, Grace said, but that's another reason I would love to stay super single till I feel I'm bored and rich then I adopt a cute kid.... I could adopt Cleo, she said looking at Jeana.

I would have done justice to your mouth right here but I think I love my life, Jeana spoke up, a loud laughter followed.

Come on you know I love babies, I could tuck them I'm my arms forever...

But you're scared of men, Jeana chimmed in.

Boom! Almira shouted adding fuel to the already lighted fire.

Ok it's about me now right? I did rather stay in my bed than look at the opposite gender....

You can get married to your bed and have baby pillows then, Jeana spoke and did a disturbing sipping sound from the straw indude the cup of drink she was holding.

Jeana I'll kill you! Grace shouted, Almira had burst into laughter making her loose her normal posture.

I only said the truth, Jeana said laughing.

I'll have to change the time and re take my friends again....

The ones you punched in the eye during rehab, Almira said not allowing her finish.

They all burst into laughter, they kept trolling each other till they got to the big national stadium.

Woo-uh! Here we come Edmund Celso! Jeana shouted as they got off the car, they passed the gate with their tickets and were directed to the vip direction.

Wow! So many people....I feel like an executive personnel, Almira exclaimed.

Welcome to the world girl, Jeana said as they took their seat, the artist were yet to come out but the stadium was half filled already.

I hope you catch fun here, Grace shouted as the place was noisy.

Almira smiled as she knew it was directed to her. In not less than few seconds the whole stadium was filled with people, the live bands were already excersing their arms. In no time one of the host of the show came out, he spoke to the crowd and started hitting up their heart for the upcoming performance, the crowd reacted by cheering, while she sat and watch.

Let's make welcome.... Lady.....Chloe! He shouted announcing her presence, the crowd cheered but she wasn't the person they wanted to see, like an angel she came desending down the stage with a microphone and magical voice, as she sang the crowd sang along and Almira smiled responding my moving her body. In no time Edmund Celso came out from no where and joined her, his sudden appearance awakened the crowd and everybody including her could help but stand and recognize the figure that was performing.

I tell you this is one of the best moments of my life! Jeana shouted, Grace was blushing hard and singing along, her cheeks turned red and Almira couldn't help but laugh.

While they were enjoying the moment, Almira turned to the side, few meters away from there stood a betrayal, her smile made hers vanish, like she had seen enough and wanted to focus on the show, she saw Fredrick behind her holding from behind kissing her neck while she blushed like a moron. A sudden knot tied up in Almira's tummy, she felt like she would vommit and she bit on her lip in anger.

Girl are you ok, Jeana asked noticing her sudden change of mood drawing the attention of Grace.

Yea I am, she lied, I'm just feeling emotional.

It's not even a romance song! Grace shouted.

I think it's my hormones...or I'm having emotional disorder, she said forcing a smile.

You're weird and a wonder, don't tell me you are crushing on Edmund cos even I am a die hard fan, Grace confessed.

They all laughed but Almira could only force a grin. Did any of you bring a soda? She asked.

No but I have a malted drink in my bag, Jeana said and handed it to Almira.

She gulped all of it in one turn and breath down.

You're sure you're good?

Very ok, Almira responded smiling.

For the rest of the show, she tried to avoid looking at the both of them, she lost vibe of the music and the show till the end, her friends carried on while she stood with the numb feeling again till the end.

It was really fun, I feel like I'm going to burst from joy, Grace said as they drove home.

Yea I almost forgot myself actually, Jeana said and laughed. Almira, she called noticing that she wasn't joining in the conversation.

Umm... I'm listening, I'm just here wondering what I will do with myself after today's fun.... I think I need as much happiness as this.

There was silence in the car for a second and Grace broke it.

I've never been in a relationship and I don't know what a heart break is like apart from been ignored by my crush .... I know you will be fine, you will get pass this as long as you forget everything about him.

I wish I could, Almira said.

You changed your phone, so why don't you open your eyes and see there are other people out there that are ready to get you for everything you are....

Don't don't, Jeana she's not going to move into another relationship, she's not like you who's into a new relationship after 5 seconds of heart break.

But thats the quickest way to heal, do you want me to be single for life!