
my new era

So what are you going to do about it? sit wait for help as a good girl? you're weak, you're nothing without me and you're going to do whatever I tell you... All these statements rang in her head, she inhaled deeply and pulled the trigger against the door, she stretched her other hand and released the trigger on the armed me who were coming from the door, not caring about her life, all she was thinking about at the moment was a sweet revenge. if I can't do it my way, I'll still do it my way, this is my reign! my new era! she shouted as she wasted the last man standing. with blood dropping flowing down her arm she dropped down almost unconscious as she waited for death to envelope her in her red dress as victory was no longer of any use to her. what would a princess be doing here, lying cold and still like death bride? she heard the familiar voice and thought she was hallucinating before death. let me take you home good girl, Mr fine eyes need you alive. Almira the FL of the story gets involved in a life she thought she wasn't supposed to be, only to become immune to the system and taste for power with many mysteries that would be unfolded, death, love, betrayal, longing, sorrow, heart throbbing eye openers. as she's set to get her revenge she gives in again to love which she had banned out her heart. "everyone gets hurt at the end" she always say....but love and friendship is a beautiful thing readers

chinonso_ossai · Fantasy
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33 Chs

A Difference

After ending the call she cast her eyes on the girl who was standing downstairs, she could see fury in her eyes and it made her grin.

Make your self comfortable, I don't like people been formal in my house.

Just tell me why the hell I am here, what is it that you want from me?

James, she called turning to the guy by her side.

Make her seat, she commanded.

He went downstairs and yanked Almira by her arm, despite her resistance she was flung by a single arm of his to a chair. He was muscular and huge, one of his palm could cover her whole face and maybe crush her head. Her butt hit the velvet smooth chair causing her no pain, the guy stood face her as they made stern eye contacts.

She started recalling that she had seen his face, she had bumped into him before, could it be that they have been monitoring her for a very long time or maybe it was coincidence. She shrugged her shoulders and adjusted her dress.

Now Incase you don't know this is my home, you're in the middle of an island where no one can find you, you won't know your trace back here if you're going to leave here, so if you dare misbehave, your death would leave no trace. She had walked downstairs while she talked softly, she sat on the chair opposite Almira and lit up a long cigarette ,James came to stand by her side.

This is not your father's house Almira, spoilt brats like you do not understand life outside their exquisite luxurious home, only a break up showed the side your father normally covers, the arrogant spoilt drug addicted girl that always hide under her father's clothing.

What do you know about my father?

She puffed smoke into the air and sighed before continuing speaking.

Your father....it would be bad to say bad things about him to his daughter but your father was a d**k always with the facade of a good man, he was never to be caught unfresh but he was a snake...

Don't you dare! She shouted in rage.

She gave James a look and he went straight for Almira, without holding back, he sent a blow straight to her face, she fell from the chair to the ground with blood rolling from her cheek to her face, she felt the taste of blood in her mouth and a tooth followed. She slowly got up spitting out the blood and fallen tooth, her vision was blurry for a second before she could see clearly, James was back in his standing position like nothing happened and the lady was still puffing her smoke, her dark eye shadow and linear was really defining how mean and heartless she could be. She sat on the ground and cleaned her mouth trying not to express the pain she was feeling.

You will stay quiet while I talk and only speak up when I permit you to. You asked a question about your father, do you still want to know more or...we should go straight to the point?

Tears rolled out of Almira's eyes as she held the swollen part of her face, she was in so much pain and that she could not think of getting angry at that point.

Your father holds me a debt that he is yet to pay, a snitch whom I trusted, he didn't want to pay for his sins so he killed himself and forgot he had a daughter. She puffed smoke into the air again and continued, like father like daughter, you are here to pay for his debt and your debt, since you love your mum so much you're taking her place. Take her to Sylvia and clean this mess, I think I'm done talking to her. She stood up and went upstairs.

James dragged her by the collar as she weaned in pain, he dropped her by the already opened door and closed it.

Hey....it's ok, come let me take care of you, the woman with red hair said supporting her to get up, she was behind the door while they were inside while she waited. As she tried standing up she slumped and shut out of consciousness.


A sudden wave of cold hit her body causing her to jerk back to reality, she realized she was put in a bath of ice block, her teeth were gnashing badly on each other and her fingers had wrinkled like they had gotten too old in time. She looked around and saw she was in an operating room, there were systems that were as large as a school board with people operating them, she found out she was naked and quickly covered herself by folding up.

You're awake, a familiar voice said and dropped a cloth on her, she quickly got out of the ice and wrapped her self in the thick cloth.

Here, take this hot tea, it will help you get rid of the cold.

She shakingly took it from Sylvia and drank it, she sighed and cold air came out of her mouth. Sylvia chuckled as she didn't hesitate to take the cup, mean while she was covered in thick clothes and leather boot. She looked around her, the other people around seemed not to care if she was awake or not, they just had their focus on their systems, passing information and codes to each other the place was more like a lab and also a industrial one, drones were flying around and robots were everywhere, some were monitoring while some were delivering stuffs.

Follow me, Sylvia said and started walking towards an exit, Almira looked below her, it was transparent glass barrier between the upper flour and lower flour, below were other operators but they wore a nose mask, they were looking like doctors but one could not tell who they were as they kept examining liquids with some statue like things in a container covered with fog. As she took a step, she felt a sharp pain on her lower abdomen and she hesitated a bit to take another step as she held the place where the pain had come from.

Come-on, the elevator won't wait for you, Sylvia said urging her to come along.

Almira sighed, she leaped slowly, whatever was causing the pain it was agonizing and it felt like it could tear her tummy open.

After going down the elevator, they approached a corridor with plenty of doors, Almira could no longer walk on her own as the pain was excruciating, Sylvia noticed and placed her arm by her back for support. On getting to a particular door she swiped a card on the door sensor and it opened, it closed by itself after they had entered and the air inside was so warm and refreshing, each of the doors had no numbers or any means of identification they all looked alike.

You will get dressed, know your size and we will go down the elevator again, then I'll explain why you feel pain, Sylvia said letting her stand on her own.

Almira dropped the cloth and saw a long stitch on her abdomen, fear gripped her immediately many things started running in her brain, could it be they had harvested a organ from her while she is still alive, or they used her for experiment?

What is keeping you standing? Sylvia's voice brought her back from her head.

She slowly leaped and looked at the clothes, they were like those of a male but it was a coverall suit, thick and heavy, without complaining she picked up one and covered herself, she went to the shoes section and picked up her size and let out a gentle sigh, with gentle steps she walked back to Sylvia who was waiting.

What did you do to me?