
My Nerdy Assassin (BWWM)

Angel_Ace · Teen
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39 Chs

Chapter 11: Grey

Angel's POV:

After Abby's little stunt with the witches, I decided to tell everyone to not say anything to Annie. Justin, Kacey, and Trey were more upset than anyone. After school, Mike, Colin, and Celia all said we should tell. I repeatedly said no. I really didn't want to cause anymore trouble, even though it wasn't my fault. I just wanted to forget about it. After school, I walked around because I didn't have anything to do. As I walked, I heard moaning. I began to walk towards it. It almost sounded like someone was in pain. I followed the sound to the gym. As I got closer, I saw through a crack on the wall, Abby. She was getting fucked by two dudes, neither of them Justin. Mike was right. She is using him. I wish Justin would get sense to leave her already. She's a slutmonkey.

I shook my head and walked off. I decided to go back to the greenhouse Justin told me about. On the way there, I walked past the library. I decided to check out a few books. I go inside and the librarian is there, lucky for me. I wondered around, looking at books. I choose the ones that peaked my interest. As I turned a corner, I saw Justin playing chess with the both from earlier this morning. I smiled and went over to them. He must've felt my presence cause he looked up at me and smiled. "Hey Angel." He said. "Hi." I said. The other boy looked at me and smiled. "Should I give you two some privacy?" He asked, smirking. I giggled but Justin growled at him. No. I was just saying hi." I said. "Besides, He has a girlfriend." I said. Who happens to be getting dick in both holes.

"Hey Angel, where ya going?" Justin asked. "Oh. I was just gonna go home and 'work' til it's my night shift." I said. He told me to use code words in case we were around people who didn't know of AA. "Oh. I'll meet you after school for 'work' too. Just give me 45 minutes." He said. "Take your time." I said. I turned around to leave. "Whoa. Ten books Angel?" He asked. I looked at him. "Told ya I'm a bookworm. Unfortunately, ten is all I can check out." I said. He nodded. "Sucks huh?" He asked. I nodded and laughed. "You have no idea." I said. I went to the checkout stand and got all the books stamped. When I walked out the library, I seen one of the dudes who railed Abby, walking. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey there pretty lady." He said, coming close. I held up five fingers. "Not interested nigga." I said, frowning. "Well damn." He said. I smirked and walked outside to my new car. Annie has snuck me and Trey some presents while we were at school. She said she forgot to mention it to us. I honestly think she did it to surprise us. I got in the turquoise Lamborghini and drove off. I drove all the way to my new house. Bishop put the address in our GPS already. I followed it to a nice, luxury mansion. Mama and Daddy said we could pick out any room we wanted. I love all the luxuries and it's nice and all, but I still felt unhappy with this. I don't know, maybe I just want Keisha back and my old life back.

I pulled in the driveway and saw Trey's car was there. Surprised he's not gone. I got out and walked inside. "Mama? Daddy?" I called. "Angel?" Called a voice. "I'm here!!" I called out. Mama came down the steps and smiled at me. "What do you think baby?" She asked. I looked around. "It's lovely Mama." I said, smiling. She frowned. "Angel I know you. What's wrong baby?" She asked, coming downstairs. I sighed. "It's nice living here, it's just...I don't even know. I guess I miss Keisha and wish she could be here." I said. She nodded. "Oh, and Justin's girlfriend Abby is cheating on him a lot." I said. Her eyes widened. "I don't understandably that boy won't break up with her ass. We all know she flirts with too many dudes." She said.

"Yeah and don't let me hear you don't that little girl." Dad said, coming down. I chuckled. "Dad I won't. I was raised better than that." I said. "You sure were. Now go on upstairs, put your stuff. Go fix yourself up so we can eat. Then we'll go on out night hunts." Mama said. "Yes ma'am." I said? As I ran up the stairs. I looked around the rooms to find they one I wanted. I smiled and entered the one I loved. "Now this is me." I said to myself. I threw myself on the bed and giggled. I then got up and headed to the bathroom to shower. I got out, dried off, and put on my bra and panties. I took a deep heart and said,"Night Clothes." Then my night hunt clothes appeared in my body. "Huh, it actually works." I said.

I went downstairs to see Trey and Tasha laughing and talking about something I wasn't here for. After we ate, Mama and Dady put Tasha to bed while the four of us went ahead to AA and got out targets. "Ah. Angel, how do you feel going on your first hunt alone?" Justin asked, as he came to sit next to me. "I feel great." I said. Colin came over and sat next to me too. "Are you sure you can do it without powers? You are a human and most of the targets are magical beings. Your going need a strong man to help ya out." He joked. "I know. That's why I got my Daddy." I said, grinning. "I know that's right." Dad said, as he walked over to me to give me my flash cards. "Plus I've doing this for weeks now. I can handle it." I said, as I stood up.

It bothered me a little bit that I still wasn't a magical being. I was more ready to become one. Turns out the machine had also been damaged from the inside. One of its bulbs burned itself when the lights went off and now it's taking even longer to repair it. Anime and Bishop said they were still gonna turn me into a magical being. We just didn't know when. I got irritated after a few days but Bishop told me to be patient. I was but patience had a limit. And I was approaching that point fast. Annie said for me to not fret, but I let it get to me. Abby still didn't like me for being me but whatever. Queens don't step off their thrown for peasants. I went ahead to the car they gave me and drove off. I took out my first target at an IHOP. Then I went to a synagogue and killed a priest.

Turns out he was raping little boys in the bathrooms. And that's where I took him out. It was nice of Annie to give me more than three targets this time. She said when I become a magical being, I can get the same number of targets everyone else has. But she upped me up to five targets this time. I took them out with ease. One was a bit of a challenge but he's dead now. As I put the dead bodies back into the van, one wouldn't stay on top of them all. I shoved it and finally it was on top. I drove the bodies to AA and dropped them off. Bishop congratulates me on how I was able to take down the targets without powers. I thanked him and left. As I got in my car to head home, I seen something zipped past me. What was that?

I looked to my right to see a hidden figure standing in the woods. Now who is that? The figure wasn't looking at me. I looked at them carefully. That's when I saw it. Gray timbs. Grey? The hell's he's doing out here? I parked my car behind a McDonald's and got out. Grey then took off running. He was quick too. Where's he going? I ran after him. I ran into the woods, hoping to get an idea in where he's going. He was quick. I decided to climb a tree to get a better look. He stopped at a waterfall. I chased him there. I hid behind a rock. He seemed to sniff the air and cackle. He then ran behind the Falls. Wait. This is where Abby and those witches took me. I came out from behind the rock and followed him in.

I grabbed a match from my belt and lit it. I looked around but saw nothing. Think Angel. Where did those girls bring you? That's when it hit me. The deep part of the cave. I walked down the corridors of the cave. I wind up entering the place those girls hade before they made off with Abby. I seen something in the distance. What is that? Whatever it was, it was glowing. Bright. I walked closer to it. It seemed to move. That's when I gave chase to it. It floated further and further from the entrance cave. It finally stopped when I reached the place where those girls put me before they transported me closer to the entrance of the cave. The sights before me was beautiful. It was so cool and unique.

It was a beautiful moment before something came up behind me and pushed me into the water. I surfaced only to be pushed back down. I resurfaced and looked up to see him. "Grey." I said. "Hey there princess. Missed me? I missed you." He said, lowly. His long hair swirled around him. His tattoos shown in the light of the cave. "I don't know who you are." I lied. "Yes you do. I remember you. The vanilla scented girl. I remember your scent. Smells so good. I wanted to take you but he got in the way." He said. Justin. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I could ask you the same question." He said. "What do you want from me?!" I yelled. He stared at me. "I want that amulet. It's here somewhere and I know you got it." He said.

He stalked towards me. I backed up. "What amulet?" I asked. "Don't play dumb." He said. "I don't know what your talking about." I said. He continued to move closer to me. "Don't be stupid princess. Your part of AA. I know you know about it." He said. "Okay I know little of it. It's something AA and the Magic Council has been after. So what?" I asked. "'So what?' It's the only most powerful thing in the entire universe and I want it. I know you have it. So give it up princess." He said. "One, my name is Angel, not princess. Two, I don't know where it is. No one does." I said. He glared at me. He ran towards me as I ran away. He grabbed my hair and yanked me back. "Angel don't be playing games." He said.

"I swear I don't know where it is." I cried. "Yes you do!!!" He yelled. He then threw me against the rocks. I grabbed a knife and stabbed him in the neck. He yelled out in pain. I ran off, hiding behind some big rocks. He took the knife out and walked forward. "Come on out princess. The easier you Angel it, the quicker we'll be done here." He said. My heart raced in my chest. I went underwater and moved away from him. He looked around, trying to find a sign of me. He looked behind the rock I was at. I snuck up behind him and stabbed him again and again. He yelled out in pain. He grabbed my hair and threw me over his shoulder. I landed back in the water. He then pushed me under. I struggled against him. He let me up to say something. "Last chance Angel. He said.

I gasped for air. "Fuck you." I said, then I spit in his face. He growled and pushed me back underwater. Well this ai is. I'm going out a bad bitch. Just then, a bright light shined on us. The bright light from before blinded Grey. He stumbled backwards and looked up. I took the opportunity to stand up to see. I saw what looked like an amulet necklace floating up high. "Ah ha. It is here." He said, grinning. He then kept from the water o to the walls of try cave. The amulet moved away and shot him with a strong blast of power. He then became unconscious. I moved closer to him. I kicked him a few times to make sure he was knocked out. The amulet then came close to me. I held out my hands and it floated down to me.

It went into my hands and placed itself there. I then put it on. I looked at Grey's body before dragging it out the cave. I managed to pull him back to the entrance of the cave before I felt dizzy and lightheaded. I dropped to the ground and held my head. What the hell? I felt sick as a dog. I looked behind me and saw that the cave wasn't the cave I was at earlier today. I shook my head and grabbed Grey's body and dragged it back to the McDonald's. I put him in my car and drove back to AA. A worker opened the gate and let me in. I buzzed a button and called for Annie. "Hey Annie. Bishop." I called. "Angel? Is that you?" Bishop answered. "Yes." I said. "Angel where the hell you been?" Mama yelled. "Mama?" I asked. "Girl get up ass home NOW!!!" Dad yelled. I rolled my eyes. "Annie, Bishop. I have a present for you." I said.

"Angel please just go home. You had us all worried sick. We'll get whatever you have tomorrow." Bishop said. "Bishop, Annie. Brace yourselves." I said. "Angel-" My dad got cut off by Annie. "Let her speak Bryant. Angel what is it?" She said. "Can I come ip using the outside elevator?" I asked, smirking. "Sure. Just come on up." She said. I grinned from ear to ear. I grabbed Grey's body and dragged it on the elevator. As I went up, I no longer felt dizzy or lightheaded like I used to when I went above the barrier. The doors opened to reveal the office. Annie, Bishop, Mama, Daddy, Trey, Tasha, Justin, Kacey, and the whole gang was there. "Angel what's this about? Whose that?" Kacey asked, walking up to me.

I threw the body on the ground. "I present to you, Grey." I said. They all stared at me and Grey. "He's...he's here." Bishop said. He began speaking Korean. "Angel, how did-" Celia was cut off by Annie. "Quick. Get him before he wakes up. He's not getting away this time." She said. "Wait how did she-" Abby paused and glared at me. I smirk at her. "Angel, you are a saint." Bishop said. "Yeah Angel. Congratulations." Justin said. They all cheered for me. "That's my babygirl y'all." Dad said. "Wait. How did you catch him?" Abby asked. "I saw him in the night, I fought him, and I captured him." I said. "That's it? You just saw him?" Trey asked. "Well he zoomed by me on the way home and I decided to follow him. I didn't know who it was at first til I seen his gray timbs. You guys said he always wears gray." I said.

"Angel I cannot thank you enough." Bishop said. He hugged me. "Yeah Angel, consider yourself a big dog now." Annie said. I smiled and looked at Justin. He looked sad. "Actually Annie, can you give that position to Justin? I'm still learning new things." I said. Justin looked up at me. "What? No Angel, you found him. It's your position." He said. "Justin, you've been at this longer than I have. You wanted to catch him. Besides, I wanna thank you for saving me that night." I said. He smiled. "How you both are now big dogs?" Bishop said. We looked at him. "Justin she's right. You've worked hard a DJ you proved yourself a true assassin. You've earned this." He said. Justin smiled.

Just then, Grey woke up and attacked the workers. We all turned to him. He then quickly used his super speed and grabbed Tasha. "GREY!!!" I screamed. "Don't make me hurt her!!!" He yelled. "Grey, just give up. Your outnumbered." Annie said. "That May be but I got a little girl and I'm not afraid to hurt her. Let me go Annie. Bishop I've busted your leg before. I'd do it again." He said. "Go ahead. This time I'll finish what I started." Bishop said. Grey glared at him before his eyes landed on me. "Angel give it to me." He said. I knew what he was talking about. "Give your what?" Kacey asked. "She has it." He said. "Has what man?" Trey asked. "The Amulet. She had it." He said. Everyone looked at me. "Angel, do you really have it?" Bishop asked, limping to me. I nodded.

"Yes sir. It's right-" I broke off reaching for my neck. It's gone? "Bishop I swear I had it on me. I put it in before I left the cave." I said. "Cave?" Mama asked. "That cave Abby and those girls took you to?" Celia asked. I shook my head. "No. It's a different cave. I noticed it was different when I came out. I'm sorry. I'm drained because of Grey. I got the caves mixed up." I said. Annie looked at Abby. "Abby, what did you do?" Annie asked. "I kinda kidnapped Angela and tortured her but the witches turned on me and threatened to tell unless I left her to them." She cried. Annie glared at her. "Yeah. It was in the cave. Me and Angel fought and it appeared. She put it on. I saw her." Grey said. "How do you know? You were knocked out by it!!" I yelled. "GIVE IT ME TO ANGEL!!!" He shouted. "Enough. Angel, do you or don't you have it?" Dad asked.

"Daddy, I swear I had it. I put it on. I don't where it went." I said. "Fine. Until, you give it to me, she's gonna be my play toy til you give it to me princess." Grey said. He then jumped through the window with Tasha in his arms. "AFTER HIM!!! Do not let him escape!!!" Annie said. "MY BABY!!" Mama cried. She broke down into tears. "Angel please." Annie said. All eyes were on me now. "Angel, this amulet is very important. The Magic Council would love to know you have it. But you have to give it us." Bishop said, as he limped more towards me. "Bishop I swear to you, I had it on me. It must've fell off at the cave." I said. "Where is this cave?" Annie asked. "She's probably lying just to get attention." Abby said. I glared at her. "I can show you." I said.

"Please. Don't worry Stephanie. We'll get her back. He's not gonna hold her for long." Kacey said. Everyone ran downstairs to the first floor. They all transformed while I took my car. They all followed me behind McDonald's. "It's back at the cave. It's gotta be." I said. I looked at Justin. "Justin can you carry me to the cave? I can show you guys." I said. He nodded and walked over to me. I climbed on his back and he flew up into the air. I looked around and pointed to where to go. Justin landed where I told him to. "Angel." Trey said. I got off Justin and looked around. I searched the ground in a panic motion. "Where is it? Where is it!! WHERE IS IT?!" I cried. "Angel are you sure it wasn't the other cave?" Trey asked. I shook my head.

"No. I looked back and saw the cave was suddenly different. Maybe-" I paused. Think Angel. I quickly got up and ran inside the cave. "Angel wait!!" Justin yelled. He transformed and ran inside after me. He then lit himself on fire. Glad he didn't do this when I was on him. I ran around tryna find the place where I was. I began crying. As I ran, I sobbed. "Angel!" Mama called. "Angel slow down." Kacey called. But I couldn't. I was scared. What's happening to me?