


A week had passed and Jay and I haven’t spoken since the night we had the fallout. Lying in bed, I texted Callie and told her to come over and within a few minutes, she was right by my side. /"Tell me what happened? And why did you wait so long to speak to me?/"

/"I told him that I was going off to college in Paris and he was pissed that I didn’t tell him. I also might have mentioned that our relationship was only based on sex so I don’t know why he was getting upset about me leaving. He then told me I should leave and we haven’t spoken since then. I don’t know why I didn’t tell you, Callie, I just didn’t want you to get mixed up in my problems./" Rolling her eyes, she sat on my bed before she replied.

/"Do you love him?/" Thinking about her question, I realized that I was indeed in love with Jay. /"He made me experience things, he made me feel things that I have never felt when I was with other guys./"