
Are you asking me to chose

New day has come it was the day that mica was going to meet the CEO, she get early In the morning to prepare some breakfast for the CEO before he come, her mom and dad were watching her with surprised face, since she never putted any hard work in making food, every food she made it was either burned or cannot be eaten by human.

After finishing in making the breakfast she prepared the table and putted the food she made and left the CEO part till he come, her dad told her it was good compared to the last time she made but for who was the other dish when she told him it is for the CEO and that he is coming today her dad got furious with anger and told her never to meet him.

Mica (dad) "did not you cut your relation with each other why would you see him"

Mica "dad, I never said that , he was just in business trip to England and he is coming today"

Mica (dad) "that enough, who is he to you"

Mica "he is my…he is"

mica (dad) "he is no one to you , not your boyfriend ,not your husband I tried to keep calm after I knew about the contract you had with him , do you really think you will be happy with such person like him ,people like him are just troublesome you will get hurt every time you are with him those people live in other word beyond us and everything is a toy for them I do not want you to get hurt so stop seeing him, cut any relation you had with him even register from your work ,I will try to find other job for you in other company I know friend of mine.."

Dad kept shouting in angry tone but I was surprised when he mentioned the contract "you know about the contract?"

"yes and I told Alex to stay away from you and he did not show up after that talk , and now you are telling me that he is back, even so you are not allowed to meet with him and if he tried to force you in anything just tell me. I know how to deal with such kind of punks"

"I can't, it too late to cut my relation with him"

Mica (mom) "what do you mean by that mica? "

mica " it was all fake at first my relation with him but things are changed now ,I think I already had fallen for him for real, I cannot now it's too late dad"

while they were talking the door bell ringed, when mica mother opened the door it was the CEO standing there, when mica saw him her face brightened with happiness and with big smile in her face was going to greet the CEO but then her father stopped her warning her not to take any other step, the CEO said that he went to take mica for today with him in date.

her father ranged in anger saying how could he say something like that to him and asked him to leave the right way, the CEO told him that he will let her back at the evening and if he refused he will use his power as the CEO in other word he treated him.

CEO "mica come with me"

Mica (dad) "mica if you take step out of this house do not you ever comes back"

Mica "dad, what's wrong with you why are you acting like that"

Mica (mom) "honey, you cannot do that to your daughter, it's her life to chose who she love, you cannot force her"

Mica (dad) "she is my daughter and I know what good for her, this man will only cause problems in her life"

CEO "mica it is in your hand you chose, are you coming with me or not"

Mica "are you asking me to choose between you and dad?"