

I was obviously quite annoyed by Leo's ridiculous request. In order to make Leo know his place, I abruptly started running, letting Leo feel the wind hit against his face as I ran. Leo was completely surprised by my sudden change in speed and yelped, holding onto me even tighter than before.

"Stop, Hunter! You're going too fast! I'm gonna fall!" Leo exclaimed in fright as he clamped on to me as hard as he could.

"Shut up. We're almost there anyways. Just hold on to me until we arrived." I panted as I said out loud in order for Leo to be able to hear me over the sound of the wind. Not long afterwards, due to my fast speed in running, we finally arrived in front of the gym.

I immediately put Leo down and panted, feeling a little exhausted from the run. However, as Leo was quite light, it actually didn't use up much of my stamina. Therefore, I only needed to catch my breath for a few seconds before going back to normal again.