
Epic War Game

In the end, with David, Dick and Father in the lead, all of us managed to come up with a preliminary plan to deal with the opposing blue team. Of course, since we were unfamiliar with the people in the other team and thus could not tailor better tactics to specifically counter them, what we planned was already enough in my mind.

When we arrived at our designated spot, all of us, who already had our gear ready before entering the van, simply needed to retrieve our weapons located within the trunk of the van before heading off to the wilderness.

Since it was decided that I would be the sniper for the team, I simply took one that had a longer range, thinking that it would be more convenient. However, as I took the sniper rifle out from the trunk, David raised his eyebrows and asked in a suspicious manner, "Although this sniper rifle has a much longer range than the other ones within the trunk, it comes at the price of accuracy. Are you sure you can handle this weapon?"