
Christmas Time Is Here

It was getting a little hard to adjust to the holidays when my body clock would naturally wake me up early in the morning in usual hours. The same thing happened to me on the first Monday of my Christmas break, where I managed to wake up naturally at around 7am. Unlike myself, since Father still needed to get to work, I decided that instead of sleeping in again, I would head down to the kitchen and make him breakfast before he left.

Father was already changing to his work clothes when he saw me getting out of the bed. He immediately headed over to my side and said with a soft tone, "You don't need to wake up so early today, go back to sleep."

Father sat on the edge of the bed before patting me on the head gently. However, I thought that since I was already awake, I might as well help out by making breakfast. Tilting my head towards Father's side, I simply smiled and replied, shaking my head, "I'll help you out instead."