

Sad life

Today i want to tell you how i managed to forgive the people.

it's really hard to write something about myself, but i feel like it might help some people out there so i know it's worth it.

when it comes to people i have alot of things that i have to forgive them.

When i was 11 years old my father left me and my family, my father was killed innocent , at that time i was there with my father,. after that incident my heart was disgusted, i was scared of people, i was hating people because they have done us great disservice. I remember how much it impacted me and my mother. she would cry i have never before see her tears like that. and that made my upbringing, my childhood really tough.

so that strike no: 1 for people, you can say them my enemy

Strike number 1 for those, who messed up my childhood .

Strike number 2 was when my younger brother unexpectedly died due to heart disease, when i was 12 but ever since then when i was 11 i learned how to hate, those enemies was that figure in my life that i hated. Strike number 3 was my grandmother dies due to her son's greif. Ahh...! I'll never foget this pain.

when i was 18 something changed for some reason i wanted to grow as human, for real , i had this period in my life when i wanted to become a better and i realized back that if I'm incapable of leaving things behind, I'll never grow past a certain point, I'll never be capable of believing that i can be someone! after a really bad childhood.. after a bad and tough upbringing. i would never be capable of believing that i can.

i can be good person if o don't go past this point of forgiveness I'll never become better and stronger so since i was 18 I started to working on forgiveness! and it sounds weird but literally worked on it. it was tough as hell, but every time i would think of those people i would try to think of different approach about them. i started seeing those as vulnerable humans and not enemies. and over few years i really managed to forgive them and the reason why i make this script is because i saw some friends that impatience makes them weak. but it really did because that was the reminder of how much i grew! ever since i felt these emotions. but now anyone can mess up over,over and over... And i don't have any hate in me anymore. this moment made me realize that nothing can break me. i want you to hear these words because i know alot of us have those people in our lives, it can be anyone.. A friend who betrayed us, an ex boyfriend, husband, exwife.. if you feel like you cannot ever go past the point of forgiveness.. Ahhh! that is not true.. the way i see forgiveness is not just for those people! the forgiveness was something that i deserved after all these things. i deserve to forgive them, and i Hope that you see forgiveness in someexact way.

its not just for person, it's also for you. you do not deserve hate in you, because someone messed up in your life, because someone sucks, okay? like those people who killed my father, thay really sucks! but because i managed to forgive.. I'm who I'm right now.. i have no hate inside of me. and that's great!.. so really hope that you forgive somebody today, tomorrow or next year. it's long process sometimes as it was for me. but really uts truly worth it. and it makes you AMAZING..thankyoy