
My name is Mephistopheles

A/N: IF YOU CAN BRAVE THROUGH THE FIRST 25 CHAPTERS, MY WRITING STYLE BECOMES BETTER. ALTHOUGH THE FIRST STYLE WASN'T BAD, IT WAS STILL AT A BABYISH LEVEL. In a special void floats a soul adrift. Then suddenly he had his attention called by footsteps heading towards him, it was an old man in a bowler hat, a black suit and on one hand had a glowing sphere while the other hand he held a black umbrella. Finally, 'He' was here. A/N: This particular one was banned from being voted but now it's fixed. So there's two of this, they're the same thing, but because this one was banned from being voted for a while, i reposted it again. But now everything's cool.

SOLACE · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs


Powers & Abilities of Rai's partners[current]:


DIVINITY: Divine goddess of death. — Seira isn't connected to some lesser aspect of death but true endless death itself, she mostly bears the terrifying aspect of it. So she's insanely OP as you can imagine.​​​​​




1-Death touch: [It has no defined boundaries, all Seira has to do is touch Someone/Something to send them into eternal death. This touch isn't just for living beings alone, it has a much deeper level whereby she could wipe out an entire legacy of a specified target. Which means that when they die there shall truly be no remembrance of their or whatever was related to them ever existing. Not even time would ever remember they existed, but Seira isn't aware she can do this yet. The touch will be able to wipe out concepts and ideas in the future after she gets more powerful].

2-Domain of death: [This is almost like the blood field, but much different. This abilities of this domain dictates that all things must and will eventually return to death. This is Basically a much broader version of the death touch, In this domain nothing is allowed to exist or live. This domain has levels, at the highest point she could affect the metaphysical. She currently can only kill off a small part of reality and as long as the being inside the domain isn't more than 3layers above her In power she would be able to take that being into death. Although it's less powerful than the death touch, but it allows for better use in combat as it also increases her powers].

3-Materialization: [This skill allows her to instantly materialize almost anything she wants, if she wanted to materialize a planet, sun, galaxy or universe she could if she wanted. She could also make divine weapons with abilities if she wanted but this is on a much deeper level of the skill, this skill relies on the mental power of the user to materialize what they want. This skill will also allow her to mess with reality as she wills it, but it's only on the level of what her mental power can cover. She is currently only able to bend and mess around with base level reality, and that is only on a multi-universal scale].

4- Magic: [Although she has can cast spells, that is not her proficiency. She just knows a bit of magic and has a good amount of affinity for it like almost every other god out there].

5- Mind Link:

6: Mind control.

7: Divine Telekinesis: [her telekinesis currently is strong enough to destroy or even toss an entire universe].

8: Infinite Growth and evolution [future boundless transcendant]

9: Power of Contract.

10-Shinigami eyes: [This power allows Seira to know and see the lifespan of a particular being, while also allowing her to know when and how they die, even if it was before their their lifespan was exhausted. For true immortals all she will see is the sign of infinite, but she could see when they die though. This isn't all it can do as it also allows her to kill of almost anyone she wants just by thinking it. This power isn't omnipotent though and will only work as long as the being isn't much more powerful than her, and of course she can also upgrade the level of the eyes too.

11-Authority on death: [As a goddess of death she has a limited authority on where a being can go to when they die, or In some cases who is allowed to die. She is able to grant immortality, and as long as the being granted this immortality doesn't fall victim to erasure or soul destruction, they would always be able to come back from death].


1-Physical strength: [Currently in Seira's sealed state, her full strength is enough to blow away an entire solar system, but in her released form she can wipe out an entire galaxy. This is only just her current strength].

2-Speed: [Her current speed is high enough that she could cross more than 5 large finite universes in just a millisecond].

3-Vitality: [She's immortal, as long as there remains a piece of her soul no matter how small, she would regenerate again in a Instant. This is only one side of her immortality, another one is that as long as her divinity remains, she would always come back. Even if her soul had been erased].

4- Luck: [As a divine goddess of death, she has a very neutral luck. They mostly have no need for each other at all].

​​​​​​5-Durability: [Seira's current durability lies at a level where she could withstand a mid level Multi-universal with almost no bruises, she's also currently has low level immunity against reality warping and erasure].

6-Size manipulation.

7-Immortality type 7.

8-Acausality type 1

SOUL WEAPON: Death scythe.

Attack potency[current]: High level Multi-universal].


BATTLE CLASS: Close combat and Ranged attacker.


DIVINITY: Divine goddess of Night.


Current Wings: 1 pair only.

​​​​​​Wing color : Flaming Black.

AFFINITIES: Darkness and Flames.


1-Currently base level Reality warping + void control [ High Multi-universal].

2-Devour, absorb & assimilate: [Currently she can casually absorb a double Universal Level attack or explosion, and add the power to her own permanently. She can also devour abilities, adding them to hers, the stronger she grows the more she is able to absorb].



5-Ability to grant wishes: [it's not all wishes she can grant, if what she wants to grant is above her power then she won't be able to do it].

6-Infinite growth.

7-Astral projection.

8-True body Manifestation: [In her true form, her body becomes a complete void. Her power is this form is truly revealed as becomes base level multiversal. In this form she is able to absorb power enough to destroy a small base level finite multiverse. At least for now].

9: Mind control.

10-Power bestowal.

11-Infinite growth.

12: Authority of Night: [She has a limited Authority over that and all which are related to the night/darkness as they are hers to command].


1-Physical strength: [Currently in Yuna's sealed state, her full strength is enough to blow away an entire solar system, but in her released form she can wipe out an entire galaxy. This is only just her current strength. Also although she's this strong it's not exactly her style of combat to trade blows].

2-Speed: [Yuna is a living cheat in speed, because of her nature and affinity, Space practically bows to her as she is able to move anywhere at any point in the universe with near instantaneous movement. If she wanted she could fuse with space itself and become virtually Omnipresent and is able to attack from all directions simultaneously, but she can't move all of space to her will just yet].

3-Vitality: [Due to her nature, as long as her void space has even an atom of it left. She will just instantly reform. Another part is that as long as the night still exists she can't ever die. Normal base level reality warping or existence erasure Is useless against her].

4-Luck: [Completely neutral]

5-Durability: [Physical attacks are almost completely worthless against her in base form. In void form as long as the attack doesn't carry any form of high level spiritual power or imbued divinity, it won't do shit].

6-Size manipulation.

7-Immortality type 7.

8-Acausality type 1



​​​​​​DIVINITY: Goddess of Ice.

RACE: Queen Goddess.

AFFINITIES: Ice and Sealing.


1-Time/Space Freeze: [High Multi-universal. She can freeze the flow of time and space, even reality with her ice].

2-Ice goddess armor-[This particular skill burns her life force and soul power to enhances all her power way beyond it's current stage. It's multiplier is about 6-10X her current strength, and as she is also infinitely getting stronger at a high rate every second like everyone else, she can maintain this state indefinitely as she can't run out of life force. Unless she burns her soul power much faster than it can regenerate and grow then she won't die, but even then if she does, her death is only temporary].

3-Ice Meteor: [We all know this skill has to be in there, it's just too awesome. Just Madara the fuck out of an entire planet].

4-Ice chains of Sealing: [Her Sealing prowess is strong enough that she could even seal a specific ability of someone/something instead of just flat out sealing them as a whole. She could seal and lock someone else's divinity if she wanted, she did the same thing against Urne when she almost lost control except it was more like an ice popsicle. For any being who is not two layers deeper than her in divinity or power, she would be able to seal pretty casually].

5-Ice Barrier/Wall: [The durability of the ice barrier differs according to what she what she wants to stop or contain].

6- Ice Army Summoning: [She has the ability to summon thousands to billions of sentient ice armies who they themselves vary in strength. Some are just super strong while some are lesser gods. As she grows stronger so does her army too].

5-Ice Transitioning: [This is a pretty normal and expected skill that needs no explanation].

6-Frost Fire manipulation: [Fire so cold it burns].


8-Infinite growth and evolution.

8-Ice projectiles.


1-Physical strength: [In terms of strength she is the second weakest as she only has enough strength to destroy a continent in her base form. While unsealed she could destroy a sizeable chunk of the galaxy].

2-Speed: [She is only a bit behind Seira in terms of speed].

3-Vitality: [Immortal].

4-Luck: [She actually has a good relationship with luck and she has it in great amounts].

5-Durability: [Her durability surpasses that of Seira as she is able to take on a attack surpassing the big bang 5times over].

6-Size manipulation.

7-Immortality type 7.

8-Acausality type 1

BATTLE CLASS: Archer or Long range fighter.


DIVINITY: Goddess of Magic


AFFINITIES: Magic, *hidden*


1-Reality warping +void manipulation [Infinite Universal]. *Anyone who read carefully would understand why she is this powerful*.

2-Fate manipulation. [Universal]

3-Existence erasure: [Mid-level Infinite Universal]

4-Probability manipulation: [She can't manipulate infinite probabilities, only just about a million. And In all of that she can only manifest a thousand. She also can't manipulate or manifest high or greater level of possibilities yet]

5-Granting of immortality and godhood: [She cant grant grant them at high levels, only immortality type 4 and normal divinity. The strength of the divinity and immortality granted will change as she surpasses her current level].

6-Spirit projection.

SOUL WEAPON: Blood witch.

Attack potency: Infinite Universal.[high level].


1-Physical strength: [She's not really someone who will ever engage in hand to hand combat since it's not her style, but she is powerful enough to shatter an entire solar system via Sher power alone].

2-Speed: [This isn't really a very calculable thing but her speed is insane enough to move past a whole boundary of reality in seconds].

3-Vitality: [Endless].

4-Luck: [Good-neutral].

5-Durability: [Not directly calculable].

6-Size manipulation

7-Immmortality type 7.

8-Acausality type 1

BATTLE CLASS : Mid-short range Battle Mage + Archer.


DIVINITY: Sovereign of blood.




1-Blood field: [With how powerful Raskreia is now, the blood field is almost become a full on conceptual attack and an infinite terror for any being who is caught inside it. The current blood field is able to actually even suppress an infinite multiverse and every being inside it, while her power is magnified beyond compare. When the blood field is activated it actually separates reality itself and locks it off completely as it assimilates it into a completely separate realm inside the field. The field can even negate divinity or immortality itself, and even remove immunity. It can actually weaker conceptual beings and negate their immortality. As long as the being who is inside the blood field isn't much more powerful than her, the field won't be destroyed. The closer her connection to the blood phoenix, the more her power becomes infinitely more greater].

2-Blood tornado(es): [ This attack at it's current level can bend space time and mess with reality itself just by casually manifesting it. It also has a shredding property as it can shred a being and their soul together, practically erasing them from existence].

3-Infinte Transcendent growth. [This means her Transcendence isn't instant or constant as it actually takes time to complete. There is no set time or duration for when she might transcend, it all depends on her connection. Her Transcendence is not a linear path also, she can either transcend one-infinite layers at once, depending on how much closer she gets to the Phoenix].

4-Infinte growth and evolution.


6-Mind control: [Highest after Rai]

7-Blood Flames.

8-Authority of Blood.

SOUL WEAPON: Ragnarok.

Attack potency: [Enough to casually shatter an infinite multiverse just by one casual swing. And also carries the power of armageddon hidden Inside. Meaning that whatever she destroys has fully come to an end, there shall be no resurrection or reversal of time and as what has been destroyed wasn't erased but has simply just come to an end].


1-Physical strength: [Her physical strength is amongst the highest of all Rai's partners, she is able to casually wipe out a large universe with one wave of her hand. And her current full strength is able to bend reality and time itself if she were to use it].

2-Speed: [Although almost never needing to mover from her spot, she is fast enough to sift in and out of reality and move to whatever location she wants via just sheer speed alone].

3-Vitality: [Endless].

4-Luck: [Neutrally good].

5-Durability: [Can tank an Mid-level Infinite Universal attack with almost damage at all].

6-Immortality type 3 & 7.

7-Acausality type 1. [potential to reach 2 & 4 the fastest of anyone]



DIVINITY : Shatter

RACE: Divine Wolf goddess.

AFFINITY: Shatter & Distortion.


[As a full on close combatant, she really is all about absolute power and skill when fighting so all of her attacks are mostly just skillfully channeled to her body and fists, as she uses them to deal the most damage].


2-Infinite growth and evolution.


1-Physical strength: [High Level Multi-universal. As a purely physical fighter, she has insane strength. Her physical strength is enough for her to actually punch through time itself, shatter reality and even destroy Universally sized dimensions as long as it does not restrict her].

2-Speed: [Not linearly calculable. She is fast enough to even dodge a time skip nature attack if need be. And her flight speed is enough that she could actually break through the fabric of reality from how fast she is].

3-Vitality: [Immortal].

4-Luck: [Good]

5-Durability: [Enough to be completely unaffected by the destruction of a whole base level reality or by the warping of it entirely].

6-Immortality type 3

7-Acausality type 1


DIVINITY: Divine Lightning [green X blue]

RACE: Divine Wolf goddesses.


1-Infinite Lightning spear [both can materialize a near Infinite amount of lightning attacks almost anywhere she wants].

2-Solar System lightning orb [practically a solar system of revolving lightning orbs around them]

3-Divine Lightning goddess armor [This is sort of a true body type manifestation skill that Increases their power and defence up to 6X thier current strength. The multiplier will increase later as she grows stronger].

4-Atmospeheric manipulation.

5-Lightning tsunami.

6-Lightning chains of Sealing.

7-Lightning field/dome: [This attack is a trapping type sorta. It's mostly just for if both don't want to kill their enemy and Instead wants to capture them].

8-Infinte growth and evolution.



1-Physical strength: [Mid-level Multi-universal].

2-Speed: [Almost on the same level of Lunark. But both becomes a lightning bolt when they move. They can switch between forms instantly with no delay if she wishes. None is faster than the other as it's only just a preference of how they wants it].

3-Vitality: [Immortal].

4-Luck: [Good].

5-Durability: [Same Level as Lunark]

6-Immortality type 3.

7-Acausality type 1.


DIVINITY: [still locked].

RACE: Human werewolf hybrid. [This is just from part of her earlier experiments. She doesn't dare to use this form tho for fear of her dying because if Mirai, Urne or Lunark see this they'd lose it. So she's it to].

AFFINITY: Gravity.


1-Gravity bolt.

2-Planetary pull.[No. She's not the jade emperor and her's is far from perfect].

3-Gravity armor.

4-Gravity fist.

5-Collapse [A wide area type attack that's like a massive gravity shockwave spread out in order to just put the natural gravitational balance in Complete disarray. It has no specific purpose other than just chaos. What is up might become down and what is down might become up. The end goal is just complete destruction and disarray].

6-Gravity bullet. [She just makes her hand imitate a gun and just *bang*. This is more for just the sole purpose of playing or having fun].

7-Dark orb. [I already showed what it could do].

8-Miniature Black hole.

8-Infinite growth.


1-Physical strength: [Small country level]

2-Speed: [2X faster than the speed of light].

3-Luck: [*cough cough*....Yeah.....do you see it​​​🧐....Yep. Me neither].

4-Vitality: [2,000 years].

5-Durability: [Barely galaxy level].

6-Immortality type 3.



DIVINITY: [sealed]

RACE: Modified Human.

AFFINITY: Mental energy & Lightning.


1-Lightning manipulation.

2-Fire manipulation. [Hotter than the sun itself a million times over]

3-Wind manipulation.

4-Earth manipulation.

5-Gravity manipulation. [On the same level as Arith].

6-Space manipulation.

7-Atmospheric manipulation.

8-Mental energy manipulation.

9-Time manipulation [still underway].

10-Metal manipulation.

11-Transformation skill. [This comes from her status as a modified human].


1-Physical strength: [Large country Level].

2-Speed: [2•8X faster than the speed of light].

3-Vitality: [800 years].

4-Luck: [Good]

5-Durability: [Barely galaxy Level].


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