
My Mysterious life

After his wife divorced him because he was poor and not at her level... our hero gets hate because of that. Many people thought that he is having an affair with other women behind his wife so that is why he gets divorced but that's not true. After all of that, he is all alone. In the name of assets only have a diamond pendant that is his last gift from his mother. despite all of that he is a mysterious figure who is a medical genius, a martial artist, and has a mysterious background. During his medical career, he meets many interesting women who are more gentle than his ex-wife. After some sometimes his ex-wife knew that all the success of her business was because of mc and she is now alone...

Laxman_sedai · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
130 Chs

Natasha just stolen a kiss from him


When Dustin returned to Peaceful Medical Center, he found a silver Bentley parked right at the entrance.

He walked in to see a lady with a beguiling face. Her shapely figure and enchanting temperament, matched with her bewitching smile, made her nothing less than a top–tier seductress.

"What brings you here, Ms. Harmon?" Dustin was slightly startled. Though they were already familiar with each other, he still found her stunning every time he saw her.

"Why to see you, of course. You're such a busy person, and you rarely ever come to see me. Surely you can't forbid me from coming here to meet you?" Natasha said begrudgingly.

"That's not what I meant. Right, how's it going with Immortunol? Are its effects as expected?" Dustin changed. the topic awkwardly.

"It's much better than expected! I've come here especially to thank you. Immortunol has way better effects than Eternumax. I believe that once Immortunol is launched, the big bucks will start rolling in in no time." Natasha smiled.

"Is that so? That's great!" Dustin smiled too.

"Here. Have a look at the contract." Natasha pulled out a document from her bag and handed it to him.

"What contract?" Dustin looked at her quizzically.

"You came up with the prescription for Immortunol. I can't take advantage of your labor. Let's just take this as a collaboration between us. All future profits from Immortunol will be split evenly." Natasha pushed the contract toward him.

"I don't think there's a need for that, Ms. Harmon. I have no use for Immortunol. I'd be happy just knowing that it's of help to you." Dustin shook his head.

"Are you daft? Are you rejecting money? I'm giving it to you, so just take it. I might lose sleep over it if you don't." Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Well, alright…" Dustin saw no way around it when she put things that way. He could only nod and sign the papers.

"Oh, that's right, I have another present for you," Natasha suddenly exclaimed.

"A present? What is it?" Dustin was curious.

"Close your eyes first." Natasha looked like she was hiding a secret.

"Oh." Dustin closed his eyes without giving it too much thought. The next second, he caught a whiff of a pleasant fragrance. All of a sudden, he felt warm lips on his.

Dustin froze instantly. He was so stunned that he felt like he'd been struck by lightning. Had Natasha just stolen a kiss from him?

He reflexively pulled back, but a pair of arms were hooked around his neck, and he failed to break free. The alluring fragrance at such close proximity caused his mind to go blank.

At the same time, a Mercedes–Benz had just pulled up at the entrance. The car door opened and out came a beautiful woman with an elegant bearing.

It was Dahlia. She had come to apologize to Dustin. She had mulled things over for an entire day and night and came to the conclusion that she should apologize to him. It would be hard to bring herself to say it, but it was absolutely necessary.

So she drew a deep breath, mustered up all the courage she had, and pushed the door open.

"Dus-" She had barely opened her mouth to call out to him when she saw a scene that she likely would not forget. She froze on the spot for a moment.

After some time, Natasha, whose cheeks were flushed, finally let go of Dustin when he ran out of breath.

Though she was a strong and independent woman, this was the first time Natasha had ever done something like this, to steal a kiss from another person.

"That's my first kiss. It's my gift to you." Natasha smiled charmingly, her eyes full of tenderness and affection. She looked immensely seductive with her flushed face.

Dustin ran his fingers over his lips, savoring the fragrance that still lingered. He blushed. How embarrassing to have a kiss stolen in broad daylight!

"Hmph!" A disdainful scoff came from the door. When Dustin looked up, all he saw was a familiar figure walking away indignantly.

After she got in the car, Dahlia stepped on the gas and disappeared down the road in the blink of an eye.

"Was that—Dahlia?" Natasha asked teasingly.

"Looks like it." Dustin nodded blankly.

"Aren't you going after her to explain what she just saw?" Natasha lifted a brow.

"What's there to explain? We're divorced! It's not like I'm cheating on her." Dustin stood his ground.

"You've got a point there." Natasha smiled.

"You're mine now, why would you need to explain to anyone else?" She thought to herself. As they were conversing, another car pulled up at the entrance.

The car door opened, and in came a paunchy man. It was Malcolm Shane. He took in his surroundings as he entered.

"Hey, isn't this Dr. Shane? Why is he here?" Natasha was amazed.

Dr. Malcolm Shane was a big name across the nation, and he was considered one of the best in the field of acupuncture. No matter where he went, he was always highly sought after by the rich and powerful.

"Mr. Rhys! So it's true that you're here!" Malcolm's gaze quickly fixed on Dustin the moment he came in the door. He beamed brightly.

"Dr. Shane, it's such an honor to have you here. May I know what brought you here today?" Dustin was puzzled.

"Mr. Rhys, the treatment you performed with the venomous insect was truly an eye–opener! It's also the reason I'm here today. I'd like to seek your advice and guidance on the matter. I hope you can impart some of your wisdom." Malcolm humbly sought knowledge from Dustin.

Even Natasha was astounded. The great Dr. Shane, a leading figure in the medical field, was here to seek advice and knowledge from Dustin. Were her eyes playing tricks on her?

She knew how proficient Dustin was in his medical skills, but to have Dr. Shane ask for his guidance was still a shocker.

"Dr. Shane, you're flattering me. You're my senior, with many more years of experience under your belt. I'm not fit to offer you any advice, but I'll do my best to help you wherever needed." Dustin waved his hand repeatedly.

For someone of Malcolm's stature to come to him for advice was enough proof of his sincerity.

Any other person in his position would never find it in them to humble themselves enough to seek guidance from someone like Dustin.

"Don't be modest, Mr. Rhys. Your medical skills are one of a kind. I'm ashamed of my inadequacy, especially regarding methods of the mystic arts. I really admire it." Malcolm hesitated.

"If you're interested in that, I have a book here that might be of help."

Dustin went to a drawer and pulled out a yellowed ancient manuscript. "This manuscript records various methods of how the mystic arts can be used for medical purposes. You can study it if you wish."

"Awesome! I'm really grateful, Mr. Rhys!" Malcolm was elated. He took the manuscript and started flipping through it.

The more he read, the more excited he got. The knowledge recorded was so profound and unfathomable that he completely lost himself in it.

"Dr. Shane, Dustin gave you a book, are you not going to return the favor?" Natasha teasingly prompted. Dustin might be generous, but as his future wife, she could not let people take advantage of him.

"Ah, right! I nearly forgot."

Malcolm patted himself all over and finally produced a set of golden needles. "Mr. Rhys, these golden needles are made of mystical gold. They're exceptionally durable and impervious to fire and water. I've had them for 10 years. They're considered rarities, I hope you'll accept them."


"Thank you, Dr. Shane!" Before Dustin could reject them, Natasha had already received them with a smile.

Golden needles made of mystical gold! These are the objects of countless doctors' dreams! They were practically a treasure! She saw no reason to reject them!