
My Mysterious life

After his wife divorced him because he was poor and not at her level... our hero gets hate because of that. Many people thought that he is having an affair with other women behind his wife so that is why he gets divorced but that's not true. After all of that, he is all alone. In the name of assets only have a diamond pendant that is his last gift from his mother. despite all of that he is a mysterious figure who is a medical genius, a martial artist, and has a mysterious background. During his medical career, he meets many interesting women who are more gentle than his ex-wife. After some sometimes his ex-wife knew that all the success of her business was because of mc and she is now alone...

Laxman_sedai · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
130 Chs

Master's Savior


"Sir! You're here?!" Upon seeing Dr. Rowan Cross, Ross was stunned. He rushed to greet the older man with respect. At that moment, he looked very humble.


"Could it be… this person is the great Dr. Cross?!"

After learning the identity of the older man, the Nicholson family members were excited. They surrounded him, trying to gain his favor.

"Oh my! What an honor to meet the great Dr. Cross in person!"

"I've heard a lot about you, Dr. Cross. I'm so lucky to meet you!" Everyone chimed in, praising the doctor.

One should know that this doctor was well–known across the seven seas. Not only was he good at curing others, but he also had a vast network of connections and was incredibly influential. Just a word from him could change one's life.

"Dr. Cross, aren't you resting? Why are you here?" the doctor asked curiously.

"A friend called me saying you were messing around with a patient. Did such a thing happen?" replied Rowanross. He was not happy.

Earlier that day, he had received a call from his biggest savior. He was so happy that he rushed to the hospital as fast as possible.

"A friend?"

Everyone exchanged glances before looking at Matt. In their eyes, only someone noble could be considered a friend of Dr. Cross. In this room, Matt was the only person noble enough.

"Dr. Cross, I've heard a lot about you!" At that moment, Matt suddenly stepped forward and introduced himself. "I'm Matt Laney, from Millsburg. I believe you've met my father."

"Oh…" Rowan replied softly. He scanned the room as if looking for something. He did not even spare Matt a glance.

Shot down by the doctor's cold response, Matt fell silent awkwardly.

"Sir! Have you lost something recently?" Ross asked.

"Lost something?" Rowan raised his eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Earlier, someone here stole your antidote. Luckily I noticed in time and stopped him so that you won't suffer any losses!" the doctor said excitedly. Hexanavir was his mentor's most prized treasure. Now that he had helped return it, he would surely be rewarded.

"Stole my antidote? Who?" Rowan was puzzled.

"It's him!" exclaimed the doctor as he pointed to someone behind Rowan. "He's the one who stole your Hexanavir! He even babbled on about how you gave it to him as a gift. Thankfully I'm smart enough to see through his lies. Otherwise, he would've run off with the antidote!"

"Dr. Cross, Dustin's actions have nothing to do with us. If you want to get him, just get him! It is none of our business."

"That's right! Hurry and get rid of him!"

The Nicholson family was afraid to get in trouble, so they all started pointing fingers at the culprit. However, no one expected the dark cloud that fell across Rowan's face.

"Dustin, what are you still waiting for? Hurry and return the antidote and apologize! If you're lucky, Dr. Cross might forgive you!"

Dahlia started sending him signals. Although she hated his actions at times, she still felt bad for him when he found himself in bad situations.

"Bastard! You're done for! You dare steal my mentor's treasure. No one can save you today!" Ross sneered with a smug look as if he had won.

One should know that although his mentor was kind and forgiving, he was serious when it came to medicine. There was no way he would let Dustin off easily for stealing his antidote!

"Dr. Cross, you've done a great job teaching your apprentice. Since this antidote is so precious, I'll return it to you."Dustin pulled out the bottle of Hexanavir and threw it over to Rowan.

Rowan almost collapsed in shock. However, Ross still had not grasped the situation and continued mocking Dustin.

"Bastard! Now you're scared? Why didn't you do this earlier? Even if you return it now, it's too late! I want you to kneel and apologize. Maybe then I'll let you go!" the doctor with glasses exploded, his head held high.

"Shut up!" At that moment, Rowan's patience had run out, and he slapped Ross across the face with all his might.

Ross fell to the ground with a loud smack. He felt like he had dislocated his head. Blood started to flow from his nose.

"S–sir. Why did you hit me? He's the one you should hit!" Ross asked, stunned as he held his face, not understanding what he did wrong. His master had slapped the wrong person.

"You dare disrespect Mr. Rhys? You're the one who should be slapped!" Rowan bellowed in a fit of rage. He lifted Ross to his feet and slapped him several more times. Ross' face turned a darker purple with every slap. Even his teeth started falling out.

Everyone was confused at this scene.

"What is going on? Shouldn't Dr. Cross be lashing out at Dustin? Why is he hitting his apprentice?" everyone wondered.

"You imbecile! Brainless scum! Who gave you the guts to disrespect Mr. Rhys? I'll beat you till you come to your senses!" Rowan roared as he kept hitting with no mercy.

If Dustin hadn't stepped up to stop Rowan, Ross wouldn't have survived.

After all these years, Rowan had been searching for Dustin so that he could repay him for his kindness. And now that they had finally met in person, it should have been a momentous occasion. However, his failure as an apprentice disrespected and openly mocked his greatest savior. He was clearly looking for a beating!

After letting out his anger, Rowan presented the bottle of Hexanavir to Dustin and said, "Mr. Rhys, I'm terribly sorry. It's my fault for not training him well enough that you had to go through all that. Please forgive me!"

He fell to his knees in front of Dustin.

Seeing Rowan kneeling before the man, everyone was stunned into silence. Their eyes widened with shock as if they had seen a ghost.

"The great Dr. Cross is kneeling and apologizing to a nobody? What in the world is happening?!" everyone wondered. Rowan's actions had left everyone in the room stunned.

"N–no way! Does Dustin know Dr. Cross? How is that possible?!"

"Oh my goodness, Dustin is incredible! He can even make Dr. Cross apologize?"

Everyone in the room exchanged glances of shock as they watched Dustin's calm, unfazed expression and the respectful look on Dr. Cross' face. They had difficulty picturing someone mediocre knowing someone like Dr. Cross.

"Are–are my eyes playing tricks on me?" Florence was in disbelief.

*The great Dr. Rowan Cross, the best doctor in the world, was apologizing to Dustin? How unbelievable!

"Could it be that Dustin's Hexanavir really was a gift from Dr. Cross?" Dahlia was also shocked to her core. To be honest, ever since the divorce, she noticed that Dustin had become more discreet.

"What a nuisance!" Matt muttered to himself, looking gloomy. Dr. Cross" appearance had disrupted his plan.

"S–sir… You really know this guy?" Ross asked in disbelief, cradling his face.

"Know him? Mr. Rhys is my savior. You've got some nerve. How dare you disrespect Mr. Rhys? Hurry up and kneel! Apologize to him!" Rowan roared, slapping Ross twice more.

"I–I'm sorry. I was the one who didn't recognize my master's savior. Please forgive me!" Ross gave in and hurriedly kneeled before Dustin. He was no longer as arrogant as he was before.

"Mr. Rhys, this failure of an apprentice made a grave mistake not recognizing someone incredible like you. Please don't pay any mind to what he says. Of course, if you need to vent your dissatisfaction, you may punish him as you see fit. I'll take responsibility even if you hit him to death!"

Rowan's words shocked the injured doctor as he trembled in fear. From the look on his master's face, he realized he had messed with the wrong person. If Rowan did not go easy on him, he's dead!

"I don't need to punish him. I just hope you will be stricter with apprentices so they don't ruin your reputation, Dr. Cross," Dustin said in a gentle voice.

"Of course, of course," Rowan agreed, nodding. "I will make this one reflect on his behavior. If he doesn't change his ways, I'll kick him out!"

"That's your decision to make," Dustin added.

"Failure! Hurry up and thank Mr. Rhys for being so forgiving!" Rowan roared.

"Thank you, Mr. Rhys, for your kindness!" the doctor kneeled before him.

"That's enough. Get up." Dustin waved him away.

"Mr. Rhys, it's been so long since we last saw each other after we parted ways. Do you have some time to have a meal with me?" Rowan asked.

Upon hearing the invitation, everyone in the room was fired up. What an honor it was to share a meal with Dr. Cross. Even the great elites from Millersburg had to make reservations to meet him.

"Dammit! This Dustin guy really hit the jackpot!"

"I know, right? To get on Dr. Cross' good side, he must have a great life ahead of him." They were jealous and filled with envy. The words that left Dustin's lips in reply to the esteemed doctor shocked everyone even further.

"I don't have the time right now. I'll let you know when I'm free," Dustin replied.

"H–he rejected Dr. Cross? The guy who got kicked out of the Nicholson family rejected an invitation from the great Dr. Cross? Did I hear that correctly?" everyone questioned.

"Oh, okay. I can always make time for Mr. Rhys."

No one expected Rowan's response. Not only was he not angry, but he was even happier than before. Dustin had not explicitly rejected him. That meant Rowan still stood a chance.

"Mr. Rhys, you're busy. I won't waste more of your time. Goodbye," Rowan said tactfully, shaking Dustin's, hand. He dragged his apprentice by his ear and left the room.

After they had left, the ward was in an uproar again. They looked at Dustin in surprise.

"Dustin, how do you know Dr. Cross?" It was Dahlia who spoke up first.

"I helped him once, so he owes me a favor," Dustin said bluntly.

"Just like that?" Dahlia was shocked.

"What else is there?" Dustin replied.

"So that's how it is. I thought." Dahlia trailed off.

Everyone else let out a sigh of relief at his reply. They thought that Dustin had curried Rowan's favor using other mysterious means. It turned out that he was just lucky.

"Humph! So what if you helped him once? You just got lucky! What's so special about that!"

"He only owes you a favor. He already gifted you a bottle of Hexanavir. And now he's saved your reputation. The next time you ask him for help, he won't comply!"

"We should stand on our own two feet. You shouldn't keep seeking out others for help. After all, it won't last forever."

Now that they knew the truth, the crowd started making sarcastic comments. After all, they still couldn't accept that a nobody like Dustin could be better than them.

"Dustin, thank you for what you did earlier," Dahlia mumbled awkwardly.

She never thought that Dustin would know Dr. Cross. He even cured her grandfather's illness. Reflecting on her actions, she couldn't help but feel guilty.

"You don't have to say anything. Saving Granddad was my decision. It had nothing to do with you," Dustin

Dahlia's gratitude vanished with Dustin's cold words. She frowned and thought to herself, "I already expressed my gratitude. What else does he want? Should I apologize to him in front of everyone? Does he need to be so particular?"