
My Mysterious life

After his wife divorced him because he was poor and not at her level... our hero gets hate because of that. Many people thought that he is having an affair with other women behind his wife so that is why he gets divorced but that's not true. After all of that, he is all alone. In the name of assets only have a diamond pendant that is his last gift from his mother. despite all of that he is a mysterious figure who is a medical genius, a martial artist, and has a mysterious background. During his medical career, he meets many interesting women who are more gentle than his ex-wife. After some sometimes his ex-wife knew that all the success of her business was because of mc and she is now alone...

Laxman_sedai · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
130 Chs

Hillview Hotel


Dustin had no interest in wealth or riches. But at the moment, he had a pressing need for rare herbs. The old drunkard's condition had gotten worse day by day. He might not even make it through the year. He needed to gather five types of rare herbs to be able to treat him.

"I am extremely fussy when it comes to herbs. Your collection might not necessarily be useful to me," Dustin voiced out.

"I can get you whatever herb you need!" Duane is guaranteed immediately.

"Do you have the Gozoraberry?" Dustin queried.

"Uh… no." Duane shook his head.

"Flower of Crimson Gem?"

"I don't have that either."

"What about Cherusia?"

"Rhys, I've never even heard of these herbs you are naming." Duane's expression turned bitter.

"How about aged Panax root and ancient Heliotrope? I'm sure you've heard of those." Dustin's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, I've heard of those! I know those herbs!" Duane nodded. Those two herbs cost a king's ransom, but at least he's heard of them.

"And do you have them?" Dustin asked.

"I'm not sure about the ancient Heliotrope, but I can get you the aged Panax root. But it'll take a few days." Duane answered.

"Fine, then come back when you have them," Dustin said with a wave of his hand.

"Oh, come on, Rhys! My chest is aching so badly! I can't stand it anymore! Please help me first! I promise I'll send the Panax root in a few days!" Duane lost his cool Dustin kept quiet and turned to look at Natasha beside him. He did not trust Duane. What if he went back on his word once Dustin cured him?

"Natasha, please, persuade him. You know I never go back on my word. I always make good on my promises!"

Duane begged. "Of course, Uncle Duane. I know that you never go back on a promise. But I think we can do better than just at Panax root," Natasha bargained.

"What else do you need? I'll try my best to get it." Duane quickly got the picture. It was obvious that Natasha was trying to raise the price now that they were in control. But he was in no position to haggle.

"Uncle Duane, I heard that you've got quite a number of properties in Swinton. Hillview Hotel, especially, is doing exceptionally well. Why don't you give it to Dustin as a gift?" A vague smile crept up on Natasha's face.

"What?" Duane's lips twitched. Damn it! Hillview Hotel was his golden goose! If he were to sell it, he could easily get up to a billion dollars for it! This woman was demanding quite a lot!

"Are you unwilling to part with It?" Natasha raised a brow.

"Of course not! As long as Rhys will save me, a hotel means nothing to me!" Duane forced a smile. He had no other alternative than to comply with their demands.

"Dustin, seeing how Uncle Duane is being so nice, why don't you help him this time?" Natasha turned to him and winked.

"Alright, then." Dustin nodded. He then pulled out a black pill and tossed it to Duane. "You'll be fine after eating this."

"What's this?"

The pill looked too much like a turd. A frown formed on Duane's face. Did he lose close to a billion dollars just for this?

"If you do not believe me, you can opt not to eat it." Dustin did not pressure him to consume the pill. "Of course I do!" Steeling himself, Duane swallowed the pill. He had to try it to know if it worked.

The pill dissolved very quickly, and soon Duane felt a warm feeling spreading over his body. As the warmth spread out, the pain in his chest began to dissipate. In mere minutes, the sharp, agonizing pain miraculously disappeared altogether.

"It actually worked?" Duane was pleasantly surprised. He patted himself all over to make sure that he was really alright. Finally, he heaved a long breath of relief.

"So, Uncle Duane, what do you think of Dustin's medical skills? Are you impressed?" Natasha asked with a smirk, evidently proud. After all, this was the man she had taken a liking to.

"Who knew that a single pill could work such wonders?" Duane's eyes lit up as he said. "Rhys, may I know what this pill is? Can I have a few more? I'll pay for it. Just name your price!"


*This is Gemiphen. It's a confidential prescription. And because the ingredients are too valuable, the pill that you just had was my only one," Dustin replied, aloof.

"That's okay, just sell me the prescription then." Duane was not one to give up easily. He was a tycoon in the medical industry. He knew how immensely precious such miraculous medicines are. If he could manufacture them in bulk, he would have struck gold!

"I told you, the prescription is confidential. There's no way I'm selling it."Dustin stopped himself before he continued, "Of course, if you could find me another rare herb, I can give you the prescription for the Gemiphen. No charges."

"Well…" Duane appeared reluctant. It was hard enough to get him the aged Panax root. How much harder would it be to get the ancient Heliotrope? As for the Gozoraberry, the flower of Crimson Gem, and the Cherusia, he had never even heard of them, much less know where to get them.

"There's no rush, Uncle Duane. We can continue discussing this after we get the Panax root." Natasha smiled as she rubbed her stomach. "I'm suddenly feeling quite hungry, Uncle Duane. Why don't we go for a meal at Hillview Restaurant? You can also transfer the ownership of the hotel to Dustin while we're there."

Duane's eyelid twitched. This was one impatient lady! Though it pained him to do so, there was nothing else Duane could do other than agree. After all, he had made a promise, and he couldn't very well go back on it. So, after some small talk, they made their way to Hillview Hotel.

Hillview Hotel was situated in an excellent location, right by Lake Vestine. It was famous for its rooftop restaurant, which was Hillview Restaurant. Because of its geographical advantage, it had an extraordinary view overlooking half of Swinton. The night view was particularly breathtaking. With exemplary service and exquisite food, it was no wonder that Hillview Restaurant was patronized by many of the rich and famous.

Furthermore, they only served VIPs, so regular folk were not allowed to set foot there.

Once they reached Hillview Restaurant, the three got a private room to themselves and ordered some of the signature dishes. They soon began to dig in.

Meanwhile, a Mercedes–Benz SUV stopped in front of the main entrance to Hillview Hotel. The car door opened and Florence stepped out of the car.

"Matt, Hillview Restaurant is a wonderful place. Since you've helped us out so much, I'll treat you to a nice dinner today. Dahlia will be here soon. She's on her way. Let's head in without her." Florence led Matt and James into the hotel, but when they reached the highest floor, they were stopped by a waiter.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid you can't come in."

"What? We're not allowed to enter?" James glared at the waiter, displeased. "Do you know who we are? How dare you stop me?"

"You're running a business here! Aren't you supposed to serve guests? What do you mean we can't go in? Who are you to look down on us?" Florence asked mistily.

They had anticipated having a good meal there, but they ended up being denied entry. Peeved was an understatement.

"My apologies, but we only serve VIPS," the waiter answered respectfully.

"What's so great about a VIP? We'll just apply to be a VIP then!" Florence scoffed.

"May I please know if you're applying for a regular VIP or a Deluxe VIP?" the waiter asked with a smile.

"Of course, we're going for the Deluxe VIP! Do we look like we can't afford it?" James asked arrogantly as he lifted his chin.

"Yes, we only go for the best!" Florence whipped out her card.

Matt was watching them. She couldn't afford to embarrass herself in his presence.

"Sure. You'll have to put in a deposit of five million dollars for the Deluxe VIP." The waiter was still smiling.

"What? Five million?"

Both Florence and James were bewildered when they heard what the waiter said. Florence, who had her card in her hand, immediately withdrew her hand.