
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

you are my boss

yes darling?Lenny said

you are the one interested with fashion so you should be the one controlling the company and Alexander will get back to help you father and grandfather in that way even if you won't be living at the mansion at least I'll be seeing you often...

Thanks mom I think After a week I'll be done with this company here..And mom I didn't see uncle Gerald and savannah together with untie for a while...can we visit them so that we can talk to uncle about taking care of the company...

Truth to be told..The Anderson's Entertainment company was Gerald's company..The old Mr Anderson gave it to him..but the man was too greedy and within a short period of time it went bankrupt so the old Mr Anderson decided to make him as a shareholder and the vice president while Abigail just finished studying and she was good with business.she became the President of the company..."Gerald hated it that his father was always on George side"Maybe because he was adopted...And now he really hated it that he was going to be the vice president means his niece would be his boss...From the day Abigail became the new president he never went home now since savannah was an actress of their company she was the one representing him in the company...The man only knew how to spend money...

yes"is savannah coming to work"Lenny asked

No mom"I haven't seen her for a while since she is shooting her new drama called "Mommy".. Abigail explained

Don't tell me you still can't get along till now dear"Lenny spoke

Mom you know me"so it's better if we keep our distance but to tell the truth savannah is just good at acting you know..The drama only releases three episodes but we arleady saw success to us...I'm proud of her though we don't get along ..

And mommy what if uncle failed to handle the company alone?Abigail asked

Don't worry savannah would be here. to help him"she said...Now let's go and rest we'll be having a long day tommorow...


Aryan's and Ellie Apartment

Aryan did draw too many designings that day and when it was evening she went out for a walk...After a while she get back home and cooked for her bestfriend since it was about time for her to get back home..After she finished she prepared it in the dining room then she went to took a shower she smelled stinky at the moment... Freshly bathed she came out with her bathrobe and wore her favorite pajama and went to sitting room...She was surprised to see Ellie was Arleady there....

Hey come here let's eat I've cooked for you"she said

Ellie didn't say anything and went to sit beside her as they ate... satisfied with the food Ellie looked at Aryan...it was not just a look haha,it was a stare we should say..

Hey why are you staring at me huh?Aryan asked noticing her stare

well isn't it obvious huh..you should explain to me what happened yesterday darling I was worried to death you know..?


And why did that Alexander bring you home last night and omg you were drunk..what were you even doing with that man huh Aryan...you better have explanations with that?she spoke as a worrying mother...

Hey calm down okay,And did you just say Alexander was the one who brought me home yesterday?she asked surprised..

Yes and he carried you up to your bedroom....she explained

Wait,what?Just him and me, weren't there someone else with us?she panicked

No he just came here with you in his arms?she told her...

Oooh no she'll die with Embarrassment tommorow when she sees him?and she explained from when she was told to meet Mr Lee up to when she got drunk..

omg Aryan?why did you even drink with that person..you don't even know him..don't be too easy with people you don't know..what If you could've been drugged..and what if you've told your boss about your feelings huh...or maybe you've said something you shouldn't...oh my but that boss of yours was so damn handsome..No wonder my Aryan Is getting distracted on him?she teased.

A realization came to her mind,yes what if she did say something to him..and ooh no he even carried her..Maybe she should just ask him for forgiveness once she sees him ..yes she'll ask for his forgiven..she thought..

So tell me what are your feelings about him now?Ellie asked

she became quiet for a while"I'll get over him"she said...thinking about his parents she knew that they came from different worlds,her father was just a farmer..and yes now he have his own plantations and he has workers but still he compared to them they was just nothing...But she knew that her father and brother were good people and because of that she was proud to be a part of them..she never feel ashamed of having them and she was just happy with them..

One day she'll find someone worth her..and she'll love him with all her heart and she'll live happily ever After..Only if she gets over this Alexander...

They chatted for a while and later they went to sleep...Aryan slept soundly thinking about how she'll look at her boss the next day.....That night she couldn't slept peacefully as some pieces of memories were coming into her mind with blurry vision but nothing was clear to her eyes..she looked at the clock and it was nine in the midnight...She tried to sleep again untill a deep slumber caught her...

The next day she woke up early in the morning..She went to take a shower and came back freshly alive...She looked at her wardrobe and choose to wear a simple white dress with a pair of heels...She looked at herself in the mirror again and went to prepare breakfast...They ate breakfast together with Ellie and later on they parted.....Aryan went direct to the office.

Upon reaching the building she saw Noel getting out of his car and she decided to hang with him for a while..

Good morning sir Noel?she Greeted

Oooh Morning miss Aryan how are you?he greeted her too..

I'm fine sir thank you..she said

That's good to hear then"let's go we have a special meeting today.

what a meeting?she asked surprised

Yes a special one,you'll hear it from there?he said

would I be there too?she nearly panicked

yes why wouldn't you huh"as a secretary you should be stick with your boss..

oooh but that should be his assistant work?she wanted to voice out but she remembered that the other day he told her untill he say so....

Yes sir thank you I'll be there now let me go to my desk as they went out of the elevator...

Noel watched her In Amusement...This girl would be Alexander's death one day...he thought.

Alexander went straight to his office and wrapped the things he would need in the meeting room then he stood up.. he was about to carry the files when Aryan Entered and Good morning boss with her beitest smile ever..

That smile was his weakness"he was dazed for a moment...she looked like an Angel from heaving with that white dress and with that beautiful smile of hers..she was just.....omg what was he thinking again..

Ooh morning Aryan... didn't you like it to call me by my name huh?

No sir it's because you are my boss?she said still with a smile on her face.

Really?Do you remember how many times you called me by my name when you were drunk?he teased

What I did?she said

Don't remember?you even did something naughty to me..?he said

What naughty?and she blushed red like a tomato..

oooh so you don't remember huh?want me to remind you of what you did huh"he said as he walked closer to her and she stepped back and he continued walking and she stepped back untill she reached the wall and he blocked her with his hands...?

scared huh?he teased..

What I'm not scared,she didn't dare look at his eyes"we should go to the meeting room,Sir Noel said it's important..we should Attend...?

I'm the boss here and you should listen to me not him"so tell me should I remind you of what you did"he said removing the strands of her hair covering her face..

I like your hair?he said

Thank you sir?she said wanted to escape from there..

Call me by my name and I'll let you go?he said looking straight into her eyes..

A..Le..xa..nder....she said hesitating... Alexander she repeated...

No I don't like that call me Alex..

Alex"she called

Now he was the one who blushed red...Hearing his name from her mouth he remembered that night when he carried her and she called him Alex for the first time.....?


creation is hard, Cheer me up with ur power stones..

Love lots 💖

Author Jennix