
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

The designing fashion event (1)

After the long and a very busy day,she was finally home.A home with her Best friend Ellie..as she was very tired she wen't directly to sleep for tommorow she'll do some shopping for the event..

when Ellie Arrived home and found Aryan was arleady sleeping she decided not to wake her up.,she also wen't to sleep across her..

The next day..They woke up together and After preparing themselves they went to the shopping mall of their Tailor..

He showed them the dresses of their mall and the price was just too much for them and they were thankfully that they arleady sent him materials of their draws and thankfully their dresses was just unique with affordable price..

They went inside and tried their dresses..Ellie's reaction upon seeing Aryan on her dress was just.....?

Awwww ...?you'll surely get all the single men's Attention tommorow and even the ladies would be heartbroken for their husbands will be looking at you..?she said.

Is it that beautiful?Aryan asked..

Aww why are you even asking..?it's perfect..?Just go and undress arleady before I devour you myself..?Ellie said sending her to the dressing room..

Finally it was the time of Ellie's dressing..And even she herself couldn't stop herself to smile upon seeing her reflection on the mirror.

Wow...Are you An Angel..?you look like one my dear..?Aryan said..

Well that's because I have my little designer with me?Aren't I the luckiest bestfriend huh...?

Ellie said now her smile about to reach her eyes..Then a thought came to her mind...Aryan wait,,Are all workers going to come with their families huh and knowing there's going to be many companies participate..,that means the hall won't fit..

Even I don't understand.But truth to be told not all workers will be coming to the event..Only the shareholders,CEO,vice president,designers and me as the boss's secretary...others would only given an invitation card and I was given I with double inviting..

Oooh..?That's does make sense..it means if you won't arrive with your boss then you'll enter with the invitation card..

Worry out Ellie,I know you love parties especially when you'll be with kelvin?she teased..

Okay Enough of this let's go to find shoes...After a while they arleady have both pair of heels.. Thus they decided to went home early and rest for tommorow it might be a long day though..

Meanwhile Alexander was sitting at his study while preparing himself with the event and he called Noel...

Your Tommorow outfit has arleady arrived..?Noel said.

I know,what About Aryan then..should we contact the latest designer to bring their latest dresses, for her?he asked..

There is no need."she is a designer herself and she'll do perfectly by herself so don't worry about her..?Noel said..

Then at least let's ask her to do her makeup at the same hotel that I'll be dressing.... don't get me wrong it's just that...I have a surprise for her and if our design will won then she'll be the one to get The award for us..And you know that means she'll also be the best designer of the year.? Alexander said not wanting to seem eager.

mmmmh why do I think someone is being possessive huh..fine I'll call her"Noel said.

And why do you have her number while I don't huh? Alexander said.

Even John have it"you don't have because you don't want to hurt your pride perhaps..

He called her and after three ring she answered and he turned on the loud speaker..

Hi Aryan..?Noel started.

Hi Noel is there anything wrong, regarding the company?Aryan asked worried.

Nah..It's just that,I've called to inform you that you'll have to enter with boss and the boss will be at the Grand paradise hotel....Here there are some make-up artists so if you want you can come early so that they can make up you?what do you think..

Is that so..?I wanted to do my own make-up but since I'll have to be there first then I think I'll do it over there on my own.

you don't have to worry about the price.."we've paid for all of designers and for you ofcourse so just come early and there's no need to do it on your own?Noel said.

if you think so.."then if you have nothing to say I need to sleep early so that I won't be late tommorow..,"she told him.

Okay..Good night Ayan and he hung up the phone..he looked At Alexander to find the man cold..what's the sudden change of Atmosphere huh..

Hey you should be happy she agreed,what's with that gloomy face huh...?Noel teased.

She didn't even ask for me...?he said still cold and distant.

what's wrong with this guy huh..?was he perhaps Mad just because she didn't ask for him,really..this is interesting...?he thought.

Before he can continue further he decided to challenge him...,you should call her by yourself,here this is her number..?he said.

No she'll give it to me herself..?I don't want it from anyone else..he answered.

what's wrong with this guy but if he continued to argue with him they'll surely not finish so he decided to end it..okay now it's time to sleep..?and they went separate ways..


The next day at Grand paradise hotel:

Aryan Entered at the hotel with just a simple look..she went directly to where Noel instructed her to and Gladly she found him alone..

He helped her bag and he took her to a room where the makeup artist were waiting for her....

She thanked him and he told her when finish she should call him and she answered with a nod..

she went to sit and the makeup artist started doing her hair.

which style do you like miss.."she asked touching her hair.

A messy bun will do?she answered simply..

I'll do you a messy bun then I'll let the strands of your hair fall down to your face that'll surely look good on you..?she told her.

why did she feel like the the make up Artist was familiar to her..wait isn't she the famous make-up artist in town..omg she couldn't contain har happiness and she giggled..?

Hey why are giggling huh"I can ruin your make up you know and what's ur name..?she asked.

Aahm,she cleared her throat before speaking first..I just find it amusing being here with you it's like I'm dreaming...?"I'm Aryan by the way...she said.

oooh Aryan you have a smooth hair,I love it to the core...and your face is just Aww like the famous celebrity..?she praised.

Now she loved the make up Artist even more..?It's my pleasure to be decorated by you..I feel lucky you know..

you should thank Mr Alexander..since he asked me to treat you personally..?she told her.

He what?omg really..she thought to herself.

yes and you should know that he booked me for only you and miss Oliver and I just finished her but since I'll also make up miss Oliver later I'll be coming with you but I'm just wondering..,Miss Oliver is my all time client and she once dated Alexander so did they back together...or they are just working together huh....Then a thought came to her mind what if this Aryan is his girlfriend..she was doomed then..,

I don't know about their relationship and Incase you are wondering who am I to him..don't worry I'm just his secretary and for today I'll be his partner I think..

oooh,she breathed a sigh of relief..,But you are very beautiful Aryan..And she finished her make up and told she'll help with helping her dressing..

wow the dress is just,Aww did the latest designer design this for you..she couldn't hide her amusement..

No I designed this myself..?Aryan answered calmly.

Aww you'll surely get all Attention tonight..when the dress were perfectly on her body..she went to look on her reflection again.

The dress has no collarbones,and it's reached around her chest..The colour was a mixture of blue and pink and that was the dress code.

.Her chest was covered by lace material,revealing her milky shining skin..The dress tightens perfectly up to her waist and it has sculpted her hips well and it reached just up to her knees showing her beautiful long legs..

It did not end there though the dress had diamond petals that makes it shine naturally at night..,even she herself couldn't just get enough of looking to herself.

Finally there was a knock on the door and The make up Artist opened the door and found Alexander together with Noel..

Isn't she ready..it's about time tell her that? Alexander said.

wait a minute she's coming..?The make-up artist said.

Are you ready..?she asked Aryan

yes..?Aryan answered..

okay let me fetch miss Oliver from her room and she opened the door and told them she'll be coming along.

Wait I think I should go with you since Oliver is my partner and John will be your partner what do you think huh?Noel told the make up Artist as they left Alexander leaning towards the wall while speaking with the phone..

I like the offer,make up Artist said as they dissapeared..

After a while Aryan opened the door thinking they all left,and to her dismay no one was there..

Wait,why does she smell his scent..she turned to left and to her surprise he was there,leaning to the wall but he didn't seem to saw her..,she stepped closer and as if sensing her footsteps he turned his head toward her...?

His phone fell down and he didn't even notice it..,He was wearing a blue suit matching with a pink shirt..If he was seducing her then she was seduced..

They stared into each other's,no one seemed to tear their gazez away..


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Author Jennix 💖