
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

I want you *

After the light turned on,The two guys turned around and they saw Oliver with a man..

you f**king model,where the hell did that woman go huh,,I thought I was with her right here..now that she escaped it wouldn't be bad to use this drugs you gave us f**king you...haha it would be a nice idea though.."

They wanted to take her and do their revenge but Alexander helped her and After a while he asked...Where is Aryan huh and what did you do to her...?

Wait, I Didn't do anything..why would I do that..?Oliver said.

Let me find Aryan first I'll deal with you later..?he said as he walked out of the room he didn't saw Aryan on the left side so he decided to go to the bathroom of this floor and he was right..Aryan was in the bathroom..

As she was very hot she decided to remove her clothes to shower and luckily there was a towel there..and She turned on the rain shower then she sit at the cold floor while water running to her body..

Alexander knocked but she didn't hear a thing..He opened the door and he found her in that situation..He reacted faster and he carried her into his arms as she was collapsed on the cold floor.

He took her and brought her to Suite room of the hotel and he warmed her with a blanket..After a while she woke up and looked at him..

oooh Alex is that you..?she started.

How he loves to hear her calling him that..yes it's me don't worry you are safe..?he answered.

But I'm still so hot can you help me...?she asked.

ooh my..what do I do with this girl..here she is shivering but she continueisly keep saying she is hot..could it be she also uses an aphrodisiac drugs huh..? Then a thought came to his mind...maybe she was drugged but who did this huh..so that's why she started acting strangely since we were dancing huh..And where was her Brother and bestfriend huh..But this was not the time to think about all this..he should help her first....

I'm...Aryan Are you really hot..then why is your body shivering huh...?he asked.

Maybe because I stayed in the water for too long..she said as she climbed to sit into his lap..

you should understand when I say I'm hot.."she whispered to his ear..and before he could react she crashed her lips into his..

She started with sucking and nibbling in his lower lips then her tongue moved further to explore more of his...

Alexander was stiffened for her sudden attack..he didn't expect her to be this bold..could this be the effect of the drugs...was it that strong huh..as he continued to lost on his thought he felt something getting hard..

Damn it Aryan..You are making this hard for me to control my self..he reacted and pinned her on the bed..he took the turn and kissed her hungry..Just the way she wanted.

He kissed her lower and upper lips at the same time while remembering that she was just wearing a robe..and just the though that she have nothing underneath make him so hard again..

Alexander's hands had the mind of its own..as

it went down further to explore more of her body..he wanted to tear that robe away and feel her body beneath him but he knew he shouldn't be greedy.. because she had the effect of drugs..

Aryan felt like she was about to explode..she did felt that his one hand was cupping, caressing and squeezing on her right breast as if measuring it with his hand how small it was and while she was enjoying the kiss his lips left hers and went to her left mound...

she moaned when she felt his lips on her mounds..It felt so good..Alex,, please dont.. stop..?she said in her husky voice.

Damn it"he cursed again..as he continued to explore further while kissing and licking on her skin..and omg it felt so good that he just couldn't control himself even After knowing that she was under the effect of drugs..But maybe he could just give her pleasure...That won't be too wrong right..?he thought to himself.

Maybe he should just stop here,he was thinking before hearing what she said and he just couldn't stop again..

mmmmh,,Alex..I..want..you..?she said looking at him with eyes full of desire and lust..


Meanwhile Alexander was dripping hard..he wanted to take her and claim her right there and then..how could she just say she want him in such a seductive voice huh..

His lips went down further and kissed her belly button while his hands still cupping her soft mounds..

Aryan was on cloud nine..This feelings were new for her..she didn't even know what Alexander was doing to her body yet she didn't want him to stop..and when he looked at her eyes...she thought he was about to stop so she decided to place her hands to his neck and drew him closer to her..

what is he doing..?Aryan thought as she watched him lick and kiss her skin and for her the pleasure was just too much to ignore and she moaned when his lips went down further to her sex core.

Alexander was unstoppable..He felt like he was craving to have her so he wanted to taste all of her..and mark her like she belonged to him..only him and damn it she was so wet to him..even if he wanted to stop now he just couldn't he wanted to leave no inch of her skin untouched.

Aryan grasped for air when she felt Alexander nuzzled oh her sex..she felt a bit shy that he was seeing her naked..She panicked a little and wanted to push him when he licked her down there and she moaned without even knowing...

I'll make you feel better without going all the way so just relax..He whispered into her ear sending shivers all over her body..

she felt her throat became suddenly dry. ,when he licked her sleek folds with his skillfully tongue gently tracing them up and down...Aryan found her eyes looking at the ceiling and her right hand covering her mouth..trying to suppress her moans..

He replaced his tongue with his finger..He placed his first finger and looked at her face to see if she was enjoying.. satisfied by her look he placed his other finger and pumped her weeping slit in and out while his other hand removed her hand in her mouth.

Her moans was like music to his ears..and he wanted to hear them,he himself was dripping hard and damn hot..just by giving her pleasure was making him lost of himself..this was not his first time but why did he felt like this was the first huh.

After barely A few pumps..he could arleady feel like she was close to her release just by seeing how her inner muscle clenched against his fingers..In response he pumped Into her faster and deeper not giving her an inch of rest untill she convulsed and milked his finger with her orgasm.withdrawing his fingers he then positioned his head into her thighs.He licked her while her body was still trembling from the great pleasure she just received from him..

Getting to her senses ,Aryan pulled his head to her. so that she can kiss him..She kissed him as if expressing her emotions through the kiss..She could taste her self in his mouth.....she wanted to also pleasure him so while kissing him she started to unbutton his shirt to feel his abs against her skin..

Alexander broke out of the kiss and snuggles his head against his neck to control himself..stop it or you might regret later"he said.

He knew that..what he did was wrong but he didn't regret it at all and if she'll allow him..then he is ready to take responsibility but he didn't wan't to go all the way just yet..he knew she was not ready and that he won't do it untill she was in her right mind.

Still hugging her,he felt her breath went to normal..he turned her face and saw that she was sleeping..At least he was able to help..he thought".

He went to the bathroom to cool down first and with that he needed a cold shower..After a while he took a towel and went to clean her with a warm towel..

And then looked at her..her peaceful sleeping face.. sleeping beauty..?he thought.

If he slept with her it might be dangerous but before he could leave she turned around and hugged him..he was scared to wake her up so he decided to just sleep hugging her untill his breath went normal.

And he subconsciously fell in a deep slumber..?

Author's request:

please leave a review if you wish the best to our book..

En sorry for the late update.