
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

I'm sorry

The old Mr Anderson stood up and wen't to Alexander's office..

As he reached into the office..he went to sit into Alexander's chair waiting for those who didn't approve his decisions.

After a while a group of people entered the office..Lenny, George, Alexander and Abigail..Aryan also wanted to enter but Noel had told her to wait for the family first.

Grand pa how can you do that..?Abigail said sounding Angry.

Do what..?he answered.

you said it yourself that I'll be the president so how can you change it like that huh..?Abigail said sounding confused.

Yes dad you need to tell us your reasons for the change..I know I don't have shares here but you suprised all of us by your decisions..? George explained.

Is that so..?old Mr Anderson said.

Yes father and how can you suddenly change huh..?Lenny said.

well it's because of Alexander's girlfriend..?he said and they were confused..There was a rumor about Alexander having a girlfriend but George did not look into it as he knew his son was not interested in women's.

And Lenny just heard but she wasn't sure..,only Abigail and old Mr Anderson knew about this..

what about her..? Alexander asked confused.

Do you you have a girlfriend son..his mother asked.

So the rumors were true about you then..?George said.

Relax guys it's not a big deal..?old Mr Anderson said to ease the tension..He didn't know that Lenny and George didn't know about this..,he wouldn't have said that if he knew but the beans were arleady spilled so he had to make them understand..

well you know..my parents were not that rich..,Me and John's father had to work hard to achieve what we had right now...Things has been easier to you because of what I am..

But have you ever thought what would've happened if I would not to be here..if I wouldn't have been rich.., Everyone would've to work hard to achieve what they want in life and that girl just showed me that anyone can work hard to achieve what they want.

I have a trust in Alexander..He had arleady worked hard and he is worthy being the president, CEO and owner of the Anderson's Company limited..the main branch so I trust him but Abigail has always been under my care..

Even in county V I was helping her on shadows..without me helping you in the shadows the company might have went bankrupt by now.

What are you trying to say grand pa..?Abigail asked.

That you should work hard to get over this position..you have to own your own shares..I won't make things easy to you and you should know that this position is quite expensive so in my mind I have another person to make her the president..

Her..,Who is that..??Lenny asked impatient.

it's Aryan..,I know she is too young and she didn't work here for long but I have a trust in her so it's either Abigail or Aryan..The one who'll do better would be the president at the end of this year..And Alexander make sure Aryan knows about this..?He said then stood up to give them sometime and he went hospital for his health check up.

The room was very silent After old Mr Anderson left..what was that..?

Alexander stood up to leave but his father stopped him..do did you plan that with your grandfather huh..? George asked dissapointed.

you know I just came home the other day I didn't even see him until today morning when he came into my office and said we'll be together in a meeting room..I thought it's okay since he had his shares but trust me I'm as suprised as you are..? Alexander said.

Son now that I think about it who is that girlfriend of yours huh..I need to see her and why does your grandfather seemed to know her more than you do huh..?Lenny said.

well but I don't have a problem with that.., Thinking about that grandfather has a point..I need to work hard to show my abilities to these people and about Aryan.. we'll I just met her yesterday but my gut feeling is telling me she is worth whatever grand pa would assign her..I have a trust in her..?Abigail suprised them again.

So I'm I the only one who doesn't know that Aryan..?Lenny said with a pout.

Things were getting out of hands now..what would he explain to make them understand and his grandfather he didn't know what to do with him anymore..like he seems to know Aryan more than he himself know her..is he missing something..?He was in a puzzle right now.


Meanwhile Aryan was both Happy and Anxious..she saw the way the board members had looked at her the moment old Mr Anderson said she'll be the head of Designers..And mostly seemed not happy about her.

And the last person she wanted to avoid was also there..she knew Alexander's mother had never liked her from the very first time they met..And now she was appointed and she didn't miss the chance to look at her and Gladly the woman didn't show any emotion.

Maybe the woman didn't hear about the rumors.. the way she looked at her the first time they met..,she was sure if the woman heard about the rumors would hate her even more but she was calm.

Noel had told her to stay calm for she deserved the position but she couldn't help it..she was nervous.

Still nervous..?Noel pulled her out of her daze.

No..Just have many questions in my head..?she answered honestly.

what is it..,maybe I could help..?Noel offered.

What if people won't like it..,?

won't like what..

Me being the head of Designers..

why not..you won an award for God sake..if they won't like it..,then it's their loss..?he explained.

Won't I be removed from the position if someone special didn't like me..?she asked hesitating.

is there someone you are scared of..?he asked,he knew she was anxious but she seemed fearful of that"someone"..Who could it be huh..?he thought to himself.

No no..just forget it...she hurried to defend herself..

You are Alexander's girlfriend who wouldn't like you.. except for his family...wait..,could it be she was scared of.....?

Aryan did Anyone threaten you about being with Alexander..?he asked.

oh no..what was he thinking now..?

But Abigail was friendly with Aryan.,Mr George was just the kind of his own..as long as his child was happy he won't interfere,Old Mr Anderson was fond ofvAryan so that means there was something off about Aunt Lenny..could it be.?Now thinking about it he was certain there was a problem between Aryan and Lenny.

Still on their conversation the new secretary told them..they were needed on Alexander's office and Aryan became more nervous that her hands were shaking.

Noel noticed that she was walking too slow so he stopped and she bumped into him..she looked at him and he gestured her that it was alright..there was no need to be nervous..The door opened and they went inside.

All eyes turned to Aryan and She became much disturbed by their gazez..Noticing that she was looking down Noel hold her hand while they seated on the sofa.

Alexander gaze wen't to Aryan And he didn't know how to help her..But she was smart so he was sure she'll do better.

Aryan..he started and she looked at him.looking at him she slowly stopped shaking and started to feel less comfortable..God what did he do to her his eyes was just....?

Listen..These are my parents I'm sure you have arleady met them right..?he asked.

yes..?she answered politely still looking straight at his eyes not wanting to tear her gaze away for a fear that she'll be shaking again.

Dad and mom..meet Aryan my girlfriend..?he said and now she turned her gaze to them..,she could see that the man did not mind but the woman..she couldn't explain..?

so you are Aryan..? Lenny asked.

yes ma'am..?she answered.

Aren't you my son's secretary..?Lenny said wanting to confuse her.

I was untill this very morning..?she answered.

we'll I can see that you are beautiful..?Lenny said on annoying tone.

Thank you ma'am..?she answered..,She had a bad feeling about this..,

Did you use your beauty to charm my son and father in law huh..?Lenny said and Aryan's face wen't gloomy.

mom stop it..?Abigail said.

I'm sorry for you to think that way ma'am but I'm sorry to dissapoint you..I'm not the way you think I am..if you excuse me..?she stood up and hurried to leave the office.

Wait..?she heard Alexander's voice and stilled on the ground.

Alexander stood up and went to stand beside Aryan..She didn't dare look at him her eyes were wet arleady and one word from him and tears would fall. and to stop that she opened the door and went outside.

once she was outside she couldn't contain her tears anymore..she sat on the bench out of Alexander's office..

Alexander followed her and sat beside her on the bench..

please don't cry just that my mother is acting that way because of my past relationship..?he started.now it was not the time to talk about Oliver but maybe there was no perfect time in life..

she didn't look at him and continue to cry..?she was not angry at her it's just that she couldn't take it that she seduced her boss..isn't that what his mother meant..,

please I'm sorry..? Alexander said.


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Author Jennix.