
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Her birthday

Inside the house..Ellie was tired after having non stop dances with the guests and now she was hungry..

Hey I noticed that you are eating a lot today or is it because you are in a good mood..?her mother asked.

Camon mom Can't I eat huh.."listen I have something I need to tell you and it's a secret but I'll tell you tommorow"and she giggled at her mom.

what..just tell me now baby"I'm curious about that thing you know and knowing me I won't even sleep tonight if you won't tell me..?her mother said but before she could answer Aryan's father and asked her mother a hand to have a dance.

camon mommy just accept him arleady..?she whispered into her mother's hear and her mother smiled at the man before her and she accepted to have a dance with him.

Noel and Abigail are the party's type.they have enjoyed the day to their hearts content..Too bad Abigail had a lot of beers and now she couldn't even stand alone and Noel has to carry her to the car then he came back to bid goodby.

He found Aryan and Alexander sitting in the table they were given..Hey Alex I think we should go home and Abigail is drunk so we should left Arleady.

The man's face became grump but he changed his reaction as fast as he could..You can just go I'll come home tommorow It's late so I'll sleep in the hotel..He answered annoyed.

Hey it's your twin sister we are talking about here..And beside you'll have to take a tax if you came home tommorow because we only came with one car here remember..?he reminded him.

Aryan thought she should do something if not,she wasn't sure if the man would ever agree..Alex I think you should go home and have a proper rest tommorow since you'll have to go on your own company on Monday and you'll have a lot of work so you need a lot of rest..?she explained not wanting to witness his cold Aura again.

When are you coming back,or how about we go together.. we'll drop you to your apartment...? Alexander suggested.

Before Aryan could say anything Noel decided to help the man understand the situation well..But Aryan might be tired for the long day she got to have you know..,it's her birthday she should stay here till the end since it won't be good if she left..Also she should go back with her friend remember..?he reminded.

yes Noel is right..,But Don't worry because tommorow I'll be back in town and If you got time you can just ask me out..?she said and finally his face relaxed..After talking for a while the duo left Aryan's home town.

Their car had reached home around ten at night.. Alexander did not talk from the moment they left the party and Noel was wondering if he had pissed the man off.

Hey if you became cold like this then you might scare her..,hehe she won't love you if you are being too clingy..He grinned while carrying the drunk girl on his arms.

What about you huh Noel..Maybe you can confess to her now that she is drunk..? Alexander grinned and went directly to his room to sleep.Thinking about Aryan accepting him he became happy again.

Abigail's room is on the main house and Except for the servants.,All people seemed to have slept arleady.Noel had carried her to her room and opened the door then he laid her on her bed.Whoa she looks slim but God she got a lot of weight..he mused while removing her shoes.

Then he remembered that she was wearing a tight Dress..she must be uncomfortable so he decided to call her nanny but she was too old and she might be sleeping arleady so he decided to call other servants to change her..he took a peak outside and the house was quiet meaning they were sleeping arleady..Man... things we're getting out of hand.

Taking a deep breath he removed her dress and replaced it with a pajama..she might still be uncomfortable with her bra on but it's better this way..if he done something more then he couldn't guarantee on his self restrain.


The next morning at the Anderson's mansion Abigail opened her eyes with a strong headache..uuuurg she yawned then stretched her arms.then she turned around to smell a strong aroma of something delicious..

She looked up only to find her mother staring at her with an angry glare..God did I do something wrong huh..?Mom.."she called.

Abigail Anderson how dare you got drunk huh.. I've arleady told you not to drunk a lot since you had a low tolerance of alcohol..and don't look to me with that face..?her mother scolded upon noticing Abigail was looking at her with her puppy eyes and acting cute."your cuteness won't work on me today..

Camon mommy,she continued to play cute untill her mother lost..Aww as always mummy I knew you are the best when it comes to your cookings?she commented after testing the soup.

And where did you twins go with Noel huh..And why you were the only one drunk and Abigail I'm sure if not for Noel telling me that you are drunk then I guess you wouldn't say anything at all..

camon mommy don't be sulky early in the morning..it's not good for your health you'll be aging faster..

Morning huh.. Abigail Anderson it's arleady eight at noon..and you still think it's morning..I was worried to death when you didn't wake up but I was glad Noel told me you were drunk yet here you are telling me I'll be aging faster"seriously.

Fine beautiful mother I'm sorry..She made her cute face again and her mother smiled.later on they went out to do some shopping since tommorow would be Abigail's first day at her new work as a CEO.

Later on the evening ,,Abigail had been thinking for a while about what had happened when she was unconscious..she wanted to ask her mother earlier about who changed her clothes but her mother suprised her when she asked why she had slept with her bra.

Up to now she was still thinking,,She knew Alexander wouldn't even enter her room let alone carrying her to bed..The only one who can do that would be Noel but could he actually change her clothes if he did then holy crap she was done for..

But the only way to find out would be Noel himself.she was not angry at him in fact she was even exited to tease him later and if he did then she was glad he was taking small steps thus on that way it would be easier for him to accept her.

Thinking about that she decided to find Noel in the house..she heard from servants that He and Alexander did not go out today so they might be somewhere in the house..She went to the varanda and found her grandfather and Dayana talking as always.

She greeted them and continued to find Noel again..She knew If Noel slept here then he would slept in the guests room or Alexander's so she decided to search on Alexander's office..

Too bad she only found Alex and her father..Then her father told her to sit with them for a while while they talked since he did not talk to them for a while now.

I really missed staying with all of you guys only if your brother was here.. George started...leaving the two became quiet for a while.

without noticing it the room had became quiet ..Aaah better think about your daughter in law daddy she is beautiful right daddy..?Abigail asked trying to ease the tension the somehow and she succeeded in doing so because her father became excited about it.

Yesterday was her birthday..I went to her home with brother.you know everything about her is just nice even their home..Their house is simple yet fantastic you would want to stay there if it was you..?Abigail spoke with excitement in her voice.

Ooooh Really,Alex this is bad.wby didn't you tell me that you were going to her home I should've accompany you guys..?He complained with a pout.

Alexander just looked at them in disbelief..He couldn't believe the two were against him just sometimes he even feels like he was the outsider because he don't have anyone's appearence.

Abigail and his parents both had a friendly aura,only him was very cold and sharp and ofcourse he did take it from his precious Grandfather.Now he decided to tease Abigail a little to give her a taste of her own medicine..

Abby did you talk to Noel today..he suddenly asked to change the topic.

Actually that is the reason I came here..where is he I need to ask him something but I didn't saw him or did he left..she asked.

Go and check him on his room..