
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

First day at work

Miss Aryan the boss wants to see you"

Aryan turned around and saw a young man and she remembered him,that day when she bumped into the boss she didn't look at the boss face but she saw this guy but that was not the matter now,she was wondering why did he want to see her now..

And why would he want to see me.....

You need to sign the contract of working in the company...okay was all she answered

Actually she was nervous to meet that mysterious boss but she didn't want to miss the opportunity to see his handsome face,she was so lost in her thought that she didn't know that they were arleady there...

Alexander was sitting on a chair like a king waiting for his people to order them around...,he knew today Aryan will be coming in the office and so he prepared a contract for her to sign and actually he told John to bring the contract to the HR office so that she can sign over there but the Guy told him that it's better if she signed in his office so that if she have questions she can ask him directly....while he was thinking the door opened and the girl entered with John.,

They stared into each other for a while that they didn't notice John to dissapear untill when he closed the door and they were pulled out of their daze...

Have a sit miss.. Alexander started

Thank you sir she said as she was sitting on the chair..

In our company all of the workers have to sign a contract before they start working so that you can confirm if you agree or not"he said

okay give it to me so that I can sign,,

you have to read it carefully before you sign it,,,with that he gave her the contract.

The first rule started that the Worker must come early in the office and if you are five minutes left you'll be punished..It was normal she thought..,

The others were all normal including the one of the outfit...The rule stated that because the company is about fashion so the workers must dress according to new styles and new designings....this one was good she smiled...,she also read about the salary and the part make her very happy because the salary was good so there is no need to read and with that she signed.,

Alexander was watching her expression as she was reading,he could see that she was beyond happy and he loved her smiles but he wondered did she read it all why was she that happy"he decided to ask "did you read it all?

No there is no need I arleady signed anyway.,she replied

But I insist you should read it all"he said as he handed the paper to her again.,

she took it and continued to read with a smile on her face untill she read rule number ten and she smile faded away..,

rule number ten:since you are going to be the CEO's secretary and assistant you should stick with him everywhere he goes untill the end of working hours..with that she froze!

The CEO's secretary "she thought she'll just be a normal secretary and what the hell with stick with him all working hours is he kidding me,how would I be able to continue learning about fashion if she'll just stick with this cold boss of him but there is no need to be sad at least she'll be paid good...

Alexander watched as he smile faded away and he was somehow sad,he wanted to see her smile so he asked Did you read them all"

yes sir I've read all of them,,

Okay once you signed this contract there is no turning back you should know this..,and if you did a good job you'll be paid a bonus,

Hearing about bonus she became happy again...

Is that all"she asked

yes we are finished here see you on Monday"he said

Okay If you may excuse me"she started to walk out of the office...

He looked at her untill he was left alone in his large office...That girl would be his death he thought.That mini skirt she wore were showing off her long legs and her perfect skin only if she knew how hard it was for him to control himself...he didn't feel that way for a while now since that woman left him he never felt this way but today he felt it..since Aryan steppen in his office he felt the itching of taking her there and then..knock knock

He looked at the door and found Noel standing there..

why are you here you said you'll come next week.

Nah I heard Abigail will be coming home tomorrow with her fiance so I decided to come since I missed her.,

would you be okay seeing her with another man..,

ofcourse I just want to see her..

Alexander always knew that Noel was in love with his twin sister but the guy was shy to talk to Abigail..And he also knew that Abigail love her fiance that's why he didn't want to interfere because he knew that "love won't be forced,unless both parties are in love with each other they'll be happy..

That day Noel helped him with work so they finished early and went home.


Aryan went home and celebrated with her bestfriend about her work and the next days she just enjoyed herself as she won't have enough time to enjoy when she started working..,she went to Amusement parks and everywhere to explore the city untill it was the last day of her freedom and tommorow she'll start working at the company.

Mean while As promised Abigail came but she didn't stay for too long as she has some business to took care of and she didn't even come with her so called fiance..she stayed for few days and left but the rest of her family was worried because she wasn't happy as always and whenever they started to talk about her fiance she'll just change the topic as if she was avoiding the topic purposely but they didn't ask much since they knew that they loved each other untill it was her last day in the city and she left again to take care of her business at country V.

Days passed in a flash and now it was actually Aryans first day at work...That day she woke up Early and wore a matching outfits with black heels and let her hair loose on shoulder length,she left together with Ellie and Got a cab together since they were going on the same way,when she reached the building Ellie give her a good luck kiss and Aryan got out and left Ellie on the cab...

She stared at the building for a while and went inside directly to HR office so that they can assist her on where she'll be staying while in the office and she was surprised when the HR took her to the private elevator because she knew where they were heading..

she paused and asked"ma'am were are we going,

Oooh I forgot to tell you since you'll be the boss's secretary you'll alsohave to work in his office,
