

Read Awakened: The Beast System. My Mutant System will be resumed soon

joshua_jt3 · Sci-fi
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225 Chs

[Bonus chapter]CH51:D-DAY EVE. (PSRT 1)

After Fang had an encounter with the son of fire, he jumped from Max's apartment building and ran back to the giant rock that was home to the ancients. It had taken him all night to get there but his strength, added with his mutant capabilities, enabled him to arrive without getting exhausted. When he got there, the whole ancient civilization was in panic mode. Mutants were running up and down, screaming, complaining, getting weapons ready, and going through plans. Fang was relieved that his howl made it in time but what he didn't understand was why everyone was running up and down.

" Caesar, why is everyone acting like this?," He asked. " Shouldn't we be preparing for war with the Dead?"

" When some of these new-gen mutants heard the roar for the first time, panic and fear took over their senses. It is only we, the older ones, who understood the seriousness of this situation. Tell me, Fang," Caesar said. " Did you find and protect the son of fire?"