
My Music System

what if you could do anything? Would you aim for riches? fame? Maybe you want to be an actor? Well, this is something Jyun has within the palm of his hand. Will he waste it? Who knows. well, you would if you read the novel ;)

Schmerz · Fantasy
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7 Chs

3. New Class

After contemplating going inside, he opens the door.

The first thing he is greeted by is a vast classroom. Somewhere right around 15 metres. The next thing is the people in the classroom. Compared to him, they are much uglier. He understood that he was handsome, but this difference was just too great. Almost like comparing a duck to a swan.

Enough gloating. After opening the door, the entire class looks at him.

"Ah. You must be Mr Jyun-Woo." The teacher explains, "If you would like to tell us a little about yourself." Not giving him the option, the teacher brings him up.

"Oh... I'm Jyun-Woo, I'm turning 16 this year. I play the piano. That's it." Jyun speaks as 'cooly' as he can muster.

"Well thank you Jyun-Woo. If you could please sit over there, besides Izue." the teacher says while pointing at a girl.

Jyun just nods and walks over towards her. After getting there he simply introduces himself to the girl.

"Hello, I'm Jyun-Woo. What's your name." While stretching his hand out.

"I'm Izue, as you can tell I'm Japanese. How are you?" Izue responds while shaking his hand.

"Well, we're at school. So I can only be so good right?" He attempts to joke. Now that he gets a closer look at her, she's not so bad on the eyes. Definitely above a 7. Maybe 9.

"hahaha, that was a good one. Anyways, you should pay attention. we've already learned a bunch, it'll be hard for you to catch up." Izue tries to warn him, but he doesn't listen. Instead, he starts a conversation with his system.

"Now System. To you, what would be the best attribute to put my new points into?" He asks.

"In your situation, Host. The best attribute to invest in would be Charm." the System explains, "This would be because you need more of a presence on others." now that the System states this, Jyun thinks more into his icon.

"Now that I think about it, it would be best for Charm." Jyun thinks out loud.

"Hey, Jyun-Woo. What are you talking about?" Izue asks.

"Oh! It's this game I play. I'm thinking about the class I picked, in this situation the best attribute to invest in would be Charm." Jyun explains as if he knows what he's talking about.

"Wow! You put a lot of thought into it, huh?" She comments. But before Jyun could respond the Bell rings. Saving him.

Jyun then goes to the teacher and asks, "Ms Choi said I was going to get an escort to show me around the building."

"Well then, I'll locate your new friend, Izue to you." The teacher says signalling Izue to him, "Now Izue, you'll be showing Jyun-Woo here around the school."

"Alright teacher. Jyun if you would follow me." Izue says as she walks out of the room.

After a quick minute of walking in silence, she turns and says, "This is the first room we're stopping at." She shows him the room, it's beautiful. Not only is it huge, but it also has everything you could want. "Nothing special, it's just a common room."

"This is the common room?" Jyun says surprised.

"Yeah, it's pretty large, huh?" Izue giggles, "You're like one big baby, you know that? Anyways, I need to use the restroom. Stay here, please." She then walks out.

To save himself the boredom, he looks around. "Oh. There's a piano. Maybe I should test out my new skill." He sits at the piano and just starts playing. There's barely any skill, but you can almost tell he understands what he's doing. Like a violin player playing the viola.

After a couple of minutes of playing he's gotten the hang of things. He can play songs of slight difficulty. Playing songs he likes, something along the lines of Fly Me To The Moon. Without the jazz part, but it still sounds nice.

Just when he was about to finish.

"Oh! I'm pleasantly surprised. You can play?"

Yeah. You got cliffhangered. Feels sad man

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