
chapter 216

She couldn't explain it, but she felt the overbearing sensation of doom looming over her. The angry protests of the elements in the crowd wasn't helping matters at all.

The boy who was supposed to be fighting her, was sitting on the ground with his head bowed, almost as though he didn't give a damn. She herself, had her left hand to her temple, and her eyes a bit hazy, feeling like she was in a simulation of some kind. What exactly was going on? She didn't like it one bit, but she felt like she had dozed off and woken up in the middle of a stadium filled with angry people. Only, she knew she hadn't dozed off. So what exactly was happening here?! That was the million-dollar question.

Still confounded, Sabrina turned to the referee, hoping to get some answers.

"I beg your pardon mister referee, but what's going on? Why's everyone annoyed and shouting?"