
My Mr. Right

Jane was betrayed by her best friend whom she trusted the most. After a year it was her boyfriend who betrayed her and that made her world so down. Her life evolved to her boyfriend,he was her first boyfriend and her first love. She was hurt so much that made her promised to her self that she will trust to any guy and will never take love seriously. But she had never expected that she will get an unplanned pregnancy. When she gave birth to her son everything in her life change again and it was a drastic changes.She don't like commitment so, she never informed the father of her child about her pregnancy and she didn't tell her family the whereabouts of the father of her child.Every time her family about the father of her child she will just keep quiet and playing deaf to them until they got tired of asking too. When her child was 1year old she decided to go abroad as a domestic helper. She was lucky to have a good and supportive employer.She enrolled in S university in S country where she is working as DH. Despite of all her struggles she graduated as a pharmacist.Along the way she met rick a tall and handsome guy, well she fell in love, they both fell in love and he is very supportive to her too in both moral and financial aspects, they went along for happy five years before she discovered his secret and makes her heartbroken again. she was on verge of giving up to what so called love and she met the guy of her dream and her destiny. A billionaire business tycoon that made her life another twist but into a good twist.

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chapter2 shocked

I felt relieved when he said,yes, he will help us.ohhh... you are always my Savior, thank you so much... muwahhh and I giggled before hanging up the call.I told Cheryl that baddy wants to help us and he said we can go to H city.He will meet us at the bus station and he will bring us to the boarding house of his friend and Cherry agreed. She said okay we have to leave now, I think they already found out that I left and for sure they are already looking for me.So,i said okay,lets go inside the bus now. I didn't asked her more questions about what really happened because I believed in everything that she had told me and I felt pity for her. I might do the same thing too if it happened to me.We just talked about our happy times and I fell asleep for 30 minutes before we arrived at H city. When we arrived at H city,baddy was already at the bus station waiting for us.He brought us to the boarding house of his friend and after that we are just having some conversation. Then, I asked Cherry what is your plan? She said I need to find a job to support my self but I don't know how long I will stay here. It depends on my situation here in the next maybe few weeks.I said okay as long as you have plans because I can't support you financialy and you know that. Yes,i know she said. Since, it's still early for you to go back to B city why don't we go to the beach first? she asked.ohhh...okay I said but let me call Rean if he is free,maybe he wants to come with us. Well,for me,he is already my boyfriend after we kissed that night in the bar.

I was so happy when Rean said yes, I want to go with you in the beach.I was so happy that I ddnt think of anything,i don't even noticed my phone was ringing so many times.When the sun started to set I told Rean I need to go back now it's already late and he said okay,it will be dangerous for you to travel if you go too late. Cherry and Baddy are also talking and they are getting along with each other,from time to time Rean and I can hear them laughing.But we just ignored them and we just mind our business too and I didn't noticed that Cherry put my phone in silent mode. When I took out my phone before we left the beach I saw 20 miscall from my aunt, 20 miscall and 20messages from Cherryl's uncle.[Jane where are you? ][Have seen Cherryl? ][We are looking for Cherryl do you know where she is? ][JANE Are you with Cheryl?if you are tell us where is she right now] it had atleast 1minute interval in every messages.what shocked me most when I read[Jane don't hide the theif, if you don't want both of you will go to jail] I exclaimed what...! Rean asked me what happened? I showed him the messages from Cherryl's uncle,he didn't say anything he just looked at Cherryl and I looked at her too and asked what is your uncle talking about? she said, ohhh they just want to find me and beat me up again.I still didn't suspect her anything.I just open the message from my aunt[Jane where are you? ][Jane please come home now.] I started typing to reply to my aunt but Cherryl grab my phone and beg me please don't tell them where I am. Please.... I said okay . I am really a supportive friend.

When we reached the bus station I said goodbye to them and give Rean a kiss and he said call me when you reach home. okay bye..and I get in the bus. I don't really think too much about the messages and went home happily, I even humming a song with a smile on face while Walking home. When I reached the front gate of our house I was confused why there's a lot of people in our house. I came in and greeted them good evening with a smile. My uncle asked me where have you been?i said in my classmates house we did our group project, He asked again and he really sounds angry WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? I nervously answerd in my friends house doi.. I didn't finished what I had to say when Cherryl's uncle interrupted me, don't hide Cherryl. I f you are really her real friend you will not consent and support her with all her bad doings. Do you know what she did?She stole my jewelries,my Rolex watch and my money worth 50,000 pesos. when I heard what he said my eyes wide open and my mouth gaped in shocked.Wha... what? what you said uncle? Confused and disbelief shown on my face, he said,yes.. you've heard me right,she is theif.I will let you off for the sake of our family friendship and if you tell me where she is now right now. I hesitant to tell them because she is my friend and I don't want to betrayed her. I just keep quiet and my uncle kicked my leg, I was shocked and I screamed ouch....why did you kick me? and I cried that was the first time I got hurt by him. He was so protective to me and to my sisters as he is standing as our father since our own father left us since we're young. I was crying not because it hurts but because I can't believed that he really kicked me.