
My Mr Perfect

Xena Li "Yu'Er?"Grandpa Ding calls as he goes to the garden and sees his granddaughter drinking herself stupidly..."Can you stop this!" he smashes the bottle on the floor. "Grandpa! that was till full!"Yuxi whines as she reaches her hand for another one "Stop this behavior Yuxi! you're hurting grandpa!"He drags her to the spacious living room.."Xiao Yu? you still haven't found a husband at your age,you're already 29!" "29? when did I turn that fast?"Yuxi says still drunk.."Grandpa must I get married? all men are quite ugly " "You're going on a blind date! whether you like it or not!"Granpa Ding says "Grandpa! you can't force me! I am a tigress!"Yuxi roared and ran out to her room "Dont make me!..never mind!"Grand Ding laughed at his granddaughter .She really has been lonely ever since her parent divorced and her mom went away,she mostly spends time crying or looking at the sky Next Morning) At Ding Corps) "Your grandpa called and said I should give you the address of the blind date and should not embarras him " Wang Lu ,her Vice says as she stares at her .He had always liked the cold,aloof and indifferent Miss Yuxi but has never come out to tell her because of the dates her grandpa has been setting her on "Geez! I totally forgot I have to ruin this date!"She bluffed and turns around and looks at him.."Wang Lu? do you still have that ugly disguise I used to chase my last date?" "Yes Ma'am? do you wanna sabotage this date,but your grandpa would be super angry!" Wang Lu said but in his mind already rejoicing "Or do you want the date Wang Lu?"She stands up and moved towards him and pins him to the wall.."You've been acting suspicious lately,are you sure you're not a gay?" Yuxi teasingly says as Wang Lu gulps hard at the closeness of their face if anyone would walking in here it would be too embarrassing "No Ma'am! I am not a gay!"Wang Lu avoids her gaze and she chuckles "Wang Lu? why do you address me as Ma'am? do I look to old?" Yuxi sighs as she let's go off him and walks towards her desk "No you're too young Miss Yuxi! "Wang Lu corrected himself "Wang Lu? would you like to accompany me to this blind date? I am bored and I dont think this old man would leave me alone!" Yuxi gets up and packs up her file "You want me to go with you?" Wang Lu heart skipped a beat,first time she asked me to accompany her without me pleading "And I also want you to act as my boyfriend when we get there,got it?"She said as she walks out and goes of her car.."I'll text you the thing you need to know and say!" with that she drove off to the place "I wish you'd ask me to be your boyfriend without any string attached!" Wang Lu sadly says as he hops into his car too

JessicaE777 · Urban
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244 Chs

Chapter 61 Be My Girlfriend

At the reservoir,

"Hmm lovely theme "Yuxi said as she stretches her hand and Zichen holds in and walks into the restaurant and sat down

"Here is quite expensive to get,and also empty too,"Yuxi takes her seat as a waiter comes and hands her over the menu and she looks through it as Zichen whispers something to the waiter and he nods and goes to bring it

"Anything to your taste?"Zichen asked as he just noticed she just kept looking at a particular page ."If you dint like here we could go and try another place "

"here is perfect and I am Soo fascinated about their dishes too bad I didn't bring my cards "Yuxi said as she pointed at a desert and the waiter left ."You got here empty for us?"

"Dont you think we need some privacy?I dont want many crowds Soo I bought the restaurant for tonight,Would you thank me?"Zichen tried to hold her hands but she removes it quickly

"That's great and thank you "She flashed him a smile and the waiter brings an apple pie and drops it on the table and left

"Yuxi?I have something to tell you "Zichen cleared his throat and tells her to start eating the lovely decorated love pie

"Hmm go ahead "Yuxi hummed as she puts a bite of the pie and munches on it

"Ding Yuxi,I dont know when I started falling for you but my heart beats when I am near you and I can't tell it stop,I believe you've stolen my heart before I could control,All I can say is that Yuxi be my girlfriend!

"Cough...Cough...Cough.."Yuxi coughed as she spat out the pie that she was chewing on and started choking until Zichen helped her spit the last piece of the chewed pie

"Are you okay?do you need water?"Zichen asked and she nods and he passed her the water and she drank and then looked up at him

'That was Soo Sudden,How could he confess to me!'Yuxi said confusingly in her thoughts that just scattered into pieces

"Zichen?"Yuxi spoke up and Zichen just put her hands over her mouth to show not to say anything

"Dont yet say what's on your mind okay?You might be fast to reject me but I am ready to wait even if it takes a long time "Zichen covered her mouth .

How could he get shot already huh?Never would he allow her to say what's on her mind .Even though it would take eternity he is ready to wait.