
My Mr Perfect

Xena Li "Yu'Er?"Grandpa Ding calls as he goes to the garden and sees his granddaughter drinking herself stupidly..."Can you stop this!" he smashes the bottle on the floor. "Grandpa! that was till full!"Yuxi whines as she reaches her hand for another one "Stop this behavior Yuxi! you're hurting grandpa!"He drags her to the spacious living room.."Xiao Yu? you still haven't found a husband at your age,you're already 29!" "29? when did I turn that fast?"Yuxi says still drunk.."Grandpa must I get married? all men are quite ugly " "You're going on a blind date! whether you like it or not!"Granpa Ding says "Grandpa! you can't force me! I am a tigress!"Yuxi roared and ran out to her room "Dont make me!..never mind!"Grand Ding laughed at his granddaughter .She really has been lonely ever since her parent divorced and her mom went away,she mostly spends time crying or looking at the sky Next Morning) At Ding Corps) "Your grandpa called and said I should give you the address of the blind date and should not embarras him " Wang Lu ,her Vice says as she stares at her .He had always liked the cold,aloof and indifferent Miss Yuxi but has never come out to tell her because of the dates her grandpa has been setting her on "Geez! I totally forgot I have to ruin this date!"She bluffed and turns around and looks at him.."Wang Lu? do you still have that ugly disguise I used to chase my last date?" "Yes Ma'am? do you wanna sabotage this date,but your grandpa would be super angry!" Wang Lu said but in his mind already rejoicing "Or do you want the date Wang Lu?"She stands up and moved towards him and pins him to the wall.."You've been acting suspicious lately,are you sure you're not a gay?" Yuxi teasingly says as Wang Lu gulps hard at the closeness of their face if anyone would walking in here it would be too embarrassing "No Ma'am! I am not a gay!"Wang Lu avoids her gaze and she chuckles "Wang Lu? why do you address me as Ma'am? do I look to old?" Yuxi sighs as she let's go off him and walks towards her desk "No you're too young Miss Yuxi! "Wang Lu corrected himself "Wang Lu? would you like to accompany me to this blind date? I am bored and I dont think this old man would leave me alone!" Yuxi gets up and packs up her file "You want me to go with you?" Wang Lu heart skipped a beat,first time she asked me to accompany her without me pleading "And I also want you to act as my boyfriend when we get there,got it?"She said as she walks out and goes of her car.."I'll text you the thing you need to know and say!" with that she drove off to the place "I wish you'd ask me to be your boyfriend without any string attached!" Wang Lu sadly says as he hops into his car too

JessicaE777 · Urban
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244 Chs

Chapter 16 Pests should be eradicated!

"Is this the place?"Yuxi says as she reaches the building... "Gu enterprise! "

"Lets go in " she drags Yuxi into the building

At Gu enterprise)

"Yang Mei?" A man says as he hugs her

"Uncle Hao!" she smiles as she embraces him

"How's my smarty pants doing? and who do we have here?" he looks at Yuxi.."Isnt it the infamous Ding Yuxi?" he bows his head as he leads them to Zichen private office

At his private office)

"Daddy!" she hugs him as she kisses his cheek

"Meimei? aren't you meant to be with Yuxi?" he says as he sees Yuxi at the doorway

"We just came to say hi "Yuxi smiles as she goes to sit

"Daddy! could you believe that I surprised people at Mommy's work place?" Meimei says as she sits on him

"and what did little Meimei do?" he raises his brow

"She was amazing! she found loopholes in places I couldn't " she sighs..."Zichen? how did you turn a seven years old girl into a business genius?" Yuxi sits next to him

"Hmm its all to her attentive memory,I just taught her to sleep cause kids find business quite boring so I decided to use that " Zichen says

"Ooh! that makes sense! " Yuxi says as she carries Meimei on her lap

"Dad! I want to go to the park!" she pouts her lips

"Since I am on a break, then let's head out for fun!"He smiles as he gets his keys and heads downstairs

At the park)

"Lets go mommy!" she drags Yuxi into the park and stops at the fountain.. "A wishing well! but I have no coins!"

"Hmm,here have all the coins you need! " she brings out some coins and gives to her and she throws it into the fountain

"Didn't I tell you not to do such childish things again? you are giving money for free!" Zichen pats her head

"Its good for every girl to have wishes,let's go ahead and have fun!" she laughs as she gives meimei to Zichen and walks in front and then a child bumps into her Ans splashed her with soda

"I'm sorry Aunty I didn't mean it!" the girl bows waiting for her response

Yuxi? calm down you can't loose control right here! Meimei is here you dint want her to see you as a monster do you?"She says inwardly as she refutes her head voices.."Show her the beast you're, kill her!" he voice kept roaring and she shouts

"Aaah! No not possible!" she clenches her fist as she remembers her days of killing children.. "I can't take it anymore!" she screams as she quickly holds the girl's neck

"Mommy! what are you doing?" Meimei shrieks as she sees Yuxi almost killing a child

"Yuxi! stop it you'll kill her!"Zichen says as he touches her hands

"Unwanted pest needs to be eradicated! " she tightened her fingers round the child's neck and she becomes lifeless..."Soo pathetic! " she breaths out as she slowly turns her neck and sees Meimei freaked face