
The Breakup

My love for him was unending , I knew that when he hurt my feelings

Jessy's Pov

Sedrick and I were doin just fine ... I realised he isn't really a monster as people thought . He is arrogant , egoistic , strict ... but behind all what he portrays outside, there is a good heart inside . I just knew it . I am still his acting girlfriend , cos his ex girlfriend haven't given up yet . I am not sure completely if that is the reason he wants me around , he likes me I know .. but my instincts tell me there is something else. I wanna discover it too that is why I chose to play along

Sedrick's mansion

The bell rang , the maid went to see who was there . Stacy ...? The maid was surprised to see Stacy at the door . Uuhm what are you doing here ? The maid asked . Is Sedrick in ? Stacy asked as she walked in unauthorised . It was late in the evening Sedrick just got back from work . Stacy walked to his room where he was sitting with his cigarette and laptop .

Sedrick : (Surprised ) What are you doing here ... ?

Stacy : I just came to talk

Sedrick : There is nothing to talk about .. You have to leave

Stacy : Look baby I am sorry for everything , but I can't stay one more day without you , I need you ...

Sedrick : ( scoffs) Sad for you then. You need me ... Since when ? Why are you even here...

Stacy : Cos I want us to do this again

Sedrick : There is no us ! You left remember ..

Stacy : You didn't show me enough interest by the way...

Sedrick : what makes you think I'll show it now ?

Stacy : The truth is despite that I love you so much ... I ...

Sedrick : ( fed up) Shut up Stacy! I was ready to give us a try .. I tried my best to love you and treat well , but what did you do .. You went ahead to sleep with my employee .. who knows how many of them you slept with.

Stacy: I am sorry I know what I did was disgusting but I regret all of those .. ..

Stacy insisted she loved him , started seducing Sedrick , I know you missed me as much as I miss you ..I equally know you are stressed ... lemme help you take it away .. please just one more time ... Stacy said as she flirted and teased Sedrick sexually . After a back and forth chat between them, Sedrick didn't resist her . He let himself go completely ... They both made love that night ..

Early Morning

It was a regular Saturday morning for Jessy in the house with Miss Dorathy and Anna .. Anna and Jessy became fun of each other and now behaved like siblings . Everyone now referred to Jessy as Anna's big sister . Anna enjoyed it especially when Jessy will spoil her with expensive things making Anna's friends jealous of her.

Is that what you wearing to school Jessy asked Anna who was getting ready for her morning classes . Uuhm Yes . Anna replied . Jessy looked at her , analysing her clothes .. Everything is on point except the shoes babe..

Jessy said. Well I don't have better ones . Anna replied. Jessy dragged her to her room, and offered her a pair of shoes.

What ! This is like most expensive designers shoes you bought just last week ... you want me to borrow it .. Anna asked excitedly . Nope ! You not borrowing it .. It's yours now . Jessy smiled and said . Anna was so happy that she hugged Jessy . She quickly wore them , they match perfectly with her outfit ..

Jessy opted to drop her off at her school , cos it was Sedrick's birthday and she had a gift for him and was ready to bring it to him that morning . After she dropped Anna off she headed straight to Sedrick 's house .. When she got in , when she opened Sedrick's room , she was shocked after seeing Sedrick and Stacy still in bed sleeping naked . She was so angry but decided to play it cool for Stacy's sake .

Good morning fellows ....boyfriend and ex girlfriend .. Rise and shine .. the day is bright . Jessy said as she woke them up . Happy birthday my love ...Jessy said as she kissed Sedrick who was confused by Jessy's comportment . Stacy was also confused because she expected an ugly response from Jessy after seeing them together. But she immediately burst out of laughter as she heard Jessy's birthday wishes to Sedrick . Bitch you don't even know his birthday or you are just dump ..? Stacy mocked. Jessy almost lost her cool but smiled. You should know I am a very crazy person by now. She replied and left looking very cool. Sedrick was relaxed as usual . Stacy saw how relaxed he was like nothing happened and tried to kissed him, but Sedrick pushed her away ... Get dress and get lost . Sedrick said in a harsh tone with his alpha voice . Stacy hesitated ... You want me I know ... You don't need her . Stacy said. Sedrick got out of bed , wore his clothes .. I don't need anybody . I don't wanna see you ever again Stacy .. or the same thing that happened to your late lover will happen to you. Sedrick threatened . So it is you who killed him .... Stacy asked with a tensed voice . You should have figured it out by now . Sedrick replied and left the room and drove off . Stacy remained in the room flabbergasted . In all her dilemmas , she saw the gift Jessy brought for Sedrick. She opened it and found a a customised gold bracelet it was written "The world may be against you , but I will never be". She immediately took the gift away and left with the intentions to throw it away . Making sure Sedrick doesn't see it or know what it is.

Jessy reached her house , there was no one , she sat on the stirs in front of the house recalling the scene in Sedrick's house earlier that day .

Jessy's pov

I am mad .. I am mad at the fact that I don't even know why I am mad .

I am mad because he thinks I am a fool .. he can just do whatever .

I am mad cos I still fucking love him. I hate him ... Why am I even attached to him ... there are many fishes in the sea .

Sedrick 's Pov

It is time to put an end to this madness . I am tired of all these dramas . Time to get things done right . Stacy and I are done ... I only wanted to prove a point by sleeping with her one more time and I did . I will always be who I am no matter what .

Sedrick arrived at Jessy's house. Jessy saw his car as he drove in the yard. Oh so now he is coming to beg ... he probably wanna say " oh I didn't know what happened blah blah.blah ... Lemme see how far he will go . Jessy murmured to herself . When Sedrick walk to her , his facial expression portrayed a little bit of remorse . What do you want .. Jessy asked harshly . Sedrick remained silent for a while , looking for the right words to utter . Look if you have nothing to say please go away . Jessy said. Our contract has ended . Sedrick gave her a check of money . I don't ever wanna see you again. You should have a beautiful life ahead . Sedrick said and walked away quickly to his car , he immediately drove off . Jessy watch him leave in a flash. The world stopped for a while , Jessy 's reality seemed like a video game that was paused instantly and the gamer trying to figure out his new strategy to win . Oh no ... I am not gonna cry ... No... no tears Jessy be a man... I mean a woman .. fuck ... I am cryin over a man , Oh this is a sign Jessy . She said to herself as her tears ran down her cheeks ... She cried so hard and burst out of laugher suddenly . Ok lets assume he still has to work on his apologizing skills .. He was suppose to apologize not bounce me off . ... Jessy sat there lamenting . I didn't expect this .. he lied to you about his birthday .. what do you expect ... To think I gave him my most precious gift . Dylan ... Jessy said to herself .

Sedrick drove off a certain distance and suddenly stopped . He was contemplating with himself if he did the right thing . He felt bad and sad. He didn't understand what was happening to him .

Sedrick's thoughts .

Why do I even care , I am not suppose to care .. I am suppose to walk away proudly .. but why do I feel horrible . He was confused about his feelings .... and out of frustration he threw away his car key on the street road before he realized it was his car key . He immediately went for it . When he picked up the keys he found something else and he immediately recognised it . It was his birthday gift from Jessy . Stacy threw it there . Sedrick recognised it as the bracelet he gave to Chelsea on her birthday when he was Dylan . He equally remembered the vows they made to each other . His heart started beating fast . He had a thousands thought goin through his head at that moment .

She is alive ... I knew it ! .. Damn .. this is just what I needed in my life .. He said to himself . Then he saw some kids playing nearby he asked them if they saw anybody throw the bracelet . One boy confirmed he saw a lady . Can you described her .. Sedrick asked anxiously . No I can't but from a distance she looks cool , beautiful and classy ... The boy explained . Ok look do you have a phone . ? If you see her again would you recognise her ? Sedrick asked . The boy agreed .. Then Sedrick offered to pay him if he signaled him if the lady came again .

Stacy's apartment

Stacy laid in her couch sipping a cup of coffee , she suddenly recalled that Sedrick had the same and exact bracelet as the one Jessy gave him.

Flashback to when Stacy and Sedrick just met each other .

It belongs to a very special friend . Sedrick replied referring to a bracelet Stacy found in his drawer . Is she a girl ? Nosy Stacy asked . Your girlfriend . ? She asked again . Yes! Sedrick replied . What happened to her ?.. Stacy asked again. We got separated and we lost communication .. this bracelet is the only thing that reminds me of her .. she has hers and this is mine ... All in the past now .. I give up .

Present time.

Wait a minuit could it be Jessy is Sedrick 's first love ? or just a coincidence ? Stacy thought ...and if that is so .. I must make sure they never get to know . Stacy quickly went back to the street where she threw the bracelet to get it back .. but she didn't find it . The boy working with Sedrick noticed her and quickly called Sedrick . Stacy looked for it in vain. The boy came to her and tried to distract her so Sedrick can meet her . But the boy was summoned by his elder . Finally Sedrick got there . But Stacy was no where to be found. She hid herself after seeing Sedrick . She was right here I swear . The boy said . We had a deal . Sedrick said . Just then his phone rang ... business calls he had to leave . when he left , Stacy came out from her hiding place . What does he want she asked the boy in a creepy voice . The boy was frightened cos he didn't see where she came from. No... no ...thing . he said . Listen you need to cooperate with me ... Or I put you in jail for being his accomplice ... he stole my bracelet .. Stacy tried to intimidate the boy . No he picked it . The boy said . Oh you wanna argue now .? Stacy threatened the boy ,the boy gave in to Stacy's demands .He told Stacy what Sedrick wanted . He wanted to see you. The boy said .Stacy pondered over it for a while. Ok tell him i'll like to see him too with my bracelet but next week same day . Stacy ordered . Next week ..... the boy exclaimed ! He offered to pay me ... The boy said . Stacy immediately removed some money and gave the boy ... You now work for me .. Do not describe my physical appearance to him ... You have to remain loyal to me from now onwards . Stacy said . The boy agreed and did as was told . Sedrick wondered why she had to wait for a week. But agreed to go with her plan .