
My Mother is the Heavenly Demon

After being betrayed and murdered at the hands of his own father, Seojun was plunged into deep regret for not having had the courage to live his life to the fullest. However, just when it seemed that everything would come to an end, an unexpected and perplexing opportunity crossed his path. Before he could even taste the promises of a new world, Seojun realized that fate had played a cruel joke on him, greatly complicating his aspirations. Will Seojun be able to prevent history from repeating itself? On a journey to redeem his past mistakes and fulfill his renewed purpose, Seojun will do whatever it takes to stop his destiny from repeating itself. Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq Tags: #Murim, #Inverseworld, #Yandere, #Incest.

Eroos · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Meat paste

He had tried for 6 days straight to count every second of the day, Seojun experienced firsthand the mental exhaustion he felt as the hours passed, and as if that wasn't enough, with just one second of losing focus, all the work he had done was completely lost. 

But how to give up?

You've just discovered that the day has almost twice as many hours as your previous world, and you don't have to be very smart to know that this information brings a myriad of revelations and questions.

How do I not notice that the day is so long?

How many continents will exist?

Will there be any power apart from the empire and the celestial cult?

Will there be new animals and new vegetation?

The fact that a full day is about 48 hours is something that hints to Seojun that the planet is something totally new to his knowledge.

What does that mean?

That it is quite possible that the current planet is not a copy of his old planet, let alone traveled back in time to the past.

It is on a new world, perhaps in a new galaxy and could even be in a new universe.

"Mn?" Feeling a wind at his back, Seojun turned and looked up at the servant who suddenly appeared, then frowned slightly and asked quizzically "Is something wrong?"

How could he not be puzzled?

Since his mother closed the cave, he hasn't even seen a servant and everything the servants used to do, his mother does now.

Dressing him, washing him, feeding him and everything related to his care.

But after almost a week, one suddenly appeared without him even calling him first, something that literally hasn't happened even once since he's old enough to be able to walk on his own.

"Your medicines young master" Pulling out 8 pills from inside his dark robe, the servant smiled politely and replied.

But instead of nodding or being glad to finally talk to someone, Seojun's pupils shrunk to the max as alarms sounded in his mind.

How could he not be alarmed?

While this man wears blindfolds and dresses like one of his servants, Seojun knows perfectly well that his servants don't talk and never have, something this man doesn't seem to know.

But as if that wasn't suspicious enough, Seojun already received his medicines for the whole week a couple of days ago, so it's totally inconsistent that they come to give him medicines for today, even more so that they come just when his mother left.

You don't have to be very smart to understand that something strange is going on and that they are trying to do it while his mother is away.

After a few seconds of silence while his hands began to sweat from nervousness, Seojun quickly made his memory work and formed a calm smile on his face, "Thank you."

Stretching out his hand, Seojun took the 8 pills and turned his gaze back to the sky, trying his best not to give away his nervousness.

"Young master, I need to see that you eat the pills and take care of you in the process in your mother's place" Without losing his smile, the man spoke softly.

"I'll eat them in a little while, mom is bringing me water."

"No need for water, don't worry, we'll improve the taste."

"I'll wait for the water"

"Young master, don't make my job more difficult" Losing his smile instantly, the man slowly approached Seojun and spoke coldly "Take your medicine"

"..." With a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead, Seojun's heart pounded violently as his eyes darted frantically around, doing his utmost mental effort to try to find some way out of this dangerous situation.

If before Seojun only felt that something strange was going on, now he certainly knows that something bad is happening.

Never in his entire life have the servants done something he didn't want, and all it took was a wave of his hand to make them all leave.

Not even his maniacal mother is so radical and cold when it comes to giving him orders. 

If this man were a servant, how dare he speak to his master like that?

Gritting his teeth tightly, Seojun put his hand to his face and wiped the sweat from his forehead, then frowned deeply and turned his gaze to the man coldly "Know your place, insect."

"..." Blinking in a daze as he stopped his steps, the man's face trembled as annoyance became visible for a second on his face, only to quickly fix his expression and bow quickly as he spoke nervously "I-I'm sorry young master!"

"..." Narrowing his eyes at the man as his heart continued to pound, Seojun snorted and turned his gaze forward again "Beat it."

"Young master..." With a pleading voice, the man stepped forward and placed his hand on Seojun's man, then squeezed lightly and continued "Please take your medicine or I'll be in trouble with your mother-"


Trembling slightly as he felt a warm liquid spray onto the back of his neck while the hand on his shoulder suddenly disappears, Seojun slowly brought his hand to his cheek and touched with confusion the viscous liquid that soaked him, noting with dazed shock the haunting reddish hue of blood.

Turning deathly pale from one second to the next, Seojun slowly turned his gaze to his back and looked down, noticing with horror in his eyes the paste of flesh that formed on his back.

Literally where there was a man, now there is nothing but a large amount of ground meat with pieces of clothes mixed in, while in one or another area you can see pieces of perfectly cut bones mixing with the meat and the large amount of blood that splattered everywhere.

The man who was so confidently talking a few seconds ago, turned into a strange mixture of minced meat and being totally ground up as if a steamroller had run over him.

"Did he do something to you?" appearing next to the ground meat, Sujin's face was distorted with anger while her tone of voice was deathly cold.

"H-he... gave me these p-pills" Turning even paler as he realized what happened, Seojun stretched out his trembling hand with the pills.

Appearing in front of Seojun, Sujin took the pills and narrowed her eyes at them, then turned her gaze to Seojun and asked "Did you take any?"

"N-no" Shaking his head quickly, Seojun continued "M-mother, w-what's wrong?"

"Don't worry" Not caring about the blood on her son's body, Sujin gently stroked his cheek and smiled reassuringly "Mom will have to go out to settle some business, but she will leave you with someone very trustworthy so you won't feel afraid."

"W-well" Still feeling dazed by the whole situation, Seojun didn't even feel his mother's hand on his cheek and just nodded.

Losing her smile, Sujin turned her gaze to her back and spoke "Shadow, take care of him while I'm gone."

"At your command" With her words, a slender masked figure suddenly appeared next to Seojun, wearing a rare dark clothing very similar to what ninjas are usually shown in movies.

Staring for a few seconds at the meat paste, Sujin's face distorted again in anger as she gritted her teeth, then inhaled deeply and disappeared from the place while leaving a few last words "Have that cleaned up and prepare the tub for Seojun."

"..." Lowering his gaze as he shakily stands up from his place, Seojun stared at the severed hand in front of his feet, then retched and quickly turned to the other side as he knelt down again "*Blargh!*"

Unable to bear the feeling of disgust any longer, Seojun vomited continuously as his head seemed to spin, but just when he thought nothing could be worse, a strong and horrible smell of blood began to permeate the area and getting deep up his nose. The smell was so strong and disgusting, that somehow Seojun was absolutely sure that he even got to taste the unmistakable metallic taste of blood.

"..." Staring at the young man who wouldn't stop vomiting, Shadow turned her gaze to the meat paste and then to the sides, then waved her hand and made 5 people suddenly appear around her "Clean everything up and then take the corpses of our comrades to the temple."

Without replying, the 5 people disappeared as two others appeared on the spot, then bent down and started to pick up the remains of the man with their bare hands.

"Young master, please re-enter the cave" Standing next to Seojun, Shadow spoke respectfully "You don't have to worry about this, your mother can take care of everything with no problem"

"W-well..." Covering his nose and mouth, Seojun gathered all his remaining willpower and struggled to his feet, while his legs felt strangely weak and trembled gently under the weight of his own body.

Closing his eyes as he circled around the mass of flesh that used to be a human, Seojun weakly walked towards the cave, while his mind kept replaying the recent events over and over again.


"Sons of bitches" Moving swiftly across the mountain, Sujin gritted her teeth and cursed openly, while all around her a frightening and destructive purple aura grew ever stronger.

The aura surrounding the enraged mother was so strong, that all the ground that came in contact with her instantly turned into a fine dust, while little by little her hair began to float and rise, totally ignoring the laws of physics.

"May I know which unfortunate will leave this world today?" Suddenly appearing next to Sujin, Dokuma ran up next to her and asked with a smile full of interest.

Stopping instantly, Sujin inhaled deeply and put her aura away again, then stretched out her hand towards her sister and asked "Tell me what are these pills?"

Taking the pills, Dokuma watched them with interest for a few seconds and brought them up to her nose, then frowned slightly and began to lick them one by one as her brow furrowed more and more.

"Is this a joke?" after a few seconds of silence, Dokuma looked up at Sujin and asked quizzically.

"Just tell me if you know what they are" Not having the patience or the courage to mess around with riddles, Sujin snorted.

"Of course I know, I made them."

"..." Blinking in a daze for a few seconds, Sujin rubbed her ear and asked a neutral face "You made them?"

"Yes, these are clearly the ones I made a few days ago."

"With what motives did you make them and what effects do they have?" 

"..." Adding even more strangeness to her face, Dokuma stared at Sujin's face for a few seconds and asked "You really don't know?"

"Should I know?"

"Of course you should, you asked me for them..."

"..." Blinking again in a daze, Sujin spoke in disbelief "Repeat what you said."

"You asked me to make these pills" Scratching her hair in confusion, Dokuma continued "3 days ago to be exact."

"When did I do that?" Inhaling deeply to calm her growing anger, Sujin asked coolly.

"3 days ago..." Noticing that something was wrong, Dokuma continued "I still have your request in my pagoda... sister, did you become senile?"

"..." Remaining silent for a few seconds, Sujin asked "Was it signed by me?"

"It has your seal and your handwriting"


People, with this chapter I want to make something clear. Previously I saw some comments from people who didn't understand why the main character suffered a panic attack when his mother literally jumped off a cliff miles high. This story will seek to develop the protagonist with as much reality as possible, and unfortunately in my thoughts it is impossible for an ordinary person to live situations like these without panicking or sinking into terror.

Erooscreators' thoughts