
My Mother is Not From This World...?

A normal 20 year old college student named Leo lived a pretty basic life. Until one day, he woke up and felt sore all over. Not know that this soreness was the beginning of something great for him, he continued about his day. Then after coming home thanks to something that happened, his mom informed him that she is not from this world? How the hell did his life change so suddenly? This is the story of the Leo, a boy who was born on earth but is not from here. Follow his journey alongside him, while he explores this new world...and who knows...maybe even beyond it... [I do not take credit for the cover art, if the artist wants me to take it down I would be happy to do so.]

RKPhoenix · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

I won't let anyone take any of you from me...

Back inside the mansion Celia was talking with her sister, Alanna.

"It's only been a week since he has arrived. Are you sure you are not forcing it a bit too much?" Alanna asked Celia.

When she heard what Celia had done she was surprised and disagreed with her choice. Alanna thought that Leo should develop himself a bit more before coming to terms with taking a life, but Celia disagreed.

"Sis, I think the sooner the better. Leo is a part of the Kingsmith Clan and we have enemies. Hesitation would only get Leo killed." Celia gripped the arm of the chair that she was sitting in harder when she imagined Leo dying.

"I understand that but-"

Just as Alanna was about to protest against her sister's choice once again, the door opened.

"I'm back." Leo spoke in a heavy tone. Both Celia and Alanna could tell that something changed in him. His earthling part, the part which thought that all of this was fun and games, disappeared and was replaced by realization. Realization that this was not just for fun or playing around.

Realization that death was a concept of less importance in this world when compared to Earth. And that he could lose someone important to him much easier than before.

Alanna and Celia looked at his sleeve and noticed the blood stains. They also noticed that he smelled different than before. With aura, one could tell who had taken a life and who hadn't by their scent. Before Leo smelled a little crazy but pure, now though he smelled like blood.

"Are you okay?" Alanna asked while approaching Leo.

"I'm fine auntie. I would like some time to rest though." He responded. Leo was not physically exhausted but mentally. Today had been the biggest change to his mentality thus far, so it was natural that he was tired.

"I agree. Selena!" She shouted.

Not even a moment later Selena walked in wearing her maids uniform, but this time with something extra. Her hair now held a silver hairpin in it.

"Yes, Lady Alanna?" Selena answered with a neutral voice. If one looked closely though they would be able to see worry in her eyes when she looked at Leo.

"Take Leo to his room, please. He needs to rest."

"Yes, My Lady. Right this way, Le-Young Master." Selena caught herself just as she was about to call Leo by his name. She was on duty now so that was not allowed.

Just as Leo was about to follow Selena out of the room, he heard his mother speak.

"Good Job." She said plainly. But Leo understood what Celia meant by the look in her eyes. Celia's words may have been simple but her eyes were not.

"Thanks, mom." He responded with a gentle smile then followed Selena.

While walking down the hall, Selena kept taking glances at Leo before finally speaking.

"Are you okay, Leo?" She spoke his name this time to show that it wasn't a servant worried about their master but a woman worried about a man.

After her words, Selena then lapped her hands around Leo's.

"I'm fine." His simple response made Selena tighten her grip on Leo's hands as they soon approached his room.

Entering his room Leo turned towards Selena and spoke, "I would like some time alone, Please." But unlike what he had expected Selena did not obey, instead she headed towards his bed and sat down on it.

She then patted her thighs and spoke, "Come lay down." Her voice was telling more than asking him. Leo decided to take Selena up on her offer and lied down on the bed, putting his head into Selena's thighs.

'So soft…' He thought as his head sunk into her soft yet firm thighs.

"Rest…I'll still be here when you wake up." Selena said softly as she ran her thin fingers through Leo's pearly hair.

Selena gave Leo chills, not Selena's fingers but her words, 'Selena… Everybody, I won't let anyone take any of you from me…' He swore to himself.

What shook Leo the most today was not himself overcoming his hesitation on killing people but instead how easy it was. How easy it was to lose your life, one wrong decision and it's over just like those people he had killed. But this also helped him realize that this world did not value life like his other one. This caused him to fear losing his new found loved one's.

'I need to get stronger…' With these thoughts, Leo fell into the dreamworld.

Selena looked at Leo in her lap with a gentle smile while continuing to stroke his hair.

'This is nice… When Maria's training is done will I be forced to leave him and serve someone else? No! I don't want that! I'll ask my father if I can become his official servant alongside Maria. Right now I'm only supporting Maria but if I become his official servant I could call him…hehehe, Master~ Ahh…His breath tickles.' Selena thought, as her head slowly began to think of Leo as her master.

Leo slept for much longer than he had anticipated because soon he was woken up by Selena.

"Leo…I'm afraid it's time to wake up. Dinner is ready." She whispered in his ear, regretfully. Even though it had been hours since Leo had fallen asleep, Selena kept her words and did not leave his side. She even wanted Leo to sleep longer as she enjoyed the peaceful expression on his face.

"Just a little longer…" Leo grunted in a semi-conscious state.

"Fufu, is my lap that comfortable~" She responded with a tease.

"Yes, it's great…Very comfortable." He said as he snuggled back into her lap. Sadly Selena's tease backfired on her because of Leo's bluntness. But his words were no lie, he found Selena's thighs to be better than even the most comfortable pillow.

"O-Oh, I-I see… *Ahem*", After taking a second to compose herself, Selena started again, "Leo, I can do this again another time but right now it's time to get up." She spoke with fake calmness.

She spoke as if giving him a lap pillow was doing him a favor but she herself knew that her words were spoken out of selfishness. She wanted to see his peaceful face once again.


Leo got up off of his new favorite pillow and headed towards the door but not before turning back to Selena, "Thanks. I slept great." He said.

A warm and gentle smile appeared upon Selena's face, "It was my pleasure."

This was a shorter chapter so I may release another one later today. Im not sure though, I have real life things to do and I may not have time. I'll try my best though!

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