
My mother's SON-IN-LAW

"MARRY ME Alicia!! What choice do you have on this?" said Liam with a faint smile on his face. Alicia looked at the man in front of her with nothing but a feeling of disgust as she answered him with, "I will not marry Liam. Especially if its you, NEVER!! I WOULD RATHER DIE THAN TO DO SUCH A THING!!" Alicia finds herself in a tricky situation with her mother who wants to get her married without reason, a sudden man whom she has never met before sets to make life living hell for her, a brother who lives to make her work for him, and a 'TRUTH' about herself she would never have thought existed, ..........

Nokuthokoza_Nkoana · Urban
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126 Chs


Felix stood in front of Alicia with a blank exppression not knowing how to speak to her accordingly in that situation. 

Alicia on the other hand was jolted back to her senses which made her question the man's reason behind coming into her room. 

At first she was quite sure that he was the one who had kidnapped her in the first place but then again the cab that she was in had a young man driving it. 

after a series of intense concerntration she finally came to the decision thta the man in front of her door was not a part of her kidnapping which meant only one thing; that he was a part of her rescue which is when she forgot every kind of reason her brain gave her and walked towards him with a grim expression. 

When she was in front of him she the tugged on his coat and said, "Let's go."

Felix did not stand on ceremony the moment her heard her words and simply Took her left hand with his right and started dragging her out of the building.