
My Mother's daughter.

BabyYu_6690 · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter. 1

'' It was all that b*tch's fault. '' Thought Gu Nali as she fell to the ground feeling every bone in her body breaking and blood dropping out of her body in large ounces. As her vision blurred she felt a strong hold carefully holding her head and wounded left hand.

At least someone realised that the ground was hard and put something soft under, she thought. Oh! God these are hand ahhh so long so mascular, they would be a Master piece at the moment if they were Not spoiled by her blood. She sighed internally with pity.

Oh! Great Buddha Nali what are you thinking at this moment when your almost losing your life. The sudden pain in her legs reminded her that she was still on the ground covered in blood so she quickly reprimanded her thoughts. But as she thought further she gave up, so what if she was thinking about these mascular hands while covered in blood what could she do anyway? She couldn't move any way the only thing that could move was her thoughts, so she wished to think about useless things before she completely lost her life.

No no no. She can't die like this, the thought of that b*tch ired her therefore she couldn't die like this. She was still Young just 16 years, if she dies like this then that bitch takes it all but what can she do? She thought desperately.

At that moment she felt so wronged but she couldn't move her mouth let alone complain to anyone. When she thought about how her grandparents are going to be hurt she couldn't help but slip a tear out of her left eye as she forced herself, her lips started shaking as if she wanted to say something.

She held tightly the coat of the Person who was holding her and watched blurrily as he brought his ear to her bloody lips.

She whispered shakily, '' Hey

..Handsome..Lili..th..inks y_o_u look ni..ce with long hair...'' She lost her energy and her hand fell to the ground.

Oh my God Lili... all that energy was wasted just to say something so stupid! she reprimanded herself.

''Hey? Hey? Wake up please . Don't close your eyes. The doctors are coming.'' A sweet baritone voice Said softly but anxiously as his long fingers softly pated Gu Nali's bloody cheeks.

She made forceful smile exposing her bloody teeth. His concern really gave her comfort at that moment and she felt that even if she died she would be Happy that at least someone showed her Love and concern in her last moments.

''Thank you.'' she breathed out these unclear words to him with a lot of difficult. She hoped he heard her appreciation.

''If your thankful then hold on until the ambulance comes. Alright?'' He Said with a shaking voice.

Gu Nali just smiled because he heard her ''thank you''. His sweet voice started drifting away from her ears. '' I think he is as handsome as his voice.'' That was the last thought Gu Nali had before she lost consciousness and after 15 minutes sirens of the ambulance and police were heard coming closer and closer until it reached.

The paramedics rushed out with a stretcher and carried her limp body on it then pushed her into the ambulance. The sweet voiced guy followed in and watched as they administered first aid on her the entered the ambulance too and they set off to the hospital.