

Jerseym · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 9


One certain day at the close of work I booked a ride to go see a friend who's living some few kilometers away from the popular Vision Makers Cinema (VMC).

VMC in those days arguably was one of the top ranked movie outlet in Kims Island exclusively reserved for big boys and girls with a touch of class.

A 20 minutes sight at VMC is about 750 dollars (including VAT) so it mostly served as a dating ground for the deep pockets guys.

While passing by the gate of the Cinema I highlighted through the side mirror this tall, dark, chubby young lady with full curved hips and well positioned baby feeds so I asked the driver to apply the break immediately.

Driver: but Sir you're going to Number 37, we haven't gotten to your destination.

Me: how is that a challenge to you, when does a piper start detecting the tone against the wish of the payer? My friend will you stop this thing you call car before I descend on you.

I quickly paid him and jumped out of the car.

I've never been to VMC no matter how it's highly rated, reason been I'm not a lover of movies. I can't see a 30 minutes movie without sleeping off but would rather spend a full day in the library feeding from the bowls of good books.

It's better you tie me down to some volume of printed materials than have my eyes stressed out to diverse colours on screen.

Music, swimming or table tennis are better options to choose from.

I considered Cinemas as an over hyped recreational centers but that day I had to spontaneously visit due to this natural endowment that greeted my eyes.

For the records Chubby girls are my spec so tell me why I won't go for that which nature has graciously decided to bless me with?

On spotting my seriousness to catch up with the babe this intelligent and very vibrant gatekeeper rushed to open the door for me at an interval of about 5 meter away from the gate.

Hello pretty please excuse me..