
my moonlight alphas

In story, there is young man(Ellen)who son of Mr sunshine(god of sun), he is looking for a mate since he is omega. But he meet two girls(Luna and Lana) at college who is new and the daughters of moonlight(god of moon),he fall in the love them. They love him very much if Person hurt him, That person going be big trouble with them.

Lunardi_Lunatic · Urban
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6 Chs


ML1= Moonlight01= Luna    MN1= Midnight01= Lana

MN1= tell mother and father, I can't making it to the meeting

ML1 = why?

MN1= because Ellen is shacking and sacred of our parents

ML1= oh, I bet he is sleeping

MN1= mhm, he in a deep sleep but I need sleep bad

ML1= ok, see you in morning.

As I finish text her and put it back on night stand,I deeply sigh and look at little  Ellen. "Oh my fucking god, you so fucking cute?!" I said to myself in bit loud voice, "mmm" he mumbled, 'ah shit, I fuck up?!'  I thought, " can you give me a kiss pls" he said in tried voice whit one eye opened, "where?" I asked

"On my lip"

"Why you want it then?"

"Well,cause I making myself feel good while I'm with you" he said with simile, I blushed little, "fine" I said as I bing him closer to my face, his eyes are very beautiful like it made from pure golden, I sure started to kiss on his cheek, "but I say on th-" he said bur I cut him off with big kiss on the lips, he kissed back. After little while, I pull back,stay in one place when I saw Luna who is standing by door, look like the meeting done.there is silence in the room for a good while then I broke the silence, " wait...., how the fuck you get the door unlocked !?" I asked

"Magic and why doing kiss without me" She said

"Ask Ellen, He is one want kiss in the first place"

"Yep but Luna,you want to join?" he asked

"No but when We finish college and get marred,maybe we can do 'it' together" Luna said with little giggles at the end. I blushed very red because I just realize what she mean but Ellen is very confused whit that sentence, "babe, what she mean and why you are so red? he asked as he is checking me "I think we should sleep because we have college tomorrow" I said as get up and push him out of my room, "but tomorrow is Saturday" he said , I nodded. As he out of my room  and I close the door on his face. I waited for his footsteps and been there for good while I guess after that he finally go to his bedroom. I sit down and I feel bad for him because he is very sensitive, I deeply sighed and get up, grab my phone and go to my bed. I started to text him.

Lana: Hey, am sorry about that because Luna is talk about something that Keep me think way too much about it and also, am deeply sorry that I close on your face, I hope you forgive me :(

I waited to respond my message,....what if he hate me now?!....if he stop talking  me?!...if what-

I gots message from him

Ellen: Hey,it ok and I know Luna love to words that make people always look red as tomato but I forgive you,my alpha ;) and also we are going on a date and Luna is coming too ^^.

I laughed and respond back too

Lana:Aww that is really sweet and thank for forgiving me but I really need sleep bad

Ellen:Okey, nightly night my love

Luna:Night my puppy

As I finish text him, I was very happy about that, I yawned and decided to sleep so I change my clothes to my sleep clothes. I reached to my bed and I was fast to sleep. I have very  weird dreams that me,Luna and Ellen in the room and we are naked. What is that mean?


Oh no

The next day(In morning)


As I wake up from wonderful sleep,I go to the bathroom to bush my shape teeth,that is two doors away from mine. As I go to the bath room and almost pass Lana's bedroom,I hear some sound from her room so I stop and decided to check her. I reach to the doorknob and turn it.I saw Lana is in the corner,mumble words and rocking back and front? This is strange because she never acting like this or she just doing stupid prank. "Lana,are you okey" I said as I walk in her room, "n-no....am not " she answer if she is sacred of something,as I put my hand on her shoulder and she tuned her head, her eyes is very puffy and look like she have nightmares but 10 time worse than before "what happened to you" I asked, "I have worst nightmares I never have" she said

"You want to talk about it?" I asked as I trying to understand to what happened to her, she nodded, "how about we going on ready for breakfast and talk about it, ok?" I asked as Am going to hug her, she nodded like if that nightmares might be real but don't make sense. 'Tsk, she like a big baby now but wait if she dreaming about good time,It happens the next day?!No, that don't make any sense or it is real, ' I thought as try get myself ready for today.Until I feeling a shaped pain on my cheeks. When I saw Ellen and Lana was by the bathroom's door? Hold on,how I am in bathroom!?,"You are deep though agin", she said as she give me another slap. I look around the bathroom,checking if I make mess while I was in deep though but I didn't make mess that is good :). "Well,thank you bitch for helping me to get out my deep though" I said angered.

"I wish I didn't do it first place !"

"Fuck You bitch !!"


"Girls,stop that enough of this bullshit" Ellen said as trying to keep us a part. But we don't care what he say and we trying to hit other, until he snapped "girls, you better stop now or else~" he said with a creepy smile. Me and Lana never see him like that before, we are sacred of him now. We just stay in one spot while he being so creepy no fuck (O-O)

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