
Chapter 13: Getting into a Car Accident with the Boss

Translator: 549690339

Li Sushan looked at him with a smile that wasn't quite a smile, having already extended her delicate hand to fondle him through his pants, yet he was still not satisfied, still thinking about getting a blowjob.

However, Li Sushan had never done such a thing before, driven by curiosity, she moved closer and took him into her mouth with one deep gulp.

The sensation of sour numbness and pleasure made Wang Jie careless for a moment, and before he could hit the brakes, he crashed into the car ahead with a loud "bam."

Fuck, there's been an accident!

The driver of the car in front opened the door, and a man in a suit, furious, stepped out.

Seeing this, Wang Jie hurriedly fixed his pants, not bothering with the details, he just stuffed it in.

Before Wang Jie could speak, the man pointed at the car window and started cursing loudly.

"Are you fucking blind?"

Wang Jie was stunned and, in the next second, he was enraged.

Dammit, it was just a rear-end collision; was there any need to start cursing right away?

Wang Jie, furious, got out of the car and confronted the other driver, not indulging him one bit.

"What's all the fuss about? Did I hit your dad or kill your mom or something?"

Wang Jie, standing nearly two meters tall and with a somewhat muscular build,

as soon as he opened his mouth, his authority and presence were immediately felt.

Baring his teeth viciously, the aggressive driver suddenly froze on the spot.

Looking a bit cowardly at the Maserati in front, then back at Wang Jie, he quickly withdrew his pointing hand.

The driver's forehead crinkled into a frown, his gaze was cold, his face unhappy, and he stuttered when he spoke.

"You little shit, let me tell you, this car belongs to our boss, and you're not going anywhere today without paying a hundred grand!"

A hundred grand? Wang Jie was dumbfounded; it was just a scratch on the car in front.

"It's just a little scratch. Considering your boss doesn't look like someone who's short of cash, why are you barking up a storm like a dog?"

Li Sushan in the passenger seat also quickly got out of the car, looked at the vehicle in front, indeed, it was valuable, but not to the exaggerated degree the driver claimed.

Just as Li Sushan was about to speak, the window of the other car rolled down.

"Miss Li, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be resting at home today not feeling well?"

A rough yet familiar voice. At that moment, a middle-aged man with a fat face and greasy skin poked his head out to look at Li Sushan.

This man was the one who had spoken to Li Sushan on the phone that morning and was also her immediate boss.

Upon hearing this, Li Sushan's expression stiffened, and her rosy cheeks instantly turned pale; she also seemed a bit slow to respond.

"Zhang, Zhang Dafu... what a coincidence. Where are you headed?"

Hearing Li Sushan's tone and taking her in from top to bottom, Zhang Dafu had already grasped what was happening.

Faking illness to skip out on a date with him, she had found a good-looking young man to go out and have a good time with.

Zhang Dafu curled his lips into a cold smile, feeling a fire of anger inside.

Which sick woman dresses so flamboyantly? Zhang Dafu stared greedily at Li Sushan's almost bursting cleavage, the collar of her dress looking as if it had been untied by someone. With a few more glances, everything would've spilled out, and he couldn't help but swallow a few times.

Zhang Dafu glanced at Wang Jie, standing beside Li Sushan, and understood everything.

As soon as he got out of the car, he immediately went over to Li Sushan, touching her up, stroking her buttocks one moment and her waist the next. Had it not been for Li Sushan's vigilance, covering her chest with her hands, he would have likely groped her entire body by now.

Zhang Dafu even teased her, "What a coincidence, wasn't I just bringing you medicine? Are you okay? Come on, let me see if you've got any injuries on you?"

Zhang Dafu said this and started to make a move, but he retreated when Wang Jie strode in front of Li Sushan.

"It looks like you don't have any injuries, but how come, you're feeling a lot better? Judging by the way you're dressed, are you going out to have fun?"

"You're going out to have fun and don't even tell us. Can this young man handle it alone?"

Hearing this, Wang Jie's fists clenched tightly, his anger through the roof.

Li Sushan laughed awkwardly, her face full of confusion.

"No, no, Mr. Zhang, this is my best friend's child. He's just arrived in Jiang City, and I was just picking him up."

You could tell what Li Sushan was thinking, and Zhang Dafu didn't continue to trouble her, nodding with a forced smile on his face.

"Alright, no worries. But since you're looking so well, how about joining us for dinner tonight, to meet a few important clients?"

Tonight, this evening... could he, Wang Jie, agree to that?

Before Li Sushan could speak, Wang Jie quickly stepped forward.

"Auntie Shan, my mom has something to look for you tonight, don't forget, okay..."

Listening to his words, Zhang Dafu's mouth twitched slightly, his face annoyed.

Li Sushan nodded repeatedly as if grasping at a lifeline.

"Indeed, there are quite a few matters, sorry Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Dafu didn't want to speak further, simply nodded, rolled up the car window, and told the driver to leave from there.

Inside, however, he thought about how he would bed Li Sushan till she was worn out sooner or later.

The driver was originally planning to pursue Wang Jie's faults, but after seeing Zhang Dafu's murderous look, he backed down instantly.

Seeing Zhang Dafu leave, Li Sushan finally relaxed a bit, her expression complicated.

Wang Jie grabbed at the drum Zhang Dafu had touched, and squeezed it hard.


Li Sushan cried out in pain from the contraction of the muscles.

"Auntie Shan, are you okay?"

"That guy just now didn't look like a good man at all. What do you say, should I deal with him?"

Surprised, she looked at Wang Jie as if she heard something unbelievable, and then fiercely pinched the hand he was holding.

"What are you talking about? Deal with him? Come on, he only touched me a little, not like how hard you are with me."

"But that guy definitely wants to sleep with Auntie Shan, and I won't allow it!"

"Look at that deadbeat staring at you, just eyeing your 'big white rabbits'; I haven't even had my fill of them. Stay away from people like that from now on!"

After saying the word "sleep," Li Sushan couldn't help but chuckle, then leaned in and gave Wang Jie a big kiss.

"Silly boy, if he could have slept with me, he would've had his fill by now. Can't I handle him?"

"As for you, you've been craving Auntie Shan's body day in and day out. Who was it that wanted another round in the car? You're making me laugh."

Wang Jie, seeing that his thoughts were seen through, felt no shame: "So, what I just said, does it work? In the car with your mouth."