
My Modern Husband

When sworn enemies, Andrea Graham and Ernesto Udinese, embark on a dark and steamy one-year affair, they discover each other's secrets and decide whether to fall in love or not before they run out of days. Andrea Graham, a twenty-one-year-old college dropout encounters a man who is handsome, brilliant, fully tattooed, and intimidating. Shocked by his need to control everything, she hesitates to marry Ernesto Udinese but realizes that she wants to get closer to him, despite his enigmatic reserve and aloof character. Ernesto Udinese, a successful Italian entrepreneur has everything that life offers. He is tormented by demons and the need to control. He's a man who takes charge, one who imposes his will on others, not the other way around. Unable to resist Andrea's quiet beauty, wit, and independent spirit, Ernesto admits he wants her too, but on his terms. Does Andrea explore her dark desires?

Yummy_Yappah · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 | the abuse

Content and/or Trigger warning: This chapter contains sexual assault and mature language which may be triggering to some readers.

"Get on your knees, " my uncle whispers against my swollen ears, takes a quick peek at the door in case anyone is intruding into my room, and runs his thumb across my throbbing lips. "Get on your knees in front of me and spread those thighs over my face. Let me check if you are still a virgin."

Father's younger brother doesn't respect anyone's privacy. Maybe he does when it comes to his daughter and wife, but never mine. Strangers who pay us visits can't even tell the difference between the maids and me.

I hate this house.

I've never liked my uncle or his family.

If not for the fact that he took me in when I was still a clueless kid, I would have rebelled and run away.

It's nauseating to have Morris as an uncle and worst of all, huge spiders crawl into my pants whenever he lays those fat smelly fingers on my body.

I hiss. "You are drunk."

I'm not scared of him.

Every Friday when he's drunk, he finds various ways to get to my room even when I double the locks and tries to make out with me, but I don't give him a chance. I'm stubborn and he knows.

"What has my virginity got to do with you?"

He shoves his dirty thumb into my mouth and chuckles. "It's got a lot to do with me, little slut. Just let me check and we are good." He walks the thumb inside my mouth to the back of my throat and smirks when I choke on my spit. "I want to see you choke on something bigger than my thumb, that's if you want to have fun. I can pleasure you with my angry dragon."

"Get out!" I nudge my elbow to his chest, frown at him, and skip out of my bed, holding the bedsheets against my chest to hide my already exposed pair of bouncing breasts. "Don't make me call the police or whoever the heck will drag your sorry ass to a cell and get you locked up. You disgust me."

He rises to his feet, laughs as his hand ruffles through his hair, and takes a bold step toward me. He reaches for the back pocket of his slacks and takes out a key. "What is this, Andrea?"

He's careful not to trip over the vase of hot water which I'd kept by my bed just in case he wanted to get more aggressive. "Let me warn you. If words escape this room, that's if you are even alive to tell the story when I'm done playing with you—"

"Get the hell out of my room this very minute." I'm screaming at him, not caring about whoever is listening. He has gone as far as finding pleasure in threatening my life. There's no better way to treat a pervert than exposing his ugly deeds to those he cares about. I've had enough pain in this house. "Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

He takes another bold step towards me, his eyes looking me up and down as though he's being fed with dirt.

"I didn't kill anyone, why would I be ashamed of myself?" His gaze is accusing as he closes the distance between us and pins me to the metal door with his bulk of muscles. "You are responsible for the death of your foolish father—not me. You little slut."

"I didn't kill him." My voice cracks while the incident surfaces at the back of my head. "You are the one who was driving recklessly."

My knuckles fist Morris's shirt. "Don't blame me for what you did. You are the asshole who drove into Gustavo, not the other way around. Father bled to death in front of you while you stood over his helpless body laughing. I was only a kid, but I remember the satisfaction in your evil brown eyes."

Morris angrily raises his hand to smack my cheeks, but halts, and releases a strong breath. "You don't know shit. How will you know when you were busy playing the spoiled girl, running off in rain from your father because he asked you to stop messing around with that son of a loser? I ran over him because you made him step in my way. If not for your stubbornness, he won't have—"

"Enough!" I push his chest out of my way to free myself, but his stability is one to clap for as he doesn't budge even a single step backward. I'm left with no choice but to spit on his face and curse him to get out of my room which won't work. "Let go of me and get out! I don't owe you. Why must you be so heartless? I'm your blood!"

"I've never fucked you."

He's quick to squeeze my hands and hold them behind my back while a wave of pain shoots through my body.

I'm almost giving up when he slides his thigh in between my legs and rubs the thin lace fabric that separates my sex from his pants. "Give me a chance to fuck you. I will assault your nipples and do your pussy the right way. I will fill your holes until you can't take it anymore. Let me have you tonight."

"You are a bastard," I shout and knee him in the balls, before freeing myself from his dangerous grip. It's written on his reddening face that he didn't expect such a move from me as he curbs his bulge from my sight and falls to the fetal position on the floor. "That's the reward for being a dick."

He grabs the lamp stand by my bed to support himself and stands back on his feet, but he is late to gain balance.

I'm quick to knee him again, this time it's on the ribs. And there's a crack. He can't help but cry for relief as his breathing becomes painfully difficult.

"Get back here," he crawls on the floor to catch up with me, but I've snatched the key to my room from him and made my way out the door before he can even realize it. "You will pay. You will pay for being an ungrateful slut like your stupid mother."

Morris makes me an outcast.

Saying I hate him is an understatement of the decade because no word in the dictionary describes what I have built up against him for the past years that I've been staying with him and his crazy family.

Morris is bad news, coupled with the fact that he has put his hands into horrible business with sinful men, he's now above the law like them.


Author's Note: Yes! If you are reading this then you must have read chapter one. Thanks for giving Andrea your attention. Please support Andrea's story with Ernesto by voting, commenting, and sharing the story with your friends and family.

Thanks for reading.

See you next Friday.