
My mistake, His loss

Deborah_Lesuanu · Urban
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5 Chs

The truth is sometimes bitter

"It's my house! Lay on the couch or find somewhere else to sleep" Rick yelled at me late at night, after we were done having dinner.

"It's fine," I tried hard to hide my anger and resentment, as I picked up the blanket and pillow he had left on the bed for me.

"I'll use the guest room" I said as I walked out the door and down the stairs. The guest room wasn't that bad. It had a bed, a couch and everything that was considered to be a necessary item or furniture in a bedroom, but it was wrong. I was a married woman, even though it wasn't my dream marriage, I expected things between I and Rick to be normal like every other couple but I guess I was wrong. There's nothing normal about being with Oliver Rick.

This isn't how it started though. My name is Mitchell and let me take you to the very beginning.

My mum, Rosette, and I were very close. We had the same eyes and ears and nose. We were mistaken for siblings sometimes. She was a very busy woman trying so hard to foot our bills. Part-time jobs, full-time jobs, you name it, she did everything she could. My dad on the other hand couldn't bear it when my mum conceived. My mum told me he didn't want the baby and he asked her to get rid of it, rid of me. But she couldn't. They weren't married so she couldn't hold him down and so she left. She cried every day after she made that choice. There wasn't much she could afford, and I was solely feeding on breast milk for two years straight. Ever since, she had been my super woman, until that very day.

I got a call one evening after school. It was from one of the companies my mum worked as a cleaner. The news hit me so hard that I ran to her workplace. When I got there, the policeman standing outside looked at me and shook his head. It was almost as if he felt pity for me and I didn't know the reason why. I was directed to one of the rooms on the second floor, where I saw my mum in cuffs and laying on the floor unconscious. Mr Fabian, who seemed to be in charge of the company, explained how my mum had tried stealing from one of the company's safes. I could hardly believe it. My mum had never stolen anything before. I asked them for proof and soon regretted doing so, because the next minute I was shown CCTV footage of my mum trying to unlock the safe. 

My mum was taken to prison and I didn't know what else to do or where to go. My mum never spoke about any relatives and our rent had expired. "Our rent has expired" I mumbled those words to myself. I finally understood why she tried to steal the money. It was all my fault, I blamed myself for everything.

After a few weeks of sleeping at different places and on different streets, a miracle happened, or so I thought. A black Chevrolet Camaro car pulled up at one of the places I had been taking shelter, and a white man, dressed in a black tuxedo and who looked like he was above his fifties, walked out of the Chevrolet.

"Are you Mitchell Smith, daughter of Smith Rosette?" He asked and I nodded slowly, trying hard to understand what was going on. I knew I had no relatives, since mum never mentioned any.

"Yes" this time around I tried using words instead.

"You are invited to the home of Mr Oliver Fabian, and I was asked to bring you along should you agree to come" he spoke, using the very accent I admired.

It was crazy to just hop on, but I had nowhere else to go. My mum never came out to talk to me during my visits to her at the station, I couldn't afford a house or school, and besides the name sounded familiar. I was pretty sure this was the only elevation I had finally gotten and so, I agreed and we headed to Mr Fabian's house. After a while on our little journey, I finally remembered who Mr Fabian was. Once I did, I felt this little guilt and scare. Why did he want to see me? Why would he invite me to his home? All these were questions I couldn't answer on my own.

We arrived at a very big mansion. The walls were all white, the lighting was perfect, it looked heavenly. There was a little fountain just right in the middle of the compound. The orchestra coming from inside could make you think you were attending a royal ball in one of Disney princesses movies. The street was well lit.

"Right this way, miss" the old man that had brought me to the mansion instructed, as I followed. I couldn't help but notice that there was a function at Mr Fabian's place that night, as well dressed people kept arriving.

My walk with Me Fabian's driver finally came to an end as he left me with four beautiful ladies, who took me inside a room and dressed me up like I was some royal bride. The feeling was beautiful and for a few moments I had forgotten everything about my struggle. After an hour of make-up, jewelry and different outfits, they were finally done with me and soon after a lady walked into the room. She placed my palm on hers and said "You look wonderful darling" after which, she smiled. I felt welcomed, but I didn't know why. She majestically took me downstairs, and I saw a lot of people staring at me. Their eyes followed every step I made until I got to where Mr Fabian stood with his son "Rick!". I was shocked. I had no idea that Mr Fabian was Rick's dad.

Rick and I studied at the same school, before he graduated. He talked to no one and had no friends, except Mia. Mia passed away a few years ago and Rick didn't come to his own graduation after that.

"I'd like to make an announcement" Mr Fabian said as he used a fork to click the glass cup in his hands. I stood so dumbfounded, because I didn't know the reason why I was here and I didn't know who to ask.

"My son, Rick, will be getting married in the next few days…" he announced.

"...to one of the most beautiful bride, Mitchell Smith" 

I couldn't move. What was happening? My own marriage was happening in a few days. Everyone present was clapping, showing some sort of happiness. I turned to look at Rick, but he was smiling too. What was I going to do?

I stood there for a while and when I couldn't bear it, I ran. The only way out of the mansion I could see was the main door, so I headed in that direction. Once I was outside, I felt a hand grab mine by the wrist.

"And where do you think you're going?" Rick's voice sent a chill throughout my whole body.

"Away from here" I responded, not sure if I was meant to.

"Come back inside" he spoke calmly

"I won't" I managed to shake his hand off of my wrist.

"I will not be getting married to you. I'm only eighteen, not done with school, not done with anything and now your father wants me to get married to you?! What rights does he have? Huh?" I yelled, letting out some tears and hoping he would listen.

"Every right!" He yelled back and I paused.

"I don't want to get married to you either, Mitchell. But this is my father's wish and we must obey it. So, come back inside" he spoke, trying hard to conceal his anger, but I couldn't.

"You have no right whatsoever. No one here does" 

"Actually, we do…your mum? She sold you to us. That's how she's been paying your fees and rent. That's why she's locked up, because she went back on her word and tried stealing from us to runaway with you"

"What?" I fell flat on the floor, broken, helpless and out of words. It was falling into place. How quickly we paid our bills, how I never had a single fee debt in school. All the while I thought she was working part-time in different companies. My fate was sealed by my mother. I could feel the pain gushing through every part of my body. Disgust, agony, pain, these were the only feelings I could grasp.

"Come back inside"

"No" I replied boldy, but that didn't play out well, because the next minute Rick was holding onto my wrist again and pulling me back inside the house. His force was stronger and so I couldn't do anything.

"If you don't want this to be a living nightmare, act normal" he arranged my dress and hair the moment we got to the front door. I watched him change his countenance from annoyed and angry to sweet and lovely in the blink of an eye. Whatever was going to happen next I was sure it wouldn't end well.