
Chapter 5.1 ( Bully)

(Next Day)

Luca's POV

I couldn't focus on my classes thinking about the incident that happened yesterday.

I just couldn't believe it. The site of the heartless and cold guy of the campus at Rhythms Tomb. And the fact that he came just for her. It's just too much to digest.

I was eating my food in the canteen drowned in those thoughts until I felt some cold liquid pouring on me.

I looked up to see who it was.

It was Jade, My Bully.

He's been my bully since middle school. I was such a weakling at that time that I couldn't bring myself to speak up for myself.

But by the time being I got so worked up by his behavior towards me that I finally fought him once in front of the campus. From that day onwards he stopped bothering me.

But unfortunately, he entered the same university as me. I have no idea why he's starting it again after a long time. My shirt got drenched from that juice he poured. I was fuming in anger. It was a gift from Rhythm when I won the tennis championship.

How Dare he???

I death glared at him.

"Hey, Buddy!! Why are you so worked up right now? It just started. The real fun will begin in a few" He said while smirking. How badly I wanna wipe that smirk off his face.

"WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE YOU-" I was gonna punch him in the face but he was too quick to dodge it.

He bumped me real hard right on my head. which made me feel dizzy. Everything started to spin. I couldn't focus.

"So, you wanna fight me I see...Ok, come on!! Stand up!!."

I was still on the floor trying to fix my gaze straight. Finally, after getting a bit steady, I stood up to face him.

He came with his fist ready to land a punch on my face with a smirk on his face. Fortunately, I dodged it

"playing with fire huh."

He said gritting his teeth.

I got into the position ready to defend myself but I felt something dripping down my lip. I touched it with my hand to see blood. I flowed continuously from my nose. Eventually, I lost consciousness and fell onto the cold floor. The last thing I heard was Ted's voice "LUCA WHAT HAPPEN??"

(2 hours later...)

I woke up hearing the sound of beeping.

I turned around to check where I am. Recognizing that I am in the hospital, I recalled what happened. The last thing I remember was going unconscious after a fight with Jade.

After a few minutes...Ted and Sara walked inside talking about medicines and bills-related stuff.

After witnessing my consciousness they came towards me with eyes widened and a smile crept on their faces. They started bombarding me with questions.

"Are you okay? Is it painting somewhere? Do you feel dizzy"

" Guys! guys!  I don't have 10 mouths to answer your questions. I am perfectly fine. Just feeling sore after sleep that's all"

"phew! Glad you're fine. We got so worried." Sara said.

"Why would that Bastard start bullying you again?"

Ted asked me with a furious face.

" No Idea. And why did I even bleed??" I asked them confusingly thinking that it was probably because of the impact of the punch.

"It's because you have stress."

Sara said. Ok that was unexpected

" Ohh. I had one when I was in high school. Maybe it returned."

I said sighing

"It doesn't return on its own Luca. It's just your mind that does that."

He said looking directly at me sternly.

" Doctor said you need mandatory rest for 3 days. So don't pull off any tricks and rest for a while clearing your mind." Sara said while looking at me worried.

"Fine..." I said while letting out a heavy sigh.


Jade's POV

Walking casually home after boozing thinking about how weak that Idiot was. Just my single punch got him unconscious. It was a proud moment for me.

Just after a few minutes, I heard a rustling sound behind me. Turning around to be met with darkness, I started walking again not caring. There was no one around this hour as it is 12.30 in the morning.

As soon as I started walking, I heard footsteps approaching me from behind. A shadow towered me from behind. I started quickening my pace. But getting caught by his harsh grip on my mouth pulled me towards a dark alley. As I was drunk I couldn't compete with his strength.

He kicked my calf which made me kneel in front of him. I finally got to see his face which is covered in a mask leaving his eyes. Which were glaring at me.

It was Emerald Green...








To be Continued...