
My MILF Harem (My MILF harem is too strong)

I am the son of a remarkable hero, a legacy that has bestowed upon me great wealth, honor, and the opportunity to marry the most sought-after princess in the land. Unfortunately, my personal shortcomings led to the end of our engagement. However, in a bold move, I beseeched the king for a second chance at love and asked to marry both the current queen and the elder princess. With this new arrangement, I began my journey to happiness, eager to start anew with my beloved wives. Little did I know, fate had other plans for me. As I navigated through the politics of this world, I found myself enmeshed in a web of intrigue and deception, all the while striving to protect and support my loved ones. But despite the challenges that lay ahead, I remained steadfast in my resolve to carve out a bright and fulfilling future for myself and those closest to me.

Universe_X · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Trapped in the Fog: Alex's Desperate Struggle for Survival

As Alex stepped through the doorway, he felt a sense of relief and joy that he had finally completed the trial he had been working on. However, as soon as he entered, the heavy door slammed shut behind him, and he was suddenly engulfed in a thick fog that quickly descended upon the area. Alex tried to open the door to leave, but it seemed to vanish into the mist, leaving him trapped and disoriented. The fog was so dense that he could barely see a few feet in front of him, and he could feel a sense of foreboding that sent chills down his spine. Despite his growing panic, Alex knew he had to keep his wits about him if he was to find a way out of this mysterious and unsettling place.