
My MILF Harem (My MILF harem is too strong)

Don't read this now, REWRTING the whole story. Recent development [0/58 chapters] I am the son of a remarkable hero, a legacy that has bestowed upon me great wealth, honor, and the opportunity to marry the most sought-after princess in the land. Unfortunately, my personal shortcomings led to the end of our engagement. However, in a bold move, I beseeched the king for a second chance at love and asked to marry both the current queen and the elder princess. With this new arrangement, I began my journey to happiness, eager to start anew with my beloved wives. Little did I know, fate had other plans for me. As I navigated through the politics of this world, I found myself enmeshed in a web of intrigue and deception, all the while striving to protect and support my loved ones. But despite the challenges that lay ahead, I remained steadfast in my resolve to carve out a bright and fulfilling future for myself and those closest to me.

Universe_X · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Maya's decision

As Alex emerges from Linda's room, his face is filled with disappointment. He had hoped that Linda would accept his proposal, but his dreams were shattered. With very little hope left, he trudges toward Maya's room, knowing deep down that she is too uptight to fall for him. Lost in thought, Alex approaches Maya's room without even realizing it. He hesitates for a moment, contemplating whether he should turn back and leave with Linda. However, he can't shake the feeling that Maya might get angry with him for leaving. He knows from experience that her wrath is worse than that of the demon king. Just as he's about to turn and run, his inner voice speaks up, reminding him that he can't run away from his problems. He argues with his inner voice, but eventually, it convinces him that he needs to confess his feelings to Maya. Filled with newfound determination, Alex bursts through the door and calls out for Maya. Unfortunately, she's in the middle of changing her clothes, and her bra is loosely hooked. As soon as Alex barges in, her bra drops, revealing her ample and beautiful breasts. Shocked and scared, Maya lashes out with a Superman punch that knocks Alex out cold.


Alex stirred awake, feeling the softness of Maya's limbs wrapped around him. But to his surprise, she was weeping. Gently disentangling himself, he apologized for barging in unannounced, while Maya reciprocated with her own apologies for knocking him out. With curiosity piqued Maya probed Alex for the reason behind his visit. Initially evasive, Alex eventually relented and revealed everything about the meeting with the king, Linda's decision, and the events that had transpired. Maya was silent for a moment before she asked him a crucial question: "Do you want me to be your wife, or just like how my mom accompanied you?"

Alex hesitated, determined not to push Maya into any situation that might make her feel uneasy. He took a deep breath, allowing his thoughts to drift back to the very moment they met, reliving every memory that had since transpired. He was acutely aware of the connection that had grown between them, the way their interactions had slowly evolved into something deeper and more meaningful. With each passing moment, Alex's heart grew more certain that Maya was the one for him. But for now, he simply stood there, content to bask in the warmth of their shared history,

Eventually, he gathered the courage to confess his true feelings, "I love you, not as a family member, but as a woman, and I want you to be my wife. However, if you don't feel the same way, you don't have to accompany me."

Maya stepped closer, and Alex braced himself, expecting a rebuke. Instead, she reached out and hugged him tightly, her words ringing in his ears, "I love you too." Overwhelmed with joy, Alex couldn't believe his confession had been accepted. He was simultaneously happy and shocked.

-To be continued

(The upcoming chapter will take you on a captivating journey through a delightful side story, revealing how Maya's heart becomes entangled with Alex's. As you turn the pages, you'll be swept away by the intricate details of their blossoming love story.)