
My MILF Harem (My MILF harem is too strong)

Don't read this now, REWRTING the whole story. Recent development [0/58 chapters] I am the son of a remarkable hero, a legacy that has bestowed upon me great wealth, honor, and the opportunity to marry the most sought-after princess in the land. Unfortunately, my personal shortcomings led to the end of our engagement. However, in a bold move, I beseeched the king for a second chance at love and asked to marry both the current queen and the elder princess. With this new arrangement, I began my journey to happiness, eager to start anew with my beloved wives. Little did I know, fate had other plans for me. As I navigated through the politics of this world, I found myself enmeshed in a web of intrigue and deception, all the while striving to protect and support my loved ones. But despite the challenges that lay ahead, I remained steadfast in my resolve to carve out a bright and fulfilling future for myself and those closest to me.

Universe_X · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Anna's Reunion

As Anna begins to recount her tale, tears start to stream down her face, halting her words. Maya is quick to offer her a comforting embrace, allowing Anna to lean into her shoulder as she lets out her pent-up emotions. Though Alex and the rest of the group are eager to hear what has caused Anna such distress, they can sense the gravity of the situation and choose to give her space to compose herself. Eventually, Anna's sobs quieten and she grows weary from the emotional strain, prompting Maya to lead her to a cozy bed where she can rest. As Anna drifts off to sleep, the others are left with a somber air, reflecting on the depth of their friend's pain.

As time passed, Anna drifted off to sleep, leaving the others on edge with anticipation for what would come next. Abruptly, Linda - who had been patiently awaiting her turn in the spotlight - rose from her seat and addressed the group. "There's a way we can keep the story going," she declared. Alex and Maya immediately shifted their focus from Anna to Linda, eager to hear what she had to say. "We could use the memory reader spell," Linda explained, "It allows us to see into any person's memories. " (But be warned, it's an extremely powerful spell. If the user isn't skilled in controlling the magic, the spell can backfire and the user can become trapped in the dream world, losing touch with reality.)

Alex and Maya wore expressions of disapproval, but their protestations were futile as Linda had already begun to weave her spell. As she uttered the incantation, a mystical force began to emanate from her hands. Linda's voice rang out confidently, "Oh, Mother of all things, grant me the power to see a complete truth, the past of all things."

As Linda finished chanting the spell, a bright flash of light erupted from Anna's body, and a shimmering screen materialized before them, displaying Anna's past. The scene depicted Anna standing at the entrance of a grand room, her eyes fixed upon her mother. Overcome with emotion, she burst into tears, muttering incredulously, "It...it can't be real." On one hand, she was ecstatic to witness her mother's return, but on the other hand, she couldn't help but wonder if it was an illusion and whether she was actually in this situation.

As she starts to make her way toward her mother, Anna can't help but notice the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she sleeps. Her mother's peaceful expression brings a sense of comfort to Anna's heart, but she knows that she must wake her up. As she approaches, she notices the soft lines that have formed on her mother's face over the years, but they only add to her beauty.

Suddenly, Alex's voice breaks the silence, drawing attention away from Anna and her mother. "How is that possible?" he exclaims loudly, causing Maya and the others to turn their heads toward him. Confused, Maya asks what he means, and Alex responds with an inappropriate comment about Anna's mother's appearance. Maya is furious and demands that he stop talking.

Meanwhile, Anna is beginning to come to terms with the situation and gains a renewed sense of strength. She gently shakes her mother, who stirs from her sleep, muttering words of confusion. Slowly but surely, she opens her eyes and sits up, rubbing the sleep from them. "My Lord, you arrived early," she mumbles, still disoriented from her nap.

Despite being older, the woman appears to be the same age as her daughter. She has a curvaceous figure, accentuated by her large breasts, and a full mouth. The alluring scent of her perfume permeates the air, drawing attention to her presence. When she catches a glimpse of Anna for the first time, her initial reaction is to scream "Monster, hel..." but Anna quickly moves to cover her mother's mouth and reassures her, "Relax, Mom, it's me, Anna." Unfortunately, the scream has already caught the attention of the nearby soldiers, who begin to make their way toward the room.

- To be continued.

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Nothing much, just another chapter.

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