

From the roof of the 69 story building, I look down to the world screaming, "Jump!" My vision blurs and I squint trying to focus. Once that first tear escaped, the rest followed in a stream of emotion. I back away from the edge, dropping to my knees and hugging myself. Why does life have to hurt, why do relationships have to end in pain? I lean forward on my hands and knees, pressing my palms into the concrete tiles. My sniffles are loud and my screams louder. I hear the tapping of his steps and I want to get up and jump. I need to get up and jump, he killed them. He killed my family! I cry out in pain, pain from my heart. As it tightens more and more with grief. He walks by my side and kneels down. He puts an arm around my shoulder and I bury my face into his chest. How will I ever escape this? I love him. Yet, he killed the only people I lived for.