

Once again he found himself naked after he deactivated inferno clypeus.

"I need to develop a fire proof clothing next time if I want to keep my private parts covered in the future. This black flame armor is useful but leaves me naked every time." Jurion looked at his nude body.

"A good piece, I will take this with me." He found a sword and a small buckler.

Upon inspecting the battleground, he killed some of the enemies that are still alive and put the pitiful captives out of their misery.

"These creatures are truly getting in my nerves.

The way they treated their captives are brutal." A frown formed on his face. "I'm sorry gals, I wish you haven't suffered this kind if treatment."

Pow! Pow! Pow!

The captives died.

Jurion made an improvised bag from the ragged clothes of the goblins and collected all the materials that he found in the giant room such as jewelries, shiny yellowish bars, coins and utensils. Some blue, red and white gems that glimmered.

There are no more room or pathways to explore further so he concluded that this is a dead end.

He tracked his way back to the main entrance carrying 2 full bags of loot.

It only took him 15 minutes of running to reach the entrance due to his increased speed and agility.

While on the run he carefully inspected all of the rooms in case he missed something and stayed cautious of surprise attacks.

He stashed the loot he found in one of the empty captive rooms and proceeded to the next area.

He swept clean through the maze like cave patterns killing about a couple thousands of goblins and cleaning the breeding grounds.

More captives from other races was also put out of their afflictions.

He found another dead end but this time there's no big room like the previous one, also no treasures found.

He went in his way back to the main entrance and proceeded on the center passage.

At the center pathway, less enemies was located but he found stronger enemies, mostly hobgoblins fucking women from other races in small rooms.

At the end of the tunnel he found an exaggeratedly huge room, two times more bigger than the previous room where he found the goblin orgy.

This time there are no captives but full of hobgoblins each holding weapons and shields about 500 of them. They looked stronger, more muscular and taller from his previous encounters.

Mysterious rooms can also be seen in each wall heavily guarded by patrolling hobgoblins.

Upon pondering a moment Jurion decided not to attack yet.

[I think this is their main hideout. And this fuckers seemed a lot stronger than the others. I might get in trouble if I don't take precautions. I need to increase my attack and defense first before I dive in here.]

He turned his back and go all the way to the main entrance again. This time he ventured on the right side.

At the end of the tunnel, another huge room was found with captives being raped by numerous goblins.

With Jurion's increased status he easily cleared the area in about 30 minutes or so. This time he did not found any treasures or any good equipment. All in all he killed about 4567 goblins in the room and along the pathway.

2000 points was allocated in Wrath.


Physical and Magical attacks increased!

2000 points in Envy.


Speed, agility and dexterity increased.

500 in Sloth. Giving him a recovery rate of 28 Lust Energy per second.

Once again his senses were heightened and felt his body more powerful than before.

"I think this is more than enough to kill all of the hobgoblins in that room."

He traced his way back on the center passageway and arrived at the entrance of the massive room.

He activated Inferno Clypeus and his black flame armor evaporated any goblin blood on his body leaving his entire body clean, a flame shower if you will.

Taking a deep breath he conjured a fire grenade and shoot the nearest hobgoblin.



Its head was shattered into pieces.

"Huh?" The nearby goblins got confused looking at the headless corpse of their comrade and suddenly.

"Yaaaahhhhh!" All of the goblins run towards the entrance.

Pow! Pow! Pow!


"Argh!" Goblins screamed.

Smoke filled the room, the ground shook, a group of huge goblins running.

Pow! Pow! Pow!


Pow! Pow! Pow!


Like a mad man, Jurion bombarded the incoming goblins with all his might.

Goblins begun to emerge on the smoke.



A goblin jumped and fell at his location.

The ground cracked and sent a shockwave.

Jurion jump to his right evading the goblin, but was slightly outbalanced due to the mini earthquake.

He regained his footing a second later and starts shooting fire bullets rapidly.

Shockwave detected...

Developing a resistance...

Shockwave resistance 1%...

Pow! Pow! Pow!


The goblin fell on the ground with numerous wounds on its body.




Three more goblins flew and landed in the ground at Jurion's location, again causing mini earthquakes.

As soon as they landed they spun with their hands stretched together with hammers.

Wob! Wob! Wob!

Three goblins spinning coming towards him fast.

He ran away from them.

Pow! Pow! Pow!


He fired at the spinning goblins and they were covered in smokes.

More goblins flew in the air and started landing one after the other attacking Jurion.

-10 Gluttony!

-10 Gluttony!

-10 Gluttony!

-10 Gluttony!

Jurion was stunned due to these attacks.

"Argh! Shit!" He forced his legs to move and run away from them.


-10 Gluttony!

Pow! Pow! Pow!


Fire bullets scattered on the air and fire grenades exploded one after the other.

2 hours later, Jurion gasped he managed to kill of the hobgoblins by hitting and running.

His sword got broken many times but replaced it with another. His buckler destroyed.

Quest complete!

Level up!

You've Unlocked a Skill!

Rapid fire bullets shoot 5 bullets at the same time. Cost: 5 Lust energy per second.

[Nice! Another attack skill!]

You've Unlocked a Building!

Attack tower shoots nearby enemies in a 100 meter radius with magical energy.

[Attack towers?]

Goblin Gene 100%

Dick Evolution acquired!

Goblin Dick: gives you the ability to cum multiple times in a row whenever you want.

Jurion felt his dick become warm, he looked down, his eyes was mesmerized by a slight yellowish gleam. His dragon slowly got up, the room illuminated by the bright radiance of his cock.

"What? My dick evolved?"

[What the hell is this? This is awesome! An ability to cum multiple times? Haha! I wonder how much is multiple times? Well see about it later.]

His meat pole got limped once again returning to its unaroused state, the light around it disappeared.

"Now lets see what they are guarding."

He entered one of the rooms and found a pregnant female goblin lying on the floor, it was weak and skinny. Unable to move or utter a sound.

"Really? Even their females are like this. What a way to carry a baby. It is like carrying a parasite inside your body. The babies not only take nutrients from their mothers but they eat their organs too once they get out. Such a mess." A deep line formed on his forehead. "Oh what's this?"

A small trinket at the corner of the room.

Jurion approached it and opened it. His eyes wide open in shock, shiny stones, coins and jewelries!

"Jackpot!" He exclaimed.

He stood up and carried the trinket.

But Before leaving the room, he faced the female goblin on the ground.


A fire bullet through the head!


A rapid fire bullet to her belly.

Jurion placed the trinket on the floor outside the room. Then he went through all of the 30 rooms and found the same scenario.

"Marcelin will be happy for this." Jurion whispered.

Jurion went back to the main entrance where he stashed his previous loots and returned to the center where the trinkets are found.

He made more improvised sacks made out of the clothes found in goblins dead bodies and put all the plunder inside.

A total of 15 small bags full of riches were recovered from the cave exploration.

Jurion piled the loot on top of each other, he held it with both hands and he teleported back to hell along with the treasures.

In the main assembly point in the castle, Jurion manifested with the loots. He carried all of it to the 49th floor and stacked in one room.

It took him 7 times going up and down until he finished storing all of it.

Then on the last trip he took 3 bags with him and went in the throne room.

Marcelin was playing with her phone and heard steps coming from the stairs. A familiar figure appeared carrying three bags on his back.

"Hey! How's the trip?" Marcelin asked.

"Very well." Jurion with a grin, he dropped the bags on the floor and opened it revealing the contents.

Marcelin approached the bags and curiously took 1 small coin on her palm, then she noticed a gem shining in white color.

"Gold! Diamonds! Yehey! Hahahah!" She screamed in joy.

"I got 12 more bags like this in one of the rooms in 49th floor. Do you think we can sell them?" Jurion smiled.

"Yes! Of course! This will make us rich! Hahaha!"

"Really? Great! Hahaha!"

Marcelin hugged Jurion, her hands full of jewelries and golds.

Shockwave Resistance 100%, reduce damage from shockwaves to half.

Daily Quest:

Make Marcelin orgasm 3 times today!

Main Quest:

Slay 500 orcs.

Rewards. 6400 Exp, Portal Stamp.