
My Measurement: The Villain Desires a Satisfying Payback

Taking place within a world of Measurements―superpowers owned from birth, with most being absolute trash. A world involving numerous secret organisations looking to take advantage of those rare and remarkable few possessing exceptional powers. When there exists Forbidden Knowledge better left unknown. When the discovery of said knowledge results in the inevitable; a world-ending catastrophe. ‘Ignorance is bliss.’ Fighting against the unrelenting persistence of the one who knows all. Before the tragic fate of the world repeats itself once more. ―He must be stopped. ===== Finished. New Community Discord : https://discord.gg/e5UEkYsAAv New Work Coming Soon

Ted_ · Urban
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194 Chs

Chapter 6: Anticlimactic Main Event

It was about a minute until I spotted a satisfactory passerby chat message to answer.

"Oh, let's go with this one. 'You said there'd be a thunderstorm tonight. How many times will lightning strike?' That's good. You can clip this and see later if I'm correct, right? Well, the answer is 36 times."

I grinned.

"Make sure to count properly, now."

And then, the final round five began.

I call it final because we're running out of time for the game, so I'm just going to end it now. 

I contemplated letting Minami win some to make it interesting, but other than having nothing to gain from it, there really wouldn't be enough time.

And thus, with a quick―



""Scissors-- Shoot!""

The round swiftly ended in my victory. 

Minami seemed to have resigned herself to this outcome a while ago seeing as how she stopped complaining.

"It was a good match. A shame you couldn't win even a single round, but well. Next time, we can play with the same or different stakes if you'd like?"

So I said, but I had no intention of playing this game ever again.

"...Whatever the case, Truthseeker, I do hope you are proud of yourself. Taking advantage of a vulnerable woman like this. It certainly won't look good on your record."

"Hm? Minami, we are going to be working together, correct? I'd watch your tongue if I were you, or you might just lose it instead. I'll tell you what my order is for you losing the game later, but don't worry, it won't be anything too bad."

Because that guy obtained a new organisation and is coming after me again, I need a secure place to stay that won't run the risk of getting raided, as well as capital to fund my operations.

Now then. 

I checked the time on my smartphone.



"So, for the final fact. It's actually something that can be proven right in a moment, so you'll see that my claims are not phoney."

Noticing a wriggle in Minami's eyebrows for a second in my peripheral view, I decided to ignore it and continue.

"When the clock strikes 7:30, all four of these helicopters will suddenly blow up; and a troupe of dangerous assailants will emerge."


I casually put my smartphone back inside my coat pocket, and not long after that...


Exactly like I had just said, all four of the helicopters in the sky simultaneously exploded and began violently crashing to the ground far below and into the side of Mochitou.


Subsequently, a horde of wild masked terrorists appeared from the side of the tower.

All of Minami's bodyguards collapsed dead on the floor, surrounded by a sea of fresh blood before she even realised it. Unexpectedly, she then scrambled to take cover behind me, clutching my coat tightly like a child to their guardian.

There appeared to be six of them this time, and the culprit was the Order as expected.

Which one is the leader of the group? I'm guessing it's the guy with that special insignia on the chest, right?


I see. Then, let's cut to the chase.



"What the hell--"

Thud, thud, thud―one by one, the terrorists' bodies fell helplessly to the floor.

They held guns, which appeared useless as they couldn't even realise what was happening to them, but I knew they wouldn't dare to shoot me either way.

They couldn't damage the precious "item" they wanted to get their hands on, after all. 

If they did, even if it were to save their lives from my attack, it would only postpone the inevitable. In reality, I can't imagine the higher-ups would allow grunts like these to get away scot-free if they somehow managed to kill me, and the new head especially so.

From what I recall, that guy's always been obsessed with me, after all.

The masked grunts had no choice but to flail around worse than a fish on land as they fell. They were powerless as I culled them until eventually, only one of them remained; the captain of these fools.

The truth of how I killed them so effortlessly was simply a few razor-sharp wires I had installed even before Minami had arrived; I manipulated them like the strings of a puppet to sever their throats.

It took a while to learn how to do it, but it was rather satisfying when it went smoothly.


Shrugging off Minami from my coat, I adjusted the camera to make sure it could properly capture everything and walked slowly over to the stranger, who was now begging on their knees.

"Well, isn't this a shame?"

Lightly gesturing to the corpses around me, I spoke to the captain. 

"What'll you do when questioned about your mission's failure? Team Leader."

Tearing off the protective headgear and black balaclava they wore, the leader turned out to be a woman.

"I'm so-sorry, I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry...! It won't-- It won't happen aga-- again, pl-- so please..." 

So she pleaded. Fortunately for her, I wasn't ruthless.

"Hey, don't apologise. I just asked you a question, right? But, isn't it considered rude to ignore when someone kindly asks you something?"

"Ye-ye-yes! I-I-I-I'm ter-terribly sorry...!"

...This was a person who led a squad of grunts to come and capture me with guns?

Did she even have any training whatsoever?


Ah... Well, it makes sense why they were so useless, at least. I guess the Order is a little tight on funding if they can't afford training, or maybe they just don't care?

Pressing her forehead on the floor at my feet, I briefly wondered if she thought this pitiful showing would garner her any sympathy.


I sighed with an exaggerated tone, but it truly was exasperating.

Pulling out a pistol, I crouched down and lightly tapped her twice on the head with the end of the suppressor, causing her to reflexively look up in shock.

Before she could say anything though, my voice echoed from behind the mask.

"Listen," I started in a subdued tone. "If you ignore me again, or try too hard to get on my good side, this friend will want to have a word with you. And, let's be honest; neither of you guys want to speak to each other, do you? We all want to get along here."

Seeing her lachrymose eyes following the waving motion of my hand holding the weapon, I think she understood well enough as she desperately rocked her head back and forth.


"Right? That's why..."

But just to drive the point home and ensure that she truly understood, I leaned closer and whispered into her ear.

"If you do any of this pity-play nonsense in front of me again... Well."

Withdrawing back, I looked at her expression and smiled a last time.

"I'm sure you understand?"

Hearing that, all kinds of thoughts must have passed through her mind―it was obvious what kinds of thoughts without even having to ask. Her constant shivering that resembled a trapped mouse in front of its inexorable predator.

Immediately after that, however, she fainted. Right on my feet.


Standing back up, I lightly shook her off and sighed. It was evident this woman knew absolutely nothing, and she had zero value to me or the Order.

If she were to return to the Order, she would likely be killed for failing in her mission, but she also wouldn't be able to live a normal life.

Perhaps, it would be nice to end it before she goes through that suffering.

I raised the barrel of a gun to bestow a final mercy when...


A cry echoed behind me.


I tilted my head and turned back. 

"Do you need something?"

"I... I implore you, Truthseeker. Don't kill that person."

"What? You're saying to keep an evil person like this, who led a squad of armed men to assault us here, alive?"

Now that just made no sense to me at all. Even if I were to keep her alive, she would be killed by the Order anyway, and in a much more brutal fashion than this.

Staring at me with impassioned eyes, however, Minami disclosed something rather unexpected.

"I'm going to employ her. Truthseeker, you are aware of my blessing―this girl will help make me a lot of money.


Is that right? It sounded like an excuse to stop me more than anything.

「Yes; Minami Mochizuki will gain profits if this person is hired as her assistant」

"Put her to good use."

She then started to bow, but that didn't mean anything.

The two of us swapped positions―Minami kneeling down by the girl's body and I back in the centre of the rooftop. Having made my way back to the camera, I confirmed the time to now be about 8pm.

These guys' attack was supposed to be the main event of today's show, but I can't help but feel it was a little lacklustre.

Two hours remained until the attempt on my life would be made, and of course I was all well and prepared for it, but it'd be a bit dull to just wait, don't you think?

Suddenly hearing something behind me, a shriek followed.



The scene reflected in my eyes as I turned around almost caused me to sigh.

A beefy, ogre-like man of abnormal stature stood, holding Minami in a chokehold from behind, and pointing a Ka-bar knife to her throat.

"Don't move! Take one step and she's dead!"


Minami... How could you let yourself be taken hostage like this?