
My Measurement: The Villain Desires a Satisfying Payback

Taking place within a world of Measurements―superpowers owned from birth, with most being absolute trash. A world involving numerous secret organisations looking to take advantage of those rare and remarkable few possessing exceptional powers. When there exists Forbidden Knowledge better left unknown. When the discovery of said knowledge results in the inevitable; a world-ending catastrophe. ‘Ignorance is bliss.’ Fighting against the unrelenting persistence of the one who knows all. Before the tragic fate of the world repeats itself once more. ―He must be stopped. ===== Finished. New Community Discord : https://discord.gg/e5UEkYsAAv If you're interested, feel free to check out my other ongoing work here: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/71331/apostle-of-sin-overhaul

Ted_ · Urban
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194 Chs

Afterstory: The World Does Not Stop Moving Just Because A Single Person's Story Is Now Over (3)

As we were wrapped up in our own, self-deprecating thoughts, ignoring the World Tree's warmth as something foreign―something we didn't deserve―she spoke to us in a considerate, yet stern manner.

[Poor girls... Come, open your eyes. This weight on your shoulders is not for you to bear, nor should your hearts be wrenched open by such turbulency of fate.]

[Pitiful twins... Come, open your eyes and see. A responsibility of the world is not for children like you to claim, and it is not for the world's wretchedness that you endure, but your own fear.]

[Forego wasting away your time wallowing in remorse for an irreversible decision.]

[Forego those glum, teary nights of rueing that day away, endlessly wishing to change something that was never within reach of your control to begin with.]

[Now, young twins, come and open your eyes. Let that toxic longing be washed away. Allow the minds, hearts and souls he fostered to flourish as was originally intended.]