

Oliva's  POV

I woke up from the unpleasant sound coming from my alarm clock, who the fuck uses a  crashing sound as their alarm ringing tone

I had no choice but to wake up even if my eyes are still heavy.... i sluggishly stood up from my bed and stood in front of the mirror looking at my messed up self and scattered room from behind i looked at my self in the mirror with my long blond hair in my mouth then i muttered something to my self " you sexy bitch" i said putting my hands on my waist and tossing sideways and smiling to my self and shinning my sparkling white teeth ... before i could finish admiring my self i heard my name from downstairs and it was definitely my mom " OlIVIA come down stairs and stop looking at the mirror" "am coming mom" still looking at the mirror and not even moving an inch from the mirror... yeah i was fond of looking at the mirror and admire my self I don't know why but I just love it.

I took my phone from the lamp table and checked the time "WTF am late" i said leaving the mirror stand and dived into the bathroom i was lucky i did not fall... immediately i was done i went to my wardrobe and scattered my  whole clothes...after scattering for a while i came across my pink crop top and bumshot, I quickly put them on and and wore my new snickers I parked my hair in ponytail and hurried downstairs to meet my family at the table all waiting for me looking as if I offended them in their sleep, the stares and glaring was too much" am sorry guys" i said sitting close to my mom who was standing  and taking a slice of bread from the table and spreading some orange jam on to taste... i love orange jam, after their eyes followed me to the table my mom finally spoke "young lady do u know how much time u have wasted" she said putting her hands on her waste..."am sorry mom" i said faking a smile

After was done looking at me she sat down close to my dad as they ate their food" Olivia's 18th birthday is fast approaching and u know what that means she said with a little frown on her face same with my dad.. it was finally getting on my nerves and i was like " mom, dad"they answered in chorus facing me " yes" " my birthday is suppose to be an happy event why are u guys sad" " no my darling" my mom said leaving her chair and sat close to me touching my face and patting my hair... i felt something was wrong but i did not know what it is " we are happy that u will be turning 18"my mom continued, faking a smile, i knew it was fake but i just had to believe it "awwnn my baby will be an adult in two days time" my dad said with a smile showing his perfect set of teeth "TWO DAYS TIME!!!" I shouted with my hands on my mouth so I won't make any other sound "yes baby your birthday is in two days time don't tell me you forgot again" i mom said giving me that her "you forgot again look" it was annoying tho but seriously i forgot my own birthday again... at least its in two days i did not forget it on that day like last year I remembered my birthday after it has passed with two days it was hell for me ...i might be rich but the only thing i don't have is friends.. i have always been a loner from elementary school,so nobody to remind  me about my birthday,my parents were out of town and didn't remember until they came back which was like 3weeks later...they bought me gifts though... so am surprised that they are talking about a birthday party for me knowing fully well that i have no friend,anyways i cared less about it.... i was about going upstairs after finishing my breakfast then i heard my father shouting behind me "young lady where are you going to"dad am going upstairs" "we are going out for your birthday shopping" my mom said smiling sheepishly..at first it was awkward because i did not know when last i went shopping but i got really excited as i jumped happily out of the house going to the car park.


i sat at the back of the car with my phone on my hands and my earpiece plugged to my phone and connected to my ear. i played my favorite music 'KIND LOVING BY REYBIL' he is a Nigeria singer but his vibes and style of music is 'EPIC' ...i nodded to the lyrics of the music as my dad drove out of the house...30 minutes later we arrived at a big mall, i got down from the car and held my mom and dad then we walked through the big door of the mall....we went to the second flour which was for the ladies.. i selected few clothes, bags and shoes jewelries and makeups after that we went to the counter after the girl in  charge checked my clothes "$7000" she said with a smile my dad smiled back  and paid with his card"have a nice day" the pretty lady said behind us...we left and went to where the car was parked..as we entered the car we  drove off...i continued with my music as i heard a loud crashing noise, i didn't event have the time to remove my earpiece all i know was that i was upside down like our car must have tumbled ..i didn't even have time to cry all i know what that i was shouting" mom, mom, dad"but they didn't move after the car crashed finally i heard people shouting "call the ambulance!,  call the ambulance" but i couldn't see anything because i was already feeling unconscious but before i blacked out completely i saw someone coming out of the crowds towards me, he pulled me out of the car, all i heard was are u OK?? then i blacked out completely....