
My mate is an ultra alpha

"your my mate ,no one is allowed to see or touch you ".he growled "Don't think that ,your are nothing to me ".she answered ignorantly . With a swift move he pulled her into his arms and kissed her forcing her to react to his kiss To stop him she bit his lower lips causing to bleed.....

nobodys_angel · General
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68 Chs

Prince charming

' okay you both shut up '. Williams blocked them and started to drive to near by food court.

Sara was still busy in her phone but this she was talking to her father's beta who was incharge while they are away.

("I have solved it but what about company)

don't worry ,I have already completed the work "I will send it before tomorrow morning ".

(there is a biding for properties ,I think it will serve good spot for our resort )

"Sam will be there before bidding ".

meanwhile Williams opened the door she got out ,while talking she closely inspected her surrounding .

" max I will call you later in the evening,help you what to do next .bye"

she ended the call but her ears perked when she heard the comments about Williams who was walking beside her .

[look he is so handsome ,I would die to get his number]..

[ is he Prince charming ,I love his body .look at those arms I would love awake in them every morning]

Sara was burning due to comment they reached a food court where Williams stood in queue to order ,he was oblivious to his surroundings. even the order receiving girl was talking to seductively.

it was enough for Sara to control.

"having here or take away sir".she winked at Williams .

"take away ".words came out like a low growl from .

Williams snapped out by her behaviour.

' what happened to her,is she feeling uneasy ??'.williams asked in his mind .

'idiot ,I think our mate is jealous .now stop flirting with that bitch ,and concentrate on mate '.

last word was again chorus .

Williams was happy because he came to know that Sara was jealous .he just took a look at her, her cheeks were already tinted red .which showed she was getting angry ,it was making him barely control himself .

he took the food package and dragged Sara along with him to the car he just opened the door and pushed Sara in the back seat and got in closing the door.

they constantly looked each other before Williams started to kiss her ,but it was roughly her hands hooked his neck and running her fingers through his hairs.

this aroused him a lot ,his hands were traveling inside her top touching and giving her tingling sensation all over her back.

a soft moan escaped from her lips between the kiss ,Sara was lacking air in her lungs .

Sara pushed him giving all her force ,to take breath, still gasping but Williams hands were still roaming around her back , he stopped at the clasp of her bra .he was stoped before unhooking it .

"not now Williams ,please control yourself ", Wolfie was letrally growling at Sara for stopping Williams but jaggie supported her .

his breath were heavy ,she could feel his hot breath near her neck, "how can you control yourself like this every time ".he whispered near her ears huskily .

he pulled his face in front and pecked his lips " I have a lot of self-control".

she replied ....

they laid there hugging for a while .

"okay we can go further at home ,now have something ,you said you were hungry...."

before ending his words Sara stomach growled in hunger .he quickly got up and handed her food package indicating to eat .

she opened it and it was double cheeseburger .which she munched but some melted cheese cripted out of in the corner of her lips . Williams once again was struggling to control .he simply sucked her lips were cheese was dripping out it made Sara to become still,Sara was still looking at him .

Williams licked his lips giving a seductively smirk ,which Sara clearly noticed .

"Williams you should stop seducing me".

Sara rolled her eyes .

"I am seducing my mate not other girl ,so what my mistake??".

Sara smirked and said nothing after having her burger they got out of back seat and moved to front and started their way to home.

hello readers

I want to know what my dear readers think about our female lead and male lead.

please neglecte spelling mistakes for you poor author

any suggestions and questions are ,I will answer

as for the mass release ,I am slow in typing.so it will take time sorry for that

please keep supporting me by

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