
My mate is an ultra alpha

"your my mate ,no one is allowed to see or touch you ".he growled "Don't think that ,your are nothing to me ".she answered ignorantly . With a swift move he pulled her into his arms and kissed her forcing her to react to his kiss To stop him she bit his lower lips causing to bleed.....

nobodys_angel · General
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68 Chs

make her mine

William's caught sara before she touched the ground.

there was a fear in Williams face .

"mate get up ,what happened to you?,

please wake up mate..."

every one can feel the fear and sadness in William's face and tone.

"alpha she is tired ,let me take her to,her room so that she could rest ".jake said and moving to take sara from Williams but he was stopped by a loud growl.

rose stopped jake from further doing.

this caused many questions and confusion in alpha demain .

luna Jenny tried to coax her son to take sara to her room .but he was not all ready, "at least take her to your room she needs rest".without hesitation Williams carried her in princess style. and took her to his room and laid her on the bed and tucked her,

he laid beside her spooning her.

every one was busy in cleaning the mess after fight .

rose was sitting in front of jake and James.

alpha and luna left them to talk ,luna jenny was so happy and excited because her children found their mate .but she was some what hesitating about Rose's mates ,because one is vampire and one is werewolf will she accept them or reject them ?.

same question was scareing james ...

"mate will you accept us ?".james asked as if he was going to cry tears were already tucked in the corner of his eyes.

rose was scared to see him like this .she got up hugged james without hesitation ,"who said I am going to reject you,any who is in this world who can reject such a cute mate".

this made both of them to smile."I though you will reject me because of me being a vampire ".

"what ever you are I don't care because your my mate".

this is what happening in living room where as in bed room . sara snuggled close to Williams who hugged as is she will disappear into thin air.

he was half naked ,her face was buried in his chest. her breathing and heart rhythm was calming him .he slowly drifted into sleep.

at this time some one far away was casting spell upon spell one crystal orb which was showing the pack house but was failing to evade inside ,which was literally making him frustrated. he picked up the near object and smashed it .

"sara your mine ,just wait for a little. I will make sure you will be in my arms ,in my bed ,no one is going to take you away from me".....

"master ,warlock Elijah is here and asking for your presence ".

"make him to wait in the meeting chamber, I will be there in a few ".

"as you command master".

the servant reached the room and relied the words from his master,the man looked as if he is thirty years old ,with a bald ,black eyes and thin mustache. and straight nose thin lips.

he just moved to the meeting chamber.after few minutes a person entered and sat in the dark part of the room .

"until when I should wait to get my throne"....

"wait for little more".

thank you for waiting keep supporting me with your comments and reviews

thank you

nobodys_angelcreators' thoughts